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Patchy edition

Previous /fumo/: >>11896131
/fumo/ on /jp/: >>>/jp/48146521 (soon archive ;_;)
The /fumo/ strawpoll (very important): https://strawpoll.com/QrgewLlp2yp
I love my little book reading goober
kill yourself secondary
post high scores

Your fortune: Average Luck
>sewn hat
what now
ilu <3
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stealing patchy's cap is illegal
patchouli when she sniffs a little bit of dust
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I would never leave the job
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fumicker after a long day of concerts likes to wind down with gaming and beer :)
take it easy.

Your fortune: Average Luck
dear /jp/
*pat pat pat*
love from [s4s]

Your fortune: Bad Luck
mu, kyu, spell card that black white thang
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who's that gumo?
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She wants snacs
how can i deny her
she's doing the polite pose :')
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cute awoo receives banan

Your fortune: Good Luck
the floofy tailed wolf tengu fumo!
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Fumo thread is my only source of solace
Fumo is welcoming to everyone especially our /jp/ counterparts
scarlet police killed da’yousei, another unarmed fairy brutalized :(
I don't have any fumo pictures, bump this tho, good thread

Your fortune: Good Luck
feed borgars to fumos!
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Only the finest
Oh my god! The original Palm Beach Burger!
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Yuyuko drops in and eats it lole
r u from tx i recognize this
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i just take my images from the internet, i'm not familiar with this tx thing
polite suwako
our frens made a new thread
someone has so many fumos on their bed ^_^
wowies! this person must have achieved heaven, fumo heaven! where everyone can have as many bubos as they want and be happy!
imagine being able to have 100 gooboos…so beautiful
imagine being able to have fumos for every single character :’)
when i beocme president i will give fomofumos to everyone!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
you have my vote lole
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dubs check!

Your fortune: Godly Luck
who did momi vote for in the election
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you already know the answer to that one

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
she stayed with the awoovement
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when you can't tell if the meme happened because of a thing
or the thing happened because of the meme

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
yuyuko wanted extra large :(

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I should have leaked their passwords to the public before kicking them out of my puter
the shining ones
the shining light left me blind
2hu fumo makes me hapi
remilia invested the sdm savings into mukyucoin and it went to the moon
literally it did and patchy had to rebuild the rocket to go and retrieve it before the watatsukis got their hands on it

"Measure after measure
Of writing on the wall
That burns so brightly
It blinds us all"

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
flandre gooboo <3
patchy size meal (she's huge and fat)
nooooo diet
every touhou fan is a secondary so it doesn't really matter
carbs kill
fatchouli knowledge of sugary desserts
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going for a drink
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Look at these little goblin
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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
me when my st*pid gooboo drinks al my beeru

Your fortune: Outlook good
That's a good looking burg.
hehe bubo
no thats suika
only flan is gooboo

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
hug fumo
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fug fumo
do not the fumbo
Fug humo

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
i am going to get a medium size raymoo and make funny memes with her :)
nice, plz post results
i have to wait until they’re on amiami :(
bumo the fumo
fumo the fumo
fumo the bumo?
kumo the bumo!
how do I summon free fumos? i have five now and I put them on all points of the pentagram and chanted the scarlet police lyrics but so far nothing
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if i knew the answer to that i'd have more awoos and less rocks

Your fortune: Average Luck
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baka baka!

Your fortune: Good Luck
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be careful! momoyo might steal it!
do these mischievous creatures like to watch the rain
What a coincidence! I am, too, going to get a medium size raymoo and make funny memes with her!
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i do so if i had a suwako bubo i would watch it with her cause she's a frog (the ones that go mlem mlem) and grogs like rain! :}
frogs go mlem mlem snakes go pbbthbhthbtbth
why are fumos with mob caps the best? bc they have the squishy mob caps!
every time I see this gif of patchy doing the silly dance I smile :)
Two same leading digits! Off by one!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits! Off by one!
Two same leading digits and two same numbers and off by one!!!!
Two same leading digits!
Kanako’s mountains of faith :)
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
momiji eats silica gel every day to defy the companies that tell her not to eat it! she is a smart creature!
forbidden candies her floof
silica makes the momi floofy
Kiss you're fumos on the forehead :)
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i love u so much momi
one day we will have a keksandra fumo :')
and we will send them to esfores posters to play with
Cirno is the smartest.
she downloaded a viruse
Aya and Momiji fumo are cute!
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
the tengus are cozy
do they watch movies about birbs and wolves while all cozy in bed

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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dubs check!
seems legit

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
awoo double dubs!!
dubs check!
in bnat I found a holy fumbo
forgive me but i am weak
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Your fortune: Bad Luck
luce and other "moe" mascots for government/corporate/religious organizations are a gross attempt to 1) make themselves appear "soft", "sweet", and "innocent" and 2) to lure children with bright colors, cuteness, and relatable characters. there may be other groups being targeted and other intentions, but those are the two that i think have the biggest impact. FUCK that.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
how can one fight back? by appropriating the characters and using them in ways that violate the original message by these corporations. we need a lesbian satanist hypersexual luce who practices witchcraft, who wields weapons and holds churchgoers hostage.

Your fortune: Average Luck
do not lewd the fumo thread
keep your personal vendettas out of the cute dolls thread coomdumb

Your fortune: Outlook good
Yuugi Fumo when?
does momiji like keksandra???
i want to hug my flan fumo but i don't wanna bend the wings to mcuh
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she runs a hospital you know.

and healthy patients don't make her any money so she makes a few lemons.

it's just good business sense.

they call it judge jury and executioner medical practice.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
pina cobaka
you have to undestand that medical doctor will always have the power to wreck or to create , to kill or make living that's not the point...the point is that church people is against science and when I say science it's all common sense

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
medical murder is still murder and church people have had the wool pulled down so far over their eyes that it's mind crime on par with goebbels
totally agree but facts are facts they will keep on killing
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now you know why 12 monkeys all day vapes outsell the competition 3:1
because monkeys hit back
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Your fortune: Average Luck
what will she buy?!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
smol fumos
is this >>11938356 real?
i did it and i got a kasen
Pat pat pat pat pat
would that be considered slavery
but aren't most fumos, like, daemons? Even Raimoo is a pagan, even if she is daemon killer.
that’s two words u dumdumbrella
fumos are fumos, therefore cute :)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
way back when i was just a little bitty fumo
I wondere what jaypee thinks of our threads :D
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where the fumos?
theyre bouncing please wait warmly
Konater fumo posting on da fumo theread!
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wtf is this real

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
unchecked doubles on page 10!
real physical fumo inside a video game
fumos are incredibly powerfull!
I ordered another fumo today :DDD
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hehe, hidden mofu
momiji overfloof
Hi /jp/ frens I hope ur having a fumo day

Fumotastic day for our gf ><
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*stares at u with my gooboo eyes*

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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she needs moar food
patchy ate the precious food
deka gooboo?????????
I think it's just a reaaaally close gooboo
ii hope /jp/ comes 2 visit our /fumo/ threade :)))
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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Wowe! Hina is bury talented!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
why do cirno fumos love spaghetti so much :D
idk I think the stitch size implies beeg gooboo
double dubs
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Hellooo, /jp/ fren here, I may not post in these threads, but I always make sure to lurk whenever they're posted in our threads! They're fun!
:D hello fren from across the color divide!
we like fumos cuz
<their little goobers
<funny memes
<its 2hu and 2hu is awesome
<ur awesome too
thanks for visiting and posting frogs go mlem mlem maiden
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Thanks for the warm welcome, you're awesome as well!
I really like Sanae Fumo, she was the first one I got back when you had to fight to get an order in. Good times!
snakes go pbthtbthhtbtbhth
important lesson by sanae :)
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Cutefumoe! Thx /jp/!
I also like sanae, she frog and frog cool (like suwako)
Mofu comig! >>11947211

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