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We're told lots of lies in life...
Santa claus..
Tooth fairy..
Climate change..
actually climate change is real, but God is not
drugs are needed tho

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Wait the tooth fairy isnt real?
God is real doe
there is no god
no he's a bedtime story like santa to get kids to behave.. originally you were supposed to outgrow this, like with santa, but the existence of churches and cults has reaffirmed the childish believes into existence..
why do u say dat
the evidence is Santa isn't real. The evidence for God being real and Jesus Christ is overflowing in quantity
provide the evidence
at least they found Saint Nicholas' body and enough historical artifacts to prove he's real (ergo: there's currently more evidence that Santa was ever real than God)
order and design of everything, life coming from non life, moral absolutes, and love. The Bible also passes all the tests of internal consistenty, literary style, and archaeological evidence and manuscript evidence.
>order and design of everything
>life coming from non life
just because my mom is a sociopath doesn't mean she's dead inside
>moral absolutes
not a thing.. i think you're referring to ethics, which is a whole nother debate
romance is a manmade construct to rationalize our innate instincts to mate
>the Bible also passes all the tests of internal consistency
that's why there's more than 20 of them that all contradict each other? that's why there's a new testament that has nothing to do with the old testament? heck, the fucking quran is even more consistent, wtf are you on about
>literary style
translated transcripts don't count.. unless you speak the language it was originally written in, i don't wanna hear about your localized dubs which fun fact differs per country (also the english dub has bad grammar.. it needs to be rewritten ngl)
>archaeological evidence
provide the evidence.. and no, churches don't count..
>manuscript evidence
provide the evidence.. and no, the old testament doesn't count

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