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why would she...why...;_;

Your fortune: Outlook good
that's literally her purpose
if i got airdropped something like this i would be super confused because i don't even use apple
The only cure for cuckolding is rape
is it cuckolding or is she just sexting proof that she's a slut to you and wants to suck you off too?
Nigger mentality.
i hump anyone that even looks at me in a slightly convincing manner

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
unfortunately anything said by you holds no weight because you are severely mentally ill LOLE
to make you leak in your cucky cage ^_^
I wanna eat her pussy :3
I hate women
me neither
my purpose is to fuck girls pussies and get them pregnant but no girl will have sex with me while everyone will have sex with girls so how is this fair
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take it

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
it makes sense if you believe in the afterlife. just think about that.
are u trying to say all of existence is hell and everything is fueled by envy and malice
women cannot go to heaven because they are all evil?

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