ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)Past happenings: how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.ioSearch 4chan: & ban archives: (4bans) & (IPv6 only)Self-serve ads: your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): your 4chan Archive Experience: catalog: media browsers: (Images) & (Webms / [wsg])Tagmap: to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512
4chan stands with the Trans community
>>11991231Taco Kid is exposed for being a janny on s4s
>>11991244woah nice dubs checked good job!
NoWe are not doing this againPlease just let this thread dieI show no support to thread splitters anymore.The meta has been decided. A thread on /trash/ and a thread on /r9k/. There's nothing needed about a /s4s/ thread and it serves no niche not covered already by one of the other two threads other than maybe posting (but not dumping) Loli images.
>>11991234NopeYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>119912341234 getYour fortune: Good Luck
>>11991379you forgot to spam the thread with sanrio characters
>>11992675Too busy making a 3rd GDQ thread on /v/ at one and making anons there shit their diapers in protestAlso I never dumped that sanrio shit. Wasn't me and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying and spreading misinformation.
>>11993394>GDQpost pics of she/theys
slow day huh
>>11993702Yeah...Your fortune: Better not tell you now
>>11991234Honestly slay
>>11991231No one cares faggot
>>11991231Everyone cares non-faggot
please keep this thread here op.i miss it from the /qa/ times
>>11994551did someone just say... /qa/. /QA/?!?!?!?!!? GO BACK GO BACK GTO BACK GO BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKKKK
>>11994551It lives!
>>11994100unchecked doubles on the last page!
HappeningsYour fortune: Godly Luck
>>11991231>what don't you like about Disco Elysiumit's a commie circle jerk made by commies sniffing their own fumes. it's shallow and pedantic
bumpYour fortune: Very Bad Luck
Normies/extroverts are rapists because talking to people without consent is rape and normies talk to people without consent
happening: /qa/ still in coma
>>11994099unchecked doubles on page 10!
Approaching >>12000000 soon...
>>11999769Will it be a happenings GET?