ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging et al. belong in >>>/trash/happeningsPast happenings: how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.ioSearch 4chan: & ban archives: (4bans) & (IPv6 only)Self-serve ads: your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): your 4chan Archive Experience: catalog: media browsers: (Images) & (Webms / [wsg])How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512 #Previous thread: >>11783359
>>11971701Technically there's already a thread for this but yours looks a lot more "official" and "fancy." No, I'm not attempting to shill my own shitty thread and I wish yours the best of luck, but, just so you know, another thread died for this one (just as one did for mine). The difference is that I was aware of my old-thread kill. You were not. At any rate, have a good night.Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>11971717Was there already a thread for this? If so my mistake.I searched for happening and happenings in the catalog but didn't find anything and I even just did a manual searchIf there was already a thread about this then please link it so I can know what to look for when avoiding making duplicate threads. (Yes I'm aware this is probably copypasta I'm just doing my due diligence)
>>11971739Oh you are fine as a different anon this looks like a new thread and I like itThat anon oddly seems miffed for some reason
Now remember. When on /s4s/Be nice.
This is nice board
We should've moved here...
Welcome to your new home /happenings/
>>11971815I want to scatfuck this thing
>>11971822This one too
>>11971827Not this one
>>11971747You have no idea how much I like this meta thread being here on the board with the correct topic where it belongs
So any happenings or is 4chan still the same boring site
>>11971824what if you had to pick one
>>11971839The sheep one
Is this the fuck furfags happenings thread?
>>11971849i love my sweet piano so much. sheeps are my favorite animals
>>11971853No, this is the /qa/ 4chan happenings thread which became the /trash/ 4chan happenings thread, and recently became the /r9k/ happenings thread, before being told to come here because this is the correct board they should have been on since /qa/ was turned off. Information posted here is aimed at being a central center of any notable posts happening elsewhere on the site.
>>11971867>before being told to come here because this is the correct board they should have been on since /qa/ was turned off.Says who?
>>11971876Oh, that's just Natalie being a shit stirrer. Admits to doing it here for the sake of stirring the pot. >>>/trash/72029949Also hello ladies and gentlemen, it is I, Cinnamoroll! I am much more intelligent than my counterparts!
>>11971876So says the users who will no doubt use this thread as it's much better than the one on /r9k/ and that one will die from lack of activity
Something tells me the sanrio guy is only here to stop the r9k to s4s migration from happening at all costs
>>11971897A cultured poster here to decide the fate of a thread while providing it free bumps? I see nothing wrong with either of the posters you're referencing
>>11971911>>11971833>>11971822repeating digits!
>>11971904Hes trying to stop people from actually using the thread by making it appear as unusable.
>>11971927Thank god for him, this place stinks
>>11971927I disagree, he's bumping it for us which is very nice of him. I enjoy this poster, please remain calm on /s4s/
>>11971854go bah
it's high time that /l/ and /sm/ gets brought back
why do tourists do this?
>>11971950>ask stupid questions? tell us professor tourist
>>>/trash/72030197It's not that complex. Just relax and enjoy
>>11971932baaaaaaahhh babababab
>>11971980>>>/trash/72030567The arrangements are presented
>>11971988>He's from trash hapSo I was right as per usual
>>11971990i love saying bah, i like pretending to be a stupid little sheep yaaaayyy ^w^ baaaahhh
>>>/trash/72030967Again, it's not that complex. You're on /s4s/ and the culture is different, but also aligned with what is supposed to be portrayed by this meta thread after /qa/'s nonexistence. Imagine the posters you're complaining about as the guards of the door and everything will be ok
More elixir please!
>>11972050>>11972000Moshi moshi, best poster on
whole thread is literally just 1-2 retards spamming fuck this should feel fucking bad.
>>11972356Please remain calm
>>11972356So I was right and the guy that tried to argue otherwise was wrong? Holy moly who could've predicted this!
>>11972368Scandinavians see this and be like yuummmy looks good!
>>11972377vars vakoli svenginn!
>>11972365Actually thread is only being spammed because glownigger from /trash/ is still buttmad that I didn't join his discord EPR group through messages exchanged on a temporary email Still don't know if that's real or not. Not sure if it matters
>>11971837I literally only browse /s4s/ so I cannot contribute...
>>11972385That's funny but again, it's not that complicated buddy. Welcome to /s4s/
>>11972360Fuck you.>>11972365i dont know what ur fucking argument was and im not scrolling through the endless posts of retarded baby talk to try and find out. sorry.
Welcome newfriends
>>11972461I can do this all day (very old reference (nobody will get it(stop mentioning it they'll get it(probably cuz I reveal it (typical lol)))))
>>>/r9k/79935724The jannies would be told to ban certain topics, and not just sweet baby discussion on /v/It truly would be so different!
youre telling memy FAVORITE thread moved to trash and i didnt no about it??!!?kill all witepeepole btw
>>11972561DT go back to st qa I'm in a vaguepostoff with another anon. I don't have time to deal with you right now
>>11972569srry meat to also say "and now its here?!?" i came in at the tail end of /qa/ and since its demise ive been flowting thobeit
Kinda funni cause my home thread is in the midst (a few months now) of its own split and the reasons /almost/ appear the same as this thread
>>11972583Do go into details, you never know what might be fixed if it's simply spoken
>>11971930It's good to have a hobby
>>11972584Some ruder thinks it should be simmering probably.
bibi, pipi, dudu posterslove themposter who posts that a thread is split and doesn't include any detailsHATE
>>11972665>poster who posts that a thread is split and doesn't include any detailswhat?
>>11972460see >>11971927>>11971897heres the guy who was wrong and also black and trans >>11971904>>11971930
>>11972675Calm down you're taking 4chan too seriously again.
>>11972584not really worth it to divulge right now the usual schizo avatar blogposters what makes it difficult/interesting is the nature of the thread sort of promotes or at least tangentially lends itself to avatarfaggotry >might be fixedthats the thing, its kinda better to have two threads save to the infighting - one is on-topic the other is not, simple as
>>11972686VRchat related? Got it, ignoring it
>>11972677that;'s cool and all but i wish this was a consistent mindset you had (it will change the second someone posts something you dont like)
>>11972693Punish rude
>>11972691no, though i imagine that would be similar in nature its the fristist one ive ever been involved with and the more i read about other and the /hap/ split the more i go >oh haha that sounds familiar
posting about shit 4chan says on [s4s]
>>11972934It's what 4chan says, on what 4chan says, about what 4chan says!
>>11972934wow this general really does belong here
Despite the name of the board, a hgen does not belong here
>>11973425no one asked you
>>11973427I asked him.
>>11973425me when i me whenI like the general personally
[s4s] is simply not conducive to this. Come home happenings man:>>>/trash/72048123
>>11973802>spams thread>see look guys this board isn't good for this general because someone who totoally isn't me shat it up pls come back to trash hap
>>>/bant/21842306Migrate whenever
Trash is going to be deleted soon so find a board quick.
My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger
we need to be on more boards
>>11974331we left /trash/ a long time ago
we have grown to 9 boards, 11% coverage
On the mean streets of /tv/ they call me 'Gummy Bear Man'
>>11976235bring us to /tv/
hi /trash//qa/ lost btw (by the way)^_^
Can you guys make one of your raid threads on less boards? Thanks
I wish I browsed more boards so I could post a fun habbening
>>11976881>raidIt was a singular retard or two.