Does anyone know where she is?? Nobody has seen her for a few days now!
She is in all of our hearts…
>>12001979and my asshole
I know what most people are thinking. No it wasn't me.*sip*
hmmmmm,....Your fortune: Good Luck
she ran away from home because she hates you guysthe best thing to do is just to move on and forget about bury nice girl
I mean I have seen her a round a lotYour fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>>12001721>Please contact the Police with any information>DIRECT LINE>119-955-38>11995538>>11995538
>>12002088I've seen dubs a round a lotYour fortune: Godly Luck
>>12002223off by one....
Udjnfudcemnfdvhvd jv fmmjbbbb....!!
I miss bury nice.....
She broke out!!>>12002888
Your fortune: Average Luck
>>12003509WE DID IT REDDIT!!!!
she is off fetching a cuppa tea she will return shortly >>12002793
>>12005180fyinformation a cuppa is already a cup of teacuppa tea would be a cup of tea teaYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!