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birthday boi here just turned 25 this morning
kill yourself before it is too late
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Happy Birthday Anon
i wanted to but still waiting for my mom to stop loving me first
thanks anon
Happy birthday anon. Try and live your life to the fullest, it only gets worse at your 30s
i wish you a happy birthday anon, i hope great things happen to you
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Cool bro as a gift how about we all take turns ass fucking you.
How would that be?
thank you anons too
not a fag thread, im sure you can go look for one of those somewhere else, maybe /soc/ or /lgbt/
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So you want step in + take the cock.
happy birthday anon!
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Yea happy birthday now bend over+ take it up the ass!!
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I wish I was 25 again. Turned 29 last month. But then when I was 25 I wished I was younger. I felt old at like 16. Then I felt too grown up for things at like 10. It's retarded. Soon I'll wish I was 29 again. Glad my life is finally getting together. Best of luck OP. Sorry for projecting. Life can become okay. I wish you the best.
Happy birthday anone!
That's probably the best part of your life so enjoy it
be me, 24
they still ask me for an ID because they say I look like a teenager
20 n i still get to go bowling for the under 16 price usually :z
I am also 25
26 this November
Let’s kiss

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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