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>I know you heard the rumors you must get over to it right away

excuse me but who are you quoting?
What are the rumors?
DUDE, you can't post Mr. potato head in 2024
wtf were they thinking
Brooklyn guy has aids
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>you must get over to it right away
>I know you heard the rumors you must get over to it right away
bro's life is on the line
I know you heard the rumors
You must get over to it right away
If anyone can do it
You gotta get there soon, it's not okay
You got cars to drive, plenty jets to fly
When will you arrive? You're running out of time

Don't you see that everything is on the line?
So, I'm sorry, but you have to choose a side
You'll never know when it's your time to go
And where you end up in life, that's code )
You can't ignore, you're spinning your life
Your watch is broken 'cause you spent all your time
It's now or never on this everything rides (Side)
Before the spinning stops, you must pick a side

Who will you be tonight? That's the question
Who will Gru be tonight? That's the question
Who will you be tonight? That's the question
Who will Gru be tonight? That's the question

Your fortune: Godly Luck
what the fuck even is this
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Your fortune: Good Luck
Brooklyn guy was a real one
Big rumor is he dead
I won’t lie…….I chuckled.
It were the rumors wasn’t it?
Is this the new sml people have been talking about?

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