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File: India pepe 1.jpg (386 KB, 1024x1024)
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I am from India
Same, just a lil west of india lole

Your fortune: Outlook good
how is it there op?
Good. Monsoon is here so it is raining everyday
that's disgusting
good morning sir!
In the distant future there will be one mixed race, one nation, one language, one social class, one culture and no personal freedom which is a good thing.
Holy shit I just invented one world government national socialism
Good morning anon
No. India and indian castes will always remain.
Recreate Nazi Germany but call it Nazi World state and instead of killing minorities we shuffle it all up and abolish all diversity by making all places on earth the same.
hello dear friend
"everywhere equally shit"
as long as you stay in india thats fine
everyone must stay in their own countries and stop emigrating please
Hello anon.
How's life going in india?
It's going on. Nothing worth saying or talking about. Boring
I am an indian in india that's how

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