>>11930955the stage is set
>>11930955:^)Your fortune: Outlook good
>>11930968very nice keep going
damg i was too slwoe :^(
>>11930974make that the third panel
>>11930968>>11930970timeline split !!!! i will observe how the multiverse reacts to this
>>11930975I think I like timeline split :^) then we can hab moar OC
I changed it slightly I didn't like the referencing norway part
>>11930981what ebil things will happen when the timelines merge !!! we must keep watching world line A to see what she's planning
>>11930998wowe this is agonna be caraayzy
>>11930981but norways is niceways!
>>11931021norway is bery nice ways but i didn't want to break los ebin [s4s] artisinal immersive world building :^)
>>11931021wait, does this mean there are 3 concurrent world lines? in world line 'a' beary pink wants to be nice, in world line 'b' the bearies are enjoying a norwaygen day, and in world line 'c' the bearies are on beary island. this is deep lote
>>11931026Norway is kill in all timeline
>>11931034if norway is kill .... then where were those bearies *actually* enjoying their day. really makes you think
>>11931038on beary island :^)
>>11931044if they were on beary island, why did the title card say they were in norway. what are they trying to hide. so many questions. someone should make another panel of one of the comics !!!!
>>11931049/um.. they forgoted that ebils nuked norway because they were too norgaybearies r forgemtufl sometime :^D
>>11931050you sound like you're covering something up. are you sure that bearies aren't trying to rebuilt norway to get back at the ruders?? maybe this is what beary pink meant in world line a when she said 'i am going to be nice today.' to keep the prying eyes of the ruders away she purposefully split the timeline to rebuilt norway under the guise of it being beary island. this is so confusing. someone should make a new panel so i can get some clarification
>>11931057Mayhaps loleThough I cannot possibly fathom what occurs in the mind of a beary pink
>>11930959lmfao troll'd hard
Not sure what the format was for the original but I made a little comic of my own
>>11931098this is cute venice comic
>>11931104Thank you anon! Glad you like it lole
i bumpe le OC
i want the comics to continue, but i feel bad making any more panels because i've made all of the most recent ones. i feel like i would be bulldozing the story instead of letting it be a collaborative thing
>>11932160same, I don't wanna do more than 1 panel so hopefully more nice frens will show up. Maybe I will try an make a nice drawe for le spikedog threade while waite :)
>>11932165do you want to make another comic just between the two of us? we could go back and forth with each of the panlels . collaboratively making oc is so much fun
>>11930930>>11930955>>11930959>>11930968>>11930970>>11930981>>11930998>>11931098Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>>11932180I'd be down :)Do you want to start? I may be a bit slow to respon because there is some other stuff I want to do this morn and I DO also really wanna make a spikedog drawe cause I haven't done one in a long time
>>11932205now i can't think of a comic idea lole !!! i wanted to include spikedog because then you would be able to make a spikedog draw and this comic at the same time if you wanted to, but i don't know where the conflict in the story would come from because spikedog is just so nice and beloved !!!!
>>11932215i hab an idea i will start :^)
>>11932219if you want to !! i don't mean to pressure you into drawbing with me. that would be rude and not nice
>>11932205>>11932215>>11932219>>11932221I have a better idea, take meds fags
>>11932235rude and unnecessary. you should try making some oc like contributing to one of the existing comics !! it might make you mellow out, and it feels good to create things with friends
>>11932221it's no problelm at all :)Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>>11932249lole, the beary's have those flagpoles shoved right up their asses
>>11932252lolether supposed to be bearymatronic not real bearies lole
>>11932249lole i made a big mistake. i tried to make a really complicated panel and now i'm not sure if i can finish it !!!!
>>11932274take it easy fren, no rush!i bet its gonna be ebin :)
>>11932282for some reason i decided to make the background 4 point perspective qwq
>>11932285i give up !!!!! i finally finished the background, but i couldn't think of anything funny to happen. i wish i was a more creative person qwq . i'm sorry for ruining your comic and making you waste your time
>>11932335i was thinkin you could draw what cool toys the spikedogs would get for their lil spikelings :) but that's ok anon, maybe somebody else will drawe it>>11932333epic digits deserving of an epic comic. Really really awesome
>>11932356this is why i quit art in the first place. all i'm decent at is perspective and the cold precise stuff. as soon as i try to be creative or expressive i can't do it. i should have remembered that before asking someone to make art with me
>>11932363maybe you should make yourself do it and see what comes out! this is esfores afterall it's not a huge deal or pressure if it is kinda awkward or whatever. pretty much all of our memes are non-sequitur so I think you can pretty much put anything and be ok! i'd like to see you try :)
>>11932372i've deleted what i had drawn by now, and drawing another panel would take another hour. i'm fine giving up, it's the one thing i truly excel at
>>11932380alright, sorry that our little project ended up making u feel bad. its ok im not upset or anything, is just a silly comic
>>11932387everything makes me feel bad lole, it's nothing
>>11930968the plot thinnens
>>11932481>>11932453woh...nice comicke!! fart lole stimky
>>11931098(Beetles are Very Important)
>>11932238>>11932249>>11932282>>11932333>>11932335>>11932453>>11932481>>11932506>>11932509Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>11932453Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>11932640What is going on here what is that circle in the middle?
>>11932689If you know, you know!
>>11932689lole>>11932703doesn't know about the decalcifying flube core.Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>>11932640What the
>>11932640That's shit, fag
>>11933646>>11933931Nice comcke!!!!!!
>>11933646>>11933931>>11933948Your fortune: Outlook good
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>>11932249this is so nice!! just you wait
bumping OC thread
>>11930930It's a splendid idea. If only I knew how to draw. I do however like some of the ideas posted ITT thus far. I'm proud of you all.Your fortune: Good Luck
S4S TASUKETE!!!dos som1 hav le konata comic "we do a lil heroin" comic???? wher eshe dies and has a funerel...I can't fined on 4plebs!!!!!!!
>>11937195i remember this!!!!!!!!
>>11936648your terran comsat station must have been https://youtu.be/YD2aq2MbboE?t=13i can't make a vocaroo right now because it's 4 am in my timezone and i don't want to wake my neighbors up
for some reason i can't baelet my post, so just pretend i didn't post it>>11936648your terran comsat station must have been https://youtu.be/YD2aq2MbboE?t=12i can't make a vocaroo right now because it's 4 am in my timezone and i don't want to wake my neighbors up
>>11930955>>11931044>>11932733>>11938211unchecked doubles on page 10!