The only reason we never worked out wasHe didn't work out fortune: Godly Luck
Little Dark Age came out 7 years ago
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>11985728My best friend as a kid was convinced this was a masterpiece and had it on repeat on his MP3
>>11985731I'm not worked up and bitter enough right now to shit on the faux-born again Christian trash lyrics.
Oh the memories that album brings. Never again will I be able to enjoy MGMT.Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>11985736>Never again will I be able to enjoy MGMT.Should I ask?
>>11985739Don't you have somewhere to be at 7:30?Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>>11985746I should probably go work on that track I posted earier
I shouldn't have posted. Now I'm reliving the psychosis.Your fortune: Godly Luck
I feel like the sad lonely man of [s4s] while Gado's away and not posting.
>>11985756I'm genuinely sorry, I just wanted to make a cute thread T_T.
>>11985759Yeah, I miss his presence too. Hopefully he okay.>>11985760Lole, you're fine. I'm just trying to act out in a cute way.Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>>11985774Two grown men posting anime girls and acting silly.
>>11985794uuuuoooooohhhhhh'm not ashamed to admit I've cried to this song before
>>11985973The friendzone song. My first name happens to be Michael.Your fortune: Good Luck
>>11985976You're gonna make me cry again
have u ever found an abandoned mattress with shit stains on the side of the road
>>11985981Why is it always mattresses getting fly-tipped? What did we do?
>>11985977 (dubs)Don't cry remember the dubs instead.Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>>11985981There was the time this happened though
Possibly the best bassline
Anyway time to go get wasted at 1pm
posting in le thread
>>11985720Windy afternoon was 22 years ago
>>11986239Shut up and listen to my new song>>11986162
>>11986288Sounds a little thin senpai.
>>11986299Honestly I did absolutely 0 mastering on it because I liked the way it sounded as it was.
Well at least you didn't say my music sounds "squashed" like new user.
>>11986301nice composition.*sip*when working with digital sound sources it is possible to obtain a final that doesn't need any mastering done because the waveforms are already pre-massaged into a comfy audio space.the mix itself becomes the final.and that is an impressive accomplishment.nice piece frosty.Your fortune: Good Luck
Don't tell me how to make my works of art guys
>>11986317But thanks
>>11986306Well I can see what they mean. The drum track isn't really crisp and when it's that minimalist that sticks out. Like you're hearing it through bad headphones or something
>>11986322Ever heard of "lo-fi"?
>>11986326This album was recorded on a Poundland headset or something and sounds monolithic.
I normally put work into mastering, stereo imaging, multi-band compression, EQing etc but I just didn't feel this track needed it.
>>11986329Idk what to tell you besides that's seems more cohesive but still I don't see that as being desirable.
>>11986335>Filosofem was recorded under purposefully bad conditions in order to retain a raw lo-fi sound. No guitar amplifier was used; instead Vikernes plugged his guitar into the amplifier of his brother's stereo and used old fuzz pedals.[10] For the vocals, he asked a sound technician for the worst microphone he had, and ended up using an old helicopter headset.
It's meant to sound tinny and gritty you guys don't get it.
>>11986322Also how is the drum track "minimalist"?
>>11986345The song is minimalist not the drum track in specific.
>>11986349 I have production chops guys. I know what I'm doing.
>>11986334this track didn't need it.the composition and selection of sound sources makes the mix the final.i played it back in mono and it sounded great.balanced articulate not "peaky" anda good flat sounding eq with enough brightness.understated yet solid bass.overall very nice final.Your fortune: Average Luck
>>11986354I'm Gordon Gekko from Wall Street.
>>11986357They're just not animepilled ignore them.
>>11986354That's nice but it doesn't mean everything you make is going to have an equal quality/appeal. Even legends make duds from time to time.
>>11986363Do you seriously think I think I'm some music legend
I do appreciate your feedback and interest though anyway.
>>11986365No, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be.
>>11986354bass line hinting at jaco pastorious.first thing that came to mind.*sip*couple spicy riffs there.Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>11986403Hell yeah, that's the biggest compliment I could getRIP, that's a true legend who died too soon (and tragically)
I better get an apology for this. My threads have been great recently.
I'm a harmful person to cozy up to
>>11986336excuse me but who are you quoting?Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>>11987418gandalf the karate manYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>11987432Fight my champion
>>11985720Dedicated to Bobby Jameson is another album that defines these good times for me.
>>11987948The URL has "nig" in it lol
I was too lazy to refill my antipsychotics script and I've ran out so I'm gonna have to go through withdrawal for a few days again while I wait.
>>11988224uh oh
>>11988226Once when I went through risperdal withdrawal this was playing on a loop in my head over and over again. terrifying.
>>11988227And I could hear it as an auditory hallucination I mean.
It's only 10:55 am so I can't justify getting drunk off my ass like a degenerate yet.