Something that scares me a lot is thinking about the lengths people on this website have gone to in order to not appear offended by things like simple slurs and insults, and thinking about their true emotions behind the self-assured front they can now afford to hide behind. It probably isn't a pretty picture.
im always upset by slursYour fortune: Godly Luck
Really makes ya think--
i don't think it's good to let people on the internet have so much control over you by getting offended at what they say. being frustrated or angry at the bigotry or rudeness, sure, but feeling hurt does no one any good
Haha I'm so ironic and funneyh xxxddddd lelel random picture lolYour fortune is: I'm a faggotI'm so unique and quirky with my surreal larks lolololSomething something children's anime girlSo weird ^~*)))// kool ;;;^Yuo.wpuldnt get my weird sense of humour, too developed for yuoYour fortune: Excellent Luck
>>12003288wow dubs.. checked!>>88 88 like adolf dinkler AHAHAHAAHAHA i want to have sexual with jewish owman (irony)