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my girlfriend (pic) is on enough drugs to fry her brain and make her retarded!
aren't we all
why do her nipples look pink and normal and not browm and bloated and cracked
hrt and molly?
my gf magick after the force feminizing prog gave her bpd and made her lactate!
yor a bad bf for posting her chest
she's just ovulating
i feel like this is a dig at me
it's just a racial thing, maybe don't get on HRT if you don't want puffy nips
post butt
be nice to me again today and i'll consider it by tonight
be nice to me to please....
why until tonight
because i would like if you were nice to me again today and if i posted a pic early in the day you would have no obligation to be nice to me anymore
the solution to that is to simply post more pictures
i might not act like it, but i have at least a little shame left
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what are you ashamed of? you're sexy
good girl
being ashamed and having shame are different things. i can be unashamed about my body but still not post it out of shame. i wonder if that's a catholic thing, it's hard to explain
that makes no sense, the only thing close to what you explained is shyness, you're unashamed of your body but shy about posting more
which still is silly because you already posted plenty but whatever
i don't know what i'm thinking or feeling, i just don't really want to post at the moment
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they really didn't, i'll still probably post something later this afternoon or evening. just not right now
fat yosho sent a fuck request
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do u... wanna each udder outside of s4s? so I can make ur dreams a reality
modern posters won't get this reference
Is your gf asian?
hell yeah
I do but I'm not yosho.
Oh, no. Nvm, I don't want her
That was me.
do you have the pic of the fat yosho with the saeed text? I cannot find it anywhere lmao
pls don't fry her brain
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too late
she has lovely boobie <3
File deleted.
would you grope her if she was wearing this just wondering ahaha...
Has she taken MDMA before? I've heard that if you're sensitive to prolactinergic and estrogenergic drugs, that shit makes your boobs explode.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
she's she has wtf, I've never thought about that
I want to drink her milk now??
lotion and good showering agenda

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
lmao you wish that was ur gf
do you still want a picture?
yes pls
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you're not magick, but here. i'm in an exhibitionism mood
your asshole looks like a portobello mushroom
wtf is wrong with your asshole
looks blown the fuck out
i don't like how it looks, i want to bleach it or do something to even out the color
i'm a virgin and i havent' played with my butte in a long time so i don't know what you're seeing
how long hrt
i guess i'm coming up on 3ish years at this point?
nice hips anon. what's the metal?
how old ru, i want to know if it's literally over 4 me, im 18
it's a cage that doesn't fit me well
you never had a chance
i'm 20. i started transitioning when i was 16ish and started hormone blockers and hrt when i was 17. it's definitely not over for you
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Thought that's what it was, you hid the ring well. Show us?
will you support me when i start at 35?
i posted a pic of it just yesterday, if you want to see it that badly you can dig for it
it's over, sorry
wow smug brat!!!!!!! >:( grrrr i ought to taught you a lesson
i'm only not a brat to people who are nice to me
we've been becoming really good friends actually, you just haven't realized it yet
You should tell her to take it again and to masturbate hard when she does. Those tits aren't even average.

Your fortune: Average Luck
Stinky brown asshole lol
That's like a nice butthole

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
For like a 40 year old Hispanic woman*

Your fortune: Good Luck
bump lol
Eat shit and die faggot
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Bimbofy her
answer my qestion now when jesus 'appears before me' with the gay radio to 'change my life'

is he going to be like, dressed up like jesus and everything?

does she put on his sfx make-up so it looks like a man and he still has got nails in his hands?

do i need to be mentally retarded or a liar for this to work on me?
i already TOLD jesus that the radio is not nice and i DO NOT LIKE IT

if he tries this shit one more time he knows i am not going to be happy and i DO NOT WANT to llook at you or anybody with this radio
the radio is maKING MY EYES HURT

these girls have intellectual disabilities do not offer them to me again

i am not finding this cute or sweet i am finding you disgusting

i want to hurt you
i do not care who hurts you
you deserve to be sufffering

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
lol stupid horny exhibitionist
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um no wait you bumped it so I couldn't make more threads
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everyone stop talking about my butte!! i already have a complex about it
why did you post it then
because i took the picture earlier in the night and my friends all said that it looked good and my partner complimented me for it so i thought maybe it didn't look weird this time, but i was wrong
>my partner
Why don't you specify a gender?
because they don't have one. i've said this before, keep up
is a man, an obese one.
why does everyone think that my partner is fat lole. i said that they had diabetes before but it's not type 2
hehe yeah, and I'm Superman

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Why do you niggers keep bumping this stupid thread
Waddya mean?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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men can't act normal around me. what's going on with them? (drunk)
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have you considered tht it might be because you are being retarded
its probably your fault for trying to be special or thinking so much of yourself
nice olive skin tone
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funny funny
I think ur pretty dumb urself if u thought that was me
ur not better than them boy I can tell
stop talking like u think ur beyonce
beyonce talking like that is beyonce talking like beyonce is talking kinda dumb right now
if you get what i am saying
you are not inspriration like beyonce
you sound kinda dumb like youre full time trying to be beyonce while she is sounding kind of dumb
plus i dont get her sex appeal its not for me so
?????? actually girl you have such a thin brain right now don't listen to the special radio on your way out or you might do something stupid
small boobies
pls stay away
no, she's going to give me milk
cute titis :3
why so SLIM?
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i'm not even that slim anymore
Fucking nasty
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>not even that slim anymore
you sure about that?
get well soon
i have a surgery coming up that will put me on a liquid diet for at least a little bit, so that should knock my weight down a bit. after my surgery last october my bmi went down to 15.4 which was fun

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Anal bleaching surgery
Anal bleaching isn't a surgical procedure.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
yet another banger thread made by me
brown ashole saved the thread lole
This is exceptional circumstances
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Your fortune: Bad Luck
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are you photon lol
think of how many horny s4s boys have seen your gf’s tits this point, isn’t that crazy, maybe they’re even having lustful thoughts about her right now
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esfores boys wouldn't even know what to do in this situation
[s4s] boys aren't the kind of boys who want girlfriends...
they do want girlfriends (male), or they become the girlfriend tbh
thats u nigga
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Is it true that Magick hates it when you bump this thread?

Your fortune: Average Luck
he hates it when someone bumps old threads in general
Oh no! Sometime should stop them!

Your fortune: Outlook good
I know, right?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Her breasts look just like my boyfriends pecs but his are hairy.
Yeah, tiny for a chick who's allegedly done MDMA before.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
oh my goddd why is this stupid thread still up
because it's funny to post in magick's threads because it keeps their thread slots full
ur encouraging magick’s girlfriend to take a bunch of neurotoxic drugs to fizzle her brain and get rly retarded right now as we speak (and it’s totally ur fault)

Your fortune: Good Luck
mhm !! i think it's cute when girls give themselves brain gamage
Well, she could also masturbate/have sex REALLY fucking hard with, like, vibrators on her nipples, massaging the fuck out of her breasts, and aiming to take at least an hour to cum. That should give her a ton of prolactin and estrogen for her boobs.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Because people keep on bumping the thread.

Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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mygir lfriend irl
rather this one than the rate my butt freak
Why not both?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
no, he loves it

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
The itty bitty titties thread.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
that's a fat man with long hair
i wish a fat man with long hair would scat rape me while i'm frozen in fear

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Two of the same fortunes.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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very lesbian

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Kill all tranny faggots. ;-]]]]]]]]

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
wish booba bump!!
two samefortune is very lesbian

Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Why tho. Magick is a ugly groomer and wish is fucked in the head

Nobody cares

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
because magick can only post 5 threads at a time. by bumping one that they've gotten bored with, you can ensure that they won't be able to post a new one
those tits aren't wish's you morons, this is some other boi he's been posting

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Two of the same fortunes.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
■ fake
how do I post a square without copy pasting?
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lotion dubs

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
mid AF titties brother
They are trying their absplute best

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