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I have been drawing for years and I always feel like I am stuck in the same thing, or that my drawings are not progressing or even if that happens, I don't feel that people notice it, sometimes I would like to interact more with my drawings and people but I don't know how :c

(I drew this)
lol at the poverty of experience required to draw this
It's a doodle D:
does she like peenutbutter?
i like the dogegirl she exudes neetness i wish i was neet again so bad
no... is allergic (O_o)
if you have ideas for big projects work on them in your spare time even if you don't feel like you're ready cause you'll learn more working on big projects than practicing
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You gotta draw out of your comfort zone.
this made me laugh a little because I thought I'd give up and draw yiff to get money...
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maybe take a break and try a different hobby for a bit
draw me a bowl of rice with a curious chicken
you cannot say no or else teeth will fall out of your mouth
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I currently have 4 hobbies, drawing, playing bass, photography and writing, I tried to mix them by making music but I still don't have an idea, it's weird to say it like that but drawing weird shit is the only thing that makes me happy but it stresses me out not seeing progress
this is because your frame of reference is the day to day

take a step back and look at your progress on a month to month basis, year to year - look back at how much you've grown since last month, last year
take a step back and just relax a bit ya know. you will get a fresh look at what youre doing and maybe you can introspect a little on what you actually want
I never expected to type a serious post on s4s but whatever. I'm an oil painter who does portraits. Over the years this has become my main source of income.

How much have you studied drawing? Can you draw from life? Do you know how charcoal works? Usually people getting stuck somewhere means 1 of 2 things.

1) The unlikely answer is that you simply don't have the talent.
2) You aren't practicing enough, you aren't putting enough time into your individual works, or you aren't practicing the right things.

Work harder. Work at the right things. Practice drawing from life.
You have to draw a mine every day. Then you will improve.
Just draw another mine.
Draw 10 mines a day.
dude this post is way too serious haha pipe it down omg
Also I will say another thing. You will make noticable and steady improvements for the first few years of being an artist. After this it takes 5-10x the work to see the same improvements.

Seriously, though, it is probably a will issue instead of a skill one. Stop being lazy.
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Why did the T-rex cross the street?
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Yeah FRICK OFF lol
Fucking losers taking shit so serious.
It's really good advice and I never expected to appreciate my art a little thanks to 4chan, I think I'll be posting more often here but looking at my older drawings, they're no longer scratches from an edgy child
In your drawing I feel the UGLY STENCH of your festering hands and your googly eyes! Blech. I can just SMELL the wretched things on that piece of trash paper blech. Barf!!! Ugh!
I'll accept it, well done!
To get to the otter's side?
theres two options for inspiration
one: get an autistic interest you suddenly want to devote all your time drawing
two: do psychadelics or something
an oil painter telling someone they don’t have talent
Stfu and go smudge some shit buhahahah

just keep drawing op it’s not a race and if ur expecting anything out of it ur doing it wrong
You forgot
3. You think drawing is copying someone's style
nice Red Bulls

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