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what do i add 2 the wall
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a college degree?
back in my day you hung up posters of female models you wanted to fuck. things sure have changed, huh
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Are Norwegians ok? Like, as a people?
They're physically attractive but have no souls or sense of humor. So like most Scandinavians really.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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My bf is Norwegian and says they're one of the most cucked people on the planet...
Er du fantomet?
Norwegians are cucked genetically by swedes, but they are more resistant to winter depression because they are masters of "hygge"
They're a rich nation and don't have a lot of "migrants" outside of I assume oslo and Bergen. But yea idk.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>You will meet a dark
sounds about right
come to oslo bergen
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"Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that
We would meet again
Some sunny day..."

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

this will look good on your wall
add me on discord and i'll tell you personally
truncated file names is data suppression and an affront to free speech we need to file a case in snek court

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
im not norwegian i just thought the flag was cool
I have danish flag in my’re room :3
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maybe you should move out of your parents before you do stuff like that
terminally disgusting troon shit
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mikur mikur on the wall who is the best maymay of them all

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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micker tueday!

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