Fuck you."We Do Nothing, you pay more" I was considering getting one and now I am not. Don't give us some bullshit like "oh the site is hard to run >_<" "Oh I server costs are too heavy T_T" because no, you haven't done shit for this site in over five years.Fuck you Hiroshimoot. Fuck you RapeApe.Go find a job at Tesco or Maccas or something. All you've done is put incessant restrictions on posting, retarded rules and now you charge the people that pay for the site more. You are actual, fucking miserable piles of doomer garbage that do not value your users in the slightest. I thought you were better than Twitter, Reddit, Funnyjunk, etc. Perhaps I'm just assmad that it's not "less than the cost of a two liter soda" now. But alas, soda has also raised in price.
>>12006890Also heres the rest of the comic.
>>12006890Also I think I put it in the wrong order. IT should be this 3rd.
>>12006890lol OP is mad as fug
I am not kidding when I say this site, is broken. You need to de-incentivize posting off-topic shit. It hasn't been this bad, ever.
Just buy 3 years and its the same old price
>>12006890wow they raised the price of 4chan passes?here let me upload a picture that accurately represents how much I care about this issuepic related
>>12006979Solve the captcha. Goy.
I like this site still but. Please. 4chan. Add a new board for AI shit. Enforce the rules more.