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who would win?
spite match, grubbus roflstomps
how many hitpoints do they have
that information wasn't disclosed for some reason.
does speed affect attack speed?
assuming these stats work in the simplest way possible polywok would win doing 1 damage per turn while grubbus does 0
speed is always the most powerful stat in fights. Defense is number 2. Attack is your lowest priority. That attack power means nothing if you can't get close enough to hit, and even if you do get a hit in, the opponent's defense could mitigate it.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
it depends how speed affects combat but if u get 6 attacks for every 1 attack u must win gg ez
this, can't believe these smoothbrains saying grubbus has a ghost of a chance
that depends. if def = atk will the attack at least do 1 damage or 0?
if it does minimum 1 damage then grubbus could win but we are lacking important information like hitpoints, and how the stats affect them
For the intent of discerning an answer, we need to assume a few things:
Speed is cut into 6 degrees
Def is cut into 2 (possibly 3 if there is such thing as 1 def; not present in data)
Atk is cut into 2 (possibly 4; not present in data)
Since the highest value is 6, each tick (or action) would be broken into 6 parts. We must also assume that, at the top of a tick (1), Def is refilled.

Grubbus' attack would look like
2 v 2 = 0
2 v 0 = 2
2 v 0 = 2
2 v 0 = 2
2 v 0 = 2
2 v 0 = 2
total: 10dmg per tick

4 v 3 = 1
Total: 1dmg per tick

Polywock gets absolutely crushed unless there is no degredation of Def. If Def remains constant despite attack, Polywok will have an unfair advantage and will (slowly) win.
Is it speed or special?
Neither, Grubbus can't get through Polywok's attack, but Polywok despite his strength is 6 times slower or 6 times less special than Grubbus so he could always be dodged.

This is obviously a stalemate.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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