it's funny that reqctionists are almost universally unaccepting of science and yet they champion the west as a capitalist utopia of which it's prosperous aspects can largely be attributed to scientific advancement and when you remind them of this fact they always have some dumb response like science is woke now
>>12005142Basically this
>>12005139Learn to drawe ^w^
>>12005142I just want them to stop experimenting on babies. A certain amount of medical knowledge gained from illegal experimentation in places like unit 731 (America's experimentation camps were never held accountable because they won the war) does not validate the horrific methods used. Children should not be sexually experimented on with hormones, ever.
>>12005165disagreement and controversy exists even within the scientific communitythis one thing habbin therefore all science bad
>>12005165the hormones prescribed to children (in the rare case that they aren't prescribed hormone blockers until they reach the age where they are able to consent to medical procedures) have been used for decades. no one is being experimented on
>>12005168>this one thing habbin therefore all science badExactly ^w^It's nice we have the germ theory of disease but we should have stopped there. Don't need all this shit.
>>12005170They were experimented on from the very beginning, incel. Medical knowledge is drenched in blood. Unit 731 research is unjustly used in medicine even though it is tainted.
>>12005205medical ethics aren't what they were in the 40s. every medical research university has an ethics committee looking over all of their proposed experiments
>>12005205>ONE THING HAPPENED 80 YEARS AGO AND NOW ALL OF IT IS BAD! ALL OF IT. WE NEED TO GO BACK TO WITCH DOCTORS IMMEDIATELY...You sound irreversibly retardedTell your parents my condolences
>>12005232That's not what I said. We should keep germ theory, but embrace the reality that we can't cure everything. Medical progress has been incremental for the last hundred years anyway.
>>12005234we've eliminated yellow fever, smallpox, diptheria, we have vaccines for diseases that used to be life-sentences like tb and malaria, measles and rubella basically don't exist in the global north. surgeries are safer and more effective, transplants are common along with metal joints and bones. i wouldn't be alive if it weren't for medical advancements made in the last century, and most of the people i love wouldn't either