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Internet is not completely dead yet, "anons". I have been lurking dark net for genuine content for a few days now. I found a lot of stuff. It is anarchy there, but, you are truly free and as anonymous as you can be. It reminds me of old times.
the surfaceweb is far more alive than the darknet (across every conceivable dimension) and it always will be
Retard doesn't even understand what I mean. I won't tell you. KYS if you are not a bot.
hackerman or just lurking for original websites? I've had some adventures myself but a lot of them are starting to disappear, and to meit feels like the net is becoming smaller
ok how do u expect someone to know what you mean without telling them lol maybe try consider if your own words are conveying a full picture or if they’re leaving anything out
>Retard doesn't even understand what I mean. I won't tell you. KYS if you are not a bot.
i knew exactly what you meant. that's why i even added "across every conceivable dimension". i initially didn't have that but i included it because i knew you'd misunderstand it like the NPC you are. but you still somehow misunderstood it even with it
Tell us fgt
while you did not get repeating integers, you got the numbers of an oldschool processor, so here's the wikipedia image of it

as for the darkweb, i used it for purpose and one specific purpose, to breach the medical paywalls and get access to the information that only the doctors have

now that i'm knocked down to nothing but a phone, if i try to jailbreak my phone, that will void the warranty, so i simply have to deal with whatever legit medical information i can find on .gov websites
i should have also posted this seeing as you mentioned him


when i was going completely bat fuck insane because they were injecting me with two fucking vials of abilify, hackerman was one of the voices in my head, and he kept warning me there was malware in basically fucking everything powered by electricity possible

my refrigerator got hacked
my microwave got hacked
my vape got hacked
my batteries got hacked
and obviously my phone and smart tv got hacked
fucking everything i owned got hacked somehow
my light switches got hacked
my heat got hacked
my lamps got hacked
my flashlight got hacked
absolutely everything got hacked
he just kept warning me don't turn that on, it has malware in it that will spread to your other devices
alright, hunting down some trips
What they aren't telling you is that the real dark net is inside your soul, anon
wich simcity is this
nice dubs, but that's not simcity at all. that's what you get if you crack the intel 386 open and look at it with a microscope. i found an absurdly high resolution of this image once, or might have been the 486, that crashed every fucking program i tried to load it in but irfanview
You still don't know what you're or I'm talking about. Kys kys kys kys kys, do it. Faggot.
I can't tell.
I told everything that I must. I don't require idiot people's attention.
when i was digging through the archives, i noticed i asked swaglord to filter kys to kissu. he really should have done that one.
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all the local small forums on the surface net are dead anon, 14 years ago i could join a goth forum, write whatever i wanted on the live chat and since it was so small i got to know most of the people there. i still have some of them as fb friends. the old internet is dead, also wrong board

Your fortune: Good Luck
yeah, my whole social circle of internet people migrated to skype then discord when forums died off

the whole reason forums died off was hackers. boards kept getting hacked over and over, and very few people knew how to keep them out

in current times, there'd be absolutely nothing you can do, the hacker problem has become a government grade issue where you literally need a security clearance to deal with the problem
Which board would be correct?

Also yes, that is the problem. No one is using this as they used to now. It sucks, but on dark net people feel anonymous so sometimes they share more. You can see their true selves. It is really great.
That was never my approach to internet culture at all. I prefered things when they were tied to an identity. That's part of the reason why i'm the literal real Yuji Sakai. I wanted to be known as someone with a reputation

The somethingawful forums were pretty cool, because that's where the line between the internet and reality started blending. Lowtax himself was a dickhead, though

While I take months, sometimes years, off of this site, I've been on 4chan since day ZERO, as I came over from that place, from their anime forum Anime Deathrape Tentacle Whorehouse, where I saw 4chan the day before the site officially lanched to the public
The problem with the lightweb is the cyberwar. The AIs have been unleashed, and reddit news subreddits are essentially the american botwar, and /pol/ is the soviet botwar
Active forums still exist and I'm sure that by now there are open source forum software that are reasonably secure against hackers. Reddit and Discord killed forums.
This is so sad. I need those good old times back.

You could look up anything... you will find a niche forum about it with people posting crazy shit consistently about just that topic. Completely immersed, autistic, crazy.
Now it's mostly just extremely highly moderated, fake internet points farming normies everywhere. Everything is connected. Everything is big tech.
Back then it felt like there were barely any limits, because back then the internet wasn't this normal/infested with normalfags, led by big companies that want their ads.

Maybe I just don't find the correct sites anymore but I think it's completely dead. Everything is Discord now.
where are they aside from the something awful forums

Lowtax did several fucked up things to me in a row. He banished me in the era of post banishment, and then changed my permaban avatar to a regular ban avatar, so no one knew I was permabanned. So I'd have to talk to the guys running SA now directly somehow to figure out how the fuck to fix this mess before they get their 10bux, and in order to activate the account, I also gotta pay a little more, to get an email account active on my domain name, which I basically keep renewing because I honestly don't want it to fall in the hands of some asshole domain scrapper
also, i was reading on bleeping computer is what the hackers are doing is breaking into the githubs and shit like that and directly modifying the open source code so it has malware in it all of a sudden, so actually, almost no open source software is secure now, lol
i knew classifed information that's some of it has since been declassifed. the nature of the problem is they've escalated beyond motherboard exploits to processor exploits. and that requires you to build a whole new goddamn motherfucking foundry to fix that problem. here's a link to the place where it got declassifed


you need to actually understand programming to understand what the hell they're talking about, though. the thing about this exploit, is unlike spectre and meltdown, which are extremely difficult to pull off, this one's pretty easy. they've proven it works on current generation intel processors, but they're speculating that it might go all the way back to the bug might go all the way to the intel 486, which means a shit ton of retro computers can never ever be connected to the internet ever again

the part that hasn't been declassifed, i'm actually not gonna tell you
That sounds exaggerated. Doing something like that takes a government agency using a trained spy to gain trust among the open source devs or maybe buying out some existing dev and then they still have to make sure the vulnerability isn't obvious and doesn't blow their cover. It takes a long time and lot's of resources to pull something like that off so they'll probably stick to bigger targets like critical software commonly used in servers. I doubt it happens that often though I heard it happened recently.

A lot of Linux distros use their own forums like Manjaro, EndeavorOS and I think Mint. I recently came across this forum for hardware synth stuff while looking something up: https://www.elektronauts.com/latest
yes, and these trained spies are called the whole fucking chinese government. once the chinese closed their embassy in the US, they gave their own hackers carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want to the US. hack another chinese citizen, and you're getting the guillotine, but if you're a hospital or school in the US, you're free bitcoin
They still exist on dark net. That's one of the reasons I loved it so far.

Also, stop spamming my thread you faggot
"Umm... It was not me that downloaded cp... It was... It was HACKERS, YES! HACKERS DID IT I SWEAR"
Same fucking shit, retards
you are seriously jumping to conclusions

there was a literal and not figurative FBI investigation i was involved in and a literal out of court of settlement with comcast corporate headquarters regarding whatever the fuck happened to my router and desktop. they waived the 2 months of service i didn't actually recieve, and the early termination fee, and because these fucks have really good lawyers, i figured this was the best deal i was gonna get

once the fbi was done looking at the router, i was holding it hostage on them, but if i tried to take them to small claims court, they would have filed the motion to take me to big boy court, and i have no idea how the fuck to afford an expert witness on autism bux, and this is not the sort of case that's a pro bono case. any case involving computers usually confuses the fuck out of the judge
But even the dark net can't be the same.
The barrier of entry and the general stigma against it is already a major hurdle for most people.

One of the beautiful things about old forums was that you could just look up something easily, find a forum (or get recommended one) and that was it. Ease of access. Even people that weren't really tech savvy could do it so there were all kinds of people on them. Now it will be a specific kind of crowd which isn't that bad, but it will never be as good as it was.
I was never on 4chan when it was in its prime so to speak. I like it how it is now, so I wonder what made this board so good in the past that its missing now? What changed?
also, when i first went my local headquarters, they tipped me off on something that made me realize they knew exactly who i was. the guy at the desk said "we knew you'd wear a watch like that", because it's a dumbwatch, not a smartwatch

they know i know a shit ton of classified information, and every time the fbi asked me a question where i really needed to answer i need to plead the fifth, instead i said i know too much about how the computers work, which kind of confused them
was it actually the fbi or was it just your therapist?
>Your fortune: Good Luck
s4s trash
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>Which board would be correct?
just fuck each other in the asshole like you always do.
no it was the fbi branch headquarters on state st in new haven ct. the problem that was so confusing to get there, is i didn't understand they weren't going to let me into the building at all, so my gps had me circling the building forever, until i realized i needed to pull into a metered parallel parking lot. i talked to them in the lobby for several hours, then special agent johnson talked to me on the phone about how my router got hacked, but he said he's never gonna figure out who hacked me, that's the NSA's job, i went back to the hq to pick up my router, and then i worked it out with comcast corporate hq
>"we knew you'd wear a watch like that"
I knew you would have skid marks in your underwear anon...
and i didn't even have a therapist at the time. my old doctor, when i first got hacked, also got hacked, and admitted to the psych ward they locked me up to, yes, i did get ransomware, and i paid the ransom, and they jammed my phone, there was nothing i could do, so even though i was on a 14 day hold, they just abruptly released me after 5 days

but once the fbi got involved, he went full hillary clinton and just kept saying i do not recall
special agent johnson told me that over the phone that he could tell from the intonation of his voice, that he was lying, but because all he said was i do not recall over and over, there was nothing he could do regarding his end of the investigation, he wasn't going to cooperate, and the US govt hadn't passed that law that's illegal to pay a ransomware ransom yet
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discord does this better
t. ancient forumsfag

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
ya no hay duda tu terminas termitas hoy.
no existe socorr0o no. hay.presencial.anelh0
tu erez zZ d0l0 ti erez tU.
tu erezzZ siempre lo que fuiste you y my deshauasio0 TERMINAD0.
Drr-aaaah-stic Stochastic has fallen thos3 shalt and thine own be thine own and not are them be true to the what be true or is to be
nothing bit mitosis of every single god damn thing thine are thyne and twine
you are UND0N3 and yourselves. enjoy your HOM0sexual "stint"
>You still don't know what you're or I'm talking about. Kys kys kys kys kys, do it. Faggot.
i do not understand how you can be this dumb
that's why the next generation of forums will be discord-message board hybrids
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the internet will never die unless a large amount of people say it is
world war 3 could brick the internet for good

if no one can agree on what the dns entries mean, i guess will have to go back to working like a giant fucking phone book, where you'll need the direct ip of wherever the hell you're going, and what happens if the enemy tries to make the ip collide on purpose. i studied the hell out of this shit in college both as a hobby and in classes and have no idea what will happen

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