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File: 5365356722.jpg (548 KB, 1128x1080)
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548 KB JPG
Get out of new york today or you're zoomer trash.
File: loojk_2.png (226 KB, 920x467)
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226 KB PNG
why won't you die already old man
White people party at the skate park, but BLACK people party at the grocery store

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unchecked doubles on the last page!
good shit

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
imagine being an american
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73 KB
i will move closer to NY
>>11665399 (dubs~!)
I live in flyover state like a TRVE AMERICAN!

Living in Chicago, New York, or LA is for SUCKERS!

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