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Do you think that in an objectively perfect and idealized society, pubescent girls frequently dress in miniskirts? Or would they not do that
in a perfect world u would not be a pedophile
in a perfect world u would ^_^
i dont know but if i was a pubescent girl i would dress in miniskirts for my pubescent boyfriend
but pedophilia is obejctively wrong doe
in a perfect society people would be able to dress however they wanted without being unwantedly sexualized. anyway we already did this thread yesterday, we don't need to do it again
sincewhen were you the decider of moral objectivity? =3=
im not the decider, God is the decider
do u know god?????????????????????????????? huhhhh????????????????????? baka
ya i know God through how hes revealed his character in the bible and through prayer
That isn't a perfect society, that's an impossible society because what you just said is a contradiction.
You can't wear sexy clothes and not be sexualized in the same way you can't eat a cake and still have it.
correct, there's no such thing as a perfect world
im jealous of your name but i cant copy is cuz poeople will think im you
I'm not sure you comprehended what I said. You made a feminist argument (ie, ragebait) and I pointed out logical inconsistencies in it. Instead of addressing that, you diverted attention away from the initial statement so that now it looks like you were in control of the argument the whole time.

If your argument *was* that there's no such thing as a perfect society, you should have made that clearer in your initial post (ie, by explicitly mentioning it).
yuji sakai owning the libs
in a perfect society everyone would be constantly sexualized always and we would greet strangers with a loving cock squeeze
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Allow me to reiterate my former point...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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I guess we're living in a perfect world then since je suis hebephile
Hebephile isn't pedophile and hebephile isn't even proven because nobody knows marys age
they would and they do..... they loves having sex
u have to go back
at least you aren't a francophile
tsukaser loves being alone with boys in her bedroom. I wonder what she gets up to with them.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
tsukaser baby let me shove my cock right into your slit please

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
unchecked doubles on the last page!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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pubescence is a sign that a living organism, the human being, is ready and actively looking to have lots of sex. they'd love cock in their pussies the moment they start going through puberty that's how nature works
this annoying fag again?
wait a sec so what you're saying is that ur an annoying fag and a nigger redditor virgin? yup, seems to be the case LOL
did you actually make that for me........ that's so hecking cute....
I can't believe this what is going on
I made it for your nigger mom, LOL
wait a sec so what you're saying is that ur mom is a nigger and I raped her hard? yup, that seems to be the case xD
Anal sex with dawn
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Nuh uh, not around here, Mr. Bisexual Faggot
brothers this is a thread about sex
in my opinion pubescence means you can and should have sex

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I agree

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Maybe so but I still haven't gotten a single good answer to my initial question, which is the sexest of all sex
unchecked doubles on the last page!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits and dubs!!
Two same leading digits!
what's the question 7777
What is it
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Well basically the world we currently live in is a degenerate hellscape that will lead to either the total extinction or eternal enslavement of our species as a result of our collective moral negligence. What I'm wondering is if a miracle happened and the forces of evil actively controlling our planet were destroyed for good and an ideal world rose from their ashes, would pubescent girls show off their legs and chests like they do now but in a different, non-immoral way? Or would they be required by law to not show any skin outside of their house like in cunts governed by sharia law

I think in a perfectly idealized world, the only purpose clothing would need serve anyone would be to keep warm when it's chilly out, and nothing more. This would of course be in a world where sexual deviants and non Whites and abrahamics would be culled or forced to work in labor camps until their deaths, and creating any bodily odours by any means (other than pheromones) in public would result in a hefty fine. This wouldn't be much of a problem though since fat people, non Whites and harlots, who are by a massive margin smelliest people, would be nonexistant
Hello! based department?
What would the based department call center look like
We would default to the pure and natural morality that our ancestors indulged. "When there's grass on the field" ^_^
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This is what the based department looks like, each team member has their own personal glass cubicle
every religious text is basically an ancient, elaborate shitpost
maybe in another 2000 years someone will discover the remnants of s4s archive data and make a religion out of it
what makes u say that
I hope spinning space colonies have beautiful indoor urban design
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits! Two same numbers!!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
Two same leading digits!
welp, sixteen year old girls have a lot of sex every day
I wonder how
use your imagination
girls love having sex man:D
they do
they would walk around wearing short skirts am I right and also shorts mmmmm yummy pork them
Who the fuck knows what a perfect world would look like?

I would imagine sex would have its proper place and not be obsessed over nor repressed. Questions like these wouldn't get asked.
please don't swear D:

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