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good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
wasn't 'in lament of my wingless body' a book by yosano sensei
looking into it as we speak
unchecked doubles on the last page!
yeah lol
the day you left me..

Your fortune: Bad Luck
yeah i realized after i sent that reply that i was remembering the name of a bsd chapter. whatever, yosano sensei wrote a lot, i'm sure there was something like that in there

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
yosano sensei, not yosho unfortunately
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yah I knew that I was just trying to lighten your mood and brighten your day man!! can you talk to me about reading then? you read a lot of books this needs to be said but the important question is HOW

Your fortune: Good Luck
i don't really read that many books. i think the last book i read was the gospel according to mark last month and then before that i read galapagos by kurt vonnegut. mostly i read manga, that's all i do every day. i only know about historical japanese literature because i read bungou stray dogs which is about historical authors fighting each other (the main characters are nakajima atsushi, dazai osamu, and akutagawa ryunosuke) it's a very cringy manga, but i'm not above cringe
>the gospel
AHEM are you acquainted with Tolstoy's The Gospel in Brief? At its time, this book virtually kept me alive... If you are not acquainted with it, then you cannot imagine what an effect it can have upon a person.

Your fortune: Average Luck
i wasn't reading the gospel according to mark for any theological reasons, i'm not christian, i was just reading it as a work of literature and it's actually really well done. my favorite part is the passion narrative because it really feels like jesus is in shock and conflicted about the things he's done. when he finally dies and the curtain to the holiest of holy is ripped and the roman guard says 'truly this man was the son of god' is really effective storytelling
to be honest i was just making a very obscure joke/reference, but ur reply actually touched on something relevant here, the summary is basically wittgenstein was reading the gospel in brief as a form of literature too, it crystallised the final conception of the tractatus (classic):

>After stumbling upon the book in a Polish bookstore, Wittgenstein carried the book around with him "constantly, like a talisman." He took the book with him into World War I, recommending it to fellow soldiers. Wittgenstein's enthusiasm about the book during this period was so great that he became known as the "man with the Gospels" among the soldiers.

>reading the Gospel in Brief led Wittgenstein to add a new element to the Tractatus and indeed to his already formed conception of ethics. That additional element is usually referred to as the mystical.

Your fortune: Good Luck
It's kinda funny because the tractacus is probably the #1 most blown out work of art in human history
Wittgenstein's subsequent work was a direct attack on it and the presuppositions that formed it and stands as pretty much the upper limit of human achievement in it's field to this date

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
i wouldn't get the joke because i don't know anything about russian literature (except that dostoyevsky is the villain of bungou stray dogs)
well yes but he even writes in PI that it "can be understood only by contrast with and against the background of my old way of thinking" (the tractatus in question)

>My propositions serve as elucidations in the following way: anyone who understands me eventually recognizes them as nonsensical, when he has used them—as steps—to climb beyond them. (He must, so to speak, throw away the ladder after he has climbed up it.)

>He must transcend these propositions, and then he will see the world aright.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
thinking about replying to all the posts above me
about to do it
will do it pretty darn soon
two same numbers!
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okay well apart from the Bible I haven't read anything you've mentioned so I'm writing those book titles down thanx

Your fortune: Bad Luck
i think akutagawa is the only one you actually need to write down. dazai osamu is a really important author in the history of japanese literature, but most of what makes him effective gets lost in translation. the only book of his that i've read 'no longer human' is about a super autistic self-insert who was born rich tries to kill himself a few times
oh also kurt vonnegut obviously. he's my favorite author because deep down i'm a really basic person. also because of his postmodernist writing style that doesn't dip too far into pretentiousness
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>Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
this is where you went gay CUH
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*send pink anus pic*
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>can you talk to me about reading then
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>i don't really read that many books. i think the last book i read was the gospel
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>i'm not christian
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>but ur reply actually touched on something relevant here
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>because the tractacus is probably the #1 most blown out work of art in human history
attention whore
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UMAD Doe??
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Shirley modern translators are professional and adequately trained enough to translate his novels properly right :×

Your fortune: Godly Luck
we're moving up in the industry johnny

Your fortune: Average Luck
and it makes ya smarter is what it does

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
cuz we go together like toast and paté
his work can be translated accurately, but the style will always be lost. apparently in japanese he has really delicate prose which elevates his work, but it's hard to communicate that in english without imposing a translators personal style on the text. there's a reason why poetry is often translated by poets rather than professional translators
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okay yeah that makes sense, thanks for the explanation. I'm not looking to argue with you obviously, but one thing I can say is that it's okay or, rather, inevitable for any sort of literary work translation to be influenced by the translator in one way or another. it's simply impossible to translate anything without slightly modifying the text based on who you are. however, since it's poetry you're talking about, I definitely agree because prose and poetry are immensely different and given how little in common japanese and english share as languages it's no wonder you'd lose some of the style or meaning or charm or folklore when translating

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Your fortune: Good Luck
Two of the same fortunes.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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we share the same space..
>good thieves of burning cars encircle poisoned rivers minds and hearts
>Anon's progress on moving to the city of Atlantis is going well
do not bite them
oh yeah? you like the sex?
please tell me how to read more books as it is important 2 me
encounter new words and look up definitions and read them and read more then look those up too

Your fortune: Outlook good
you're a kind person. you're empathetic aren't you
what is your favorite type of pizza and do you like domino's
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I ₩ant to be a dancing horse
i want to be a crazy horse. skin red like fire, hair down to his ankles, running from the feds
(i don't actually want to be a crazy horse. i would make a horrible chief and i'm from nowhere near lakota territory. i was just being silly )

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