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Do u believe in aliens?!?!?
Aliens? Yes.
UFO? No.

Alien life forms are likely.
I know I can't convince you but as someone who's been following the subject for about 10 years I have seen enough credible evidence from highly credible high ranking officials to know the phenomenon is 100% real. I don't think anyone who's been actively involved in the UFO community for such a long time has any doubt that aliens are visiting us.
i am an laien
Spend 10 years on r/UFOs even the most hardcore critics will be convinced. People who try to debunk the truth are not critics. They're narrow minded stupid denialists and they're pieces of shit.
Life is everywhere in the universe. It always evolves into intelligent civilizations given the right circumstances. If only one civilization in the universe managed to evolve for millions of years their technology will be so advanced it's indistinguishable from magic. We know this technology exists. We have recovered and retrofitted these crashed craft and recovered non human pilots.
This is the wrong place to ask if UFOs are real. Ask Dr Garry Nolan, David Grusch, Steven Greer, Ross Coulthart, Bob Lazar, Jeremy Corbell and the countless first hand witnesses working in these black reverse engineering programs they have interviewed. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR UNINFORMED OPINION
Alien life forms are more than likely. Civilizations that have evolved for millions of years, delevoped free energy, warp drives, telepathy and genetic engineering are visited us are more than likely and we've been witnessing these things in our skies since the beginning of mankind. We would have free energy by now if national governments weren't covering this up.
Also if intelligent aliens are real they need two legs with knees to walk, two arms with hands and fingers to do shit, all animals are symmetrical. Two eyes, two ears. A mouth to drink food, a nose to breathe while keeping their mouth closed, a digestive system, feet, toes to balance, a brain in their head because where else would you put it. They need to be capable of free movement to create an advanced civilization. If intelligent civilizations evolved on another planet they would still look exactly like us for the most part. At least I can't imagine another design of a life form that would be more efficient.
no I believe earth is the center of the universe and reality and that god did not make any aliens.
Our body was designed through evolution to meet the design requirements for an advanced civilization. Grey aliens are a reflection of ourselves from the future. We'll become more intelligent, weaker and smaller to preserve energy, capable of telepathy, communistic, no teeth because we have liquid nutrition, we stop wasting resources, no more mindless consumption of food, there is one world government, one language that is telepathy, there is one single food product, one single company that owns all companies, all houses look the same, there are no rural areas, everyone is equal and the same and indistinguishable.
i believe there's a 0.00% chance extraterrestrials have ever visited earth, in the form of life or things they've created

i believe there's almost no chance intelligent life has ever been created anywhere in the universe, as of now, besides on earth

i believe there's maybe a 1% chance non-intelligent life has been created somewhere in the universe at some point
We are currently wasting all resources on the planet without investing anything in good causes. When climate change happens there will be a mass extinction and extreme lack of resources so we will put our differences behind and become more mindful of our actions and the way we invest our ressourses. There will be no wealthy people. Everyone will get the minimum of what's necessary for survival and this will propelled us forward in our evolution. Gray aliens is what we need to become to need the design requirements of a space faring civilization.
Imagine every human on earth had only water, food and shelter. There would be no rich people. All of our budget could be invested in research of new technologies and measures to save our planet. This is what we need. No more rich people. No more consumption. No more unemployment. Everyone only gets food, water and shelter.
99% of actions that humans take are destructive to the environment and wasting resources. 0% of what gray aliens to is without a good cause because they had to learn to preserve resources and focus on what truly matters which is research, world peace and saving the environment.
Aliens consume no dopamine inducing products that don't follow a good cause they are motivated purely by the need to conquer the universe .
We could populate the universe ourselves if we suddenly all woke up with an IQ of 200 and decided to burn down society as it is today to build the world we know from Startrek.
Everyone gets food, water, shelter and a job, nothing more and nothing less. All budget is invested into research and fighting climate change. There are only cities, no small towns, no cars, one world government, one language, everyone is equal, world peace. Everyone wears the same clothes. Nothing that exists is without good reason.
Y'all are beyond retarded for not caring about this subject desu. Rot in hell.
There's too much bullshit in this world. There should be one clothing brand, one type of clothing, one food brand, one pharma company, one of everything. Every city has one grocery store chain, all houses should be the same, eliminate 99% of all products on the market. There is one company that creates all electronic devices and there is one of everything. Every company has no competitor and is owned by the government.
Let's say the average human needs 50 objects to live. Then there should be 50 products produced in the world and every store should have only 50 products. One company in the world that makes 50 products. No more competition. No more economy. Everything is owned by the government. No more overconsumption became there are only 50 products to consume which are necessary for survival. This would solve all of our problems.
There's nothing worse than being exploited by a privately owned company that creates a product no one needs
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I know you heard the rumors
You must get over to it right away
If anyone can do it
You gotta get there soon, it's not okay
You got cars to drive, plenty jets to fly
When will you arrive? You're running out of time

Don't you see that everything is on the line?
So, I'm sorry, but you have to choose a side
You'll never know when it's your time to go
And where you end up in life, that's code
You can't ignore, you're spinning your life
Your watch is broken 'cause you spent all your time
It's now or never on this everything rides
Before the spinning stops, you must pick a side

Who will you be tonight? That's the question
Who will Gru be tonight? That's the question
Who will you be tonight? That's the question
Who will Gru be tonight? That's the question

Like I don't wanna get exploited by Apple to build the new iPhone. I wish there were no products to buy in this world.
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imma start watching xfiles againe
You probably think you're so cool for trying to debunk the truth about aliens because you never looked into the topic. Fucking psychos.
yes but they don’t believe in me, they’re always making me fail at life
I'll admit debunkers are based. They deny the subject without looking into it just in order to leverage their social status and be on the side of majority but the UFO phenomenon is real and if you cared about the truth you'd have to seriously look into it and study the phenomenon for at least a decade before you can have an informed opinion on the matter.
not sayin i dont believe in em i just aint seen em simple as
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i think other advanced civilizations probably exist somewhere but they are very rare and we will never meet them.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Your fortune: Good Luck
Wooow so original. Omg. It's not like literally every single fucking moron on this planet repeats this exact sentence every single time you bring up the subject
what the fuck even is this?
dond b rewd
Good boy. Good rational critic boy. Have a cookie.
give me the cookie. i need the cookie
>>ohh no not another finger job
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Here's your reward for not being a lunatic.

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