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Imagine being one of these things

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
i do this
forgot to mention that in addition to doing this i also look like this or in other words i look like this and do this
that looks like something from alien hentai
Checking my’re own dubs on page 10!
Dubs checkying they're own dubs!
there's no way that actually exists that's some non bot shit
you'd be on top of the world

you now have a simple representation of "viral vector" technology.

it is of particular interest in the treatment of mycotic infections and/or cancer and other proliferative disease.

a form of viral vector technology was approved along with monoclonal antibodies and mRNA for "emergency use" in the treatment of covid 19.

prior to covid 19 these technologies were highly regulated and approved for human use on a case by case basis.

but they were and continue to be studied extensively and intensely with animal specimens.

you might want to ask yourself why?

but you won't.

dude weed. lol.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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