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Why is s4s a doremi bored when it could be a FUN FUN Board?
it depends on the sexual proclivities of the pedophiles active on this board
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I'm a closet Onpu lover.
And by closeted I mean Doremi doesn't fit in with my usual aesthetic, not that I'm a pedophile.
onpu ass pro

Your fortune: Outlook good
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this is partyman he's the life of the party
Is she an ass pro?
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a fun fun pharmacy thread!! which is your favorite character?? mine is natsumi! she's so cute!!
quite the cute and funny griller.
id appreciate if she covered up!
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dont' worry anone, i gave her a tasteful, oversized graphic tee and gym shorts
aweee how cute
well, I'm raping your nigger mother as we speak
^w^ thank you anone, the idea came to me and i thought it was very cute too. i feel like there was a shirt with that design in shimeji simulation, but i can't remember exactly :p
god i just wanted to draw over the pic but my cage has been rattling ever since... i love being a pedophile
such a cute idea!!! you're right, she needs some clothes, or else she might catch a cold!
i couldn't help it and made her one of my own! i liked the fish in yours (shimejime mentioned!), so i went with a similar idea in mind. hope you don't mind.
does anyone have another suggestion for what cute natsumi could wear?
Bump to continue this discussion.
not a good look
Pocahontas outfit
you don't know anything about algonquian dress
I think you're okay lowercase but posts like this are why you become a target.
yes that user will be obliterated at the obelisk shortly
i became a target because i'm trans, vaguely 'lefty,' and i have strong opinions
your sentence is eternal
It's the condescending way you go about sharing those leftist opinions though.
like what?
Like belittling someone for being culturally ignorant with no reason or evidence in a thread about little girl anime. It's not the place for it.
you're mom is a FUN FUN board ^w^
my knowledge of the history of algonquian tribes isn't leftist. sure i could be more sensitive to that anone, but i thought people on 4chin weren't supposed to be snowflakes
The idea of cultural appropriation is leftist, not the knowledge.
i'm not saying that the anone was appropriating anything. for the most part i don't believe in cultural appropriation (everyone should read 'not all black people care about white dreads' by flowerbomb.) i just said that the clothes that they called 'pocahontas outfit' wouldn't have been worn by pocahontas or any algonquian tribes
you mean autism?
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here is a big brown target but no mr clean to lock on (sadly)
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I feel like it's because he's one of the many trans tourists who came here from breaching Bury content, got lured into a false sense of security because of it and instead of accepting that he fell for an everyday ironic shitpost, he insists that his delusion (the mentally ill ghost image of Saeed) is the culture of a board he's still objectively a newfig on. The only difference between him and Saeed is that Saeed later on only acted out of revenge for getting doxxed, but this guy is completely serious. In all this time he also hasn't made a single funny post, that is aside from being the breathing stereotype of a delusional trans person with a misplaced superiority complex.

The anon who made the pencil Bearies stopped making OC for a reason.
The problem is that a lot of people like lowercase have mistaken this board as their safe place based on its surface image and reputation, when at the end of the day it's still a fully anonymised board on 4chan with very little rules or moderation. It's like walking into a hornet’s nest, banging around on the walls and yelling and then acting surprised when there's a negative reaction. Saeed is definitely the worst and most extreme example of this. I have met genuine nice people on here who uphold the ideal values of [s4s] but sadly the reality is they're in the minority.
>Saeed is definitely the worst and most extreme example of this.
Basil could be on-par too but he had the benefit of a whole legion of whiteknight reinforcements from Discord defending him day and night.
yall act like this is my first day on the board. i understand that this board isn't as nice as people pretend it is, but that doesn't mean that i should become rude to fit in. i'm not surprised when there's a negative reaction, but that also won't stop me from niceposting
except this board is genuinely nice and everyone is kind and caring on here
hot as fuck
This, and also the fact that they're utterly humourless.
It might not be your first day but I really doubt you've been here for more than a few months, much less years like I've seen you claim.
she loves cock and having sex man
i was suicidal when i watched it
tell me more
unchecked triples on the last page!
unchecked doubles on the last page!
I dunno what to think of this thread what to do with this thread as in that jhst
sex is awesome I want it
you want the sex? ok, bend over
nigger please
unchecked doubles on the last page!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
dubs checking dubs
o( ˶^▾^˶ )o cute leading digits!!
okay brother let's brainstorm ideas on the cuteness
"cool beans, bro. elaborate tho "
you should really stop talking like a black gentleman
I agree with your sentiment brothet [s4,$] is a cool bored :P
Imagine cute kids slurping on cute cum... Pretty cute right ^W^
ya like sex? how old was the youngest chick you've had sex with
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I've never had sex ^-^
are u keeping up with the commodore
cause the commodore is keeping up with u

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