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Why am I so full of hate and anger
maybe you could turn this hatred into dark powers of some sort
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because no one has checked ur dubs yet today
*checks dubs*
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its not ur fault they just drew u that way
That is not me, it is but an idea of me
i think you might be a little bitch but that's just my opinion
I think you might have a little penis but that's just my opinion
Hatred is cyclical in nature. The more you feed into it the more presence it has. Anger on the other hand is an emotion every human goes through.

Your fortune: Outlook good
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some of us are born to rude
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Am I born to rude...?
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Try to analyze it. Maybe you will find something. Anyway intro-inspection can be useful. I'm full of love and tolerance. And shit. Mostly shit.
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eh probably not
cuz u sound like a lil bitch lol
in a word: trauma
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Says the littlest bitch of all
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aww did the little puppy find her bark? wanna give me a bite as well?
Oh, I'll give you more than a bite ;)
fuck her throat until her choker breaks
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people are fucking stupid, more stupid than you can imagine and they are all fine because they are too stupid to be not fine. and I'd be fine if their stupid didn't make everything so FUCKING hard for me.

das rite. because what's worse?
having a headache or not knowing if you have a headache?


Your fortune: Outlook good
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by the time they got to phase 3 he didn't even knowed he had a headache anymore. that's when goatse became a thing. by the time they got to phase 4 he didn't even knowed he had a butte ache.

wtf i love science now~

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Your fortune: Average Luck
I love you so much
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come on boy come on boy.... obey me


Your fortune: Better not tell you now
he gonna shit the bed when that convulsions hits
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Your fortune: Average Luck
N*cer propaganda.
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Because of the rumors
Unchecked troops on page tin
because you need 8 hours of sleep, an then, eat your breakfast, you're welcome

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