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Spelndid edition

Previous /fumo/: >>12023727 (inu didn't get the yous ;_;)
/fumo/ on /jp/: >>>/jp/48571769 (soon needs new threade)
The /fumo/ strawpoll (very important): https://strawpoll.com/QrgewLlp2yp
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fumo love
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saya my beloved

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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waht was in those newports bro
is this real
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seeing is believing

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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Kill goblins
good raymoo!
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which way western man?
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This is what our /jp/ brothers get up to

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
this is violating a fumo!!! and especially alice!!!
and /jp/ would never harm fumo!
im getting the rolled up newspaper!!!
Am I gay for jerking off to this
Its from the /jp/ archives in 2022
I'm killing miself pls delet thiS
I slept and inu died ;____; why they hate her???
obviously a tourist trying to set up our friends!!!
Oh to be in denial, they are fucking the fumos over there!
bad false flag!
*baps with newspaper*
*baps with gohei*
Cant cover this up like you did tianamint square, china man
cumo on a fumo!!!
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playa got his panties in a twist day we're doing this again?
become from this nice board unclean being

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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nice balls sir
how many chees can we stack on reisen
post ranni
We need dubs so we can be checked on the last page before we die
about tree fiddy

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
https://youtu.be/GWNDB1juaeo?si=itvceP3Cx8sxex_O [Embed]
sgooyoo pls leav the showa
did u know that fumos r cute
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i knowe! rid u knowe? :DDD
yes sir, sorry sir
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is this the face of cute tuah you?
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very yes!
cute patche!
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if I gave a patchy fumo to patchy herself how would she react
i think she would pick out little books just for her new friend and fall asleep while watching her read
haha maybe she would receive the gift bluntly but secretly do that
who's most likely to tease her when she is caught?
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bottled ice
guys theres new fumos to pre order!!!
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Praise Zun-sama.
imagine being le drunk man
he made an entire indie empire of lore and plushies all my himself :')
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I wish I could be a jolly functional drunk like Zun rather than the self-destructive insufferable kind.
Zun is to be protected, he's a high-value human. How can one person be so talented?
the day we lose zun will be a more devastating day than losing aniki...
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the creature is mischievous
i'm currently cutting a slit in my deka fumo
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I was banned from /fumo/ for saying stuff like this once. You better be careful.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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I invited Mr. Touhou himself to this thread to post his lean Flan.
how can you be banned from a thread ? just keep posting, what can anyone do about it. personally when i rape my fumo i am overcome with a very vicious feeling. ithink i may be a psygobath
>how can you be banned from a thread
It's a joke silly
of course it is lole, nobody buys a deka fumo to cut it
touhou spergs are unreal
would aya take care of her fumo like a child :D
“little mukyu, let’s read this book together. on the habits of misty lake fairies, a study by patchou-“
“oh my GODS patchy are you reading with your fumo?! that’s adorable!”
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Touhou is a much cooler outlet for your autism than trains or whatever. I saw one autist on this board once who was obsessed with rollercoasters of all things and posted a picture of his room full of rollercoaster posters. Rollercoasters are a cheap quick thrill, not a hobby or an interest.
press f for /jp/ fumo :(
another spelndid thread archived on our fren board

cute mischievous creature

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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>wanting to fuck fumos
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>>12030172 (OP)
you already posted it in the thread bro
this was posted like 3 times on 2hucirclejerk
Why does this need its own general?
there's nothing to discuss
it's a doll. That's it. That's all there is to talk about.
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Fumo fumo

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
https://youtu.be/3U1qa4t44WE?si=PqGMMN7fTfeqDhFT [Embed]
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Hi /s4s/ I've got a question for you because the other thread died
I want to get fumo when I go to Japan in September, what stores do I check? Are they any cheaper than importing?
i think there are amiami stores
I only know what the /jp/ thread says, like Akiba Hobby etc :(
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Ogey thx anyway
just wait till the one you want goes up for pre-order on amiami, everything else is fake or marked up to hell.
It's actually far easier to get a fumo now than in the past, before this, nearly all western fumos were fakes.
one interesting aspect of fumofigs is that they don't mind having fakes and they treat them all the same, completely unlike fig and doll collectors, maybe it's because they're so simple.
I already have fumo so I know how to use amiami I just thought getting one in Japan would be a fun souvenir
I saw that Alice was coming out around when I was there so I was curious where I should check to get her
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I have a miku fumo but I never post in these threads because they're 2hu only.
U should post here because this is a /fumo/ thread and a fumo is always a fumo :D
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post mike
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Where? amiami only have Azur Lane and I have no idea what it is even. No new howto grilles. Also amiami mascot girl fumo, do not care about her either.
u mean the cade from touhou 18?
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Just do it
Fumo sex
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new /jp/ fumo!!!
Spelndid indeed :)
why werent you making the ops here informative too

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Idk if we need it when there’s a link to the /jp/ thread in op
cursed moon girl
Dubs of ermmm what the fumo is that?
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
lets help raymoo get her license :D
cuddle your fumo
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pat pat lol

Your fortune: Average Luck
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cute! awooo lole

the nice fumo!!

Your fortune: Average Luck
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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cumo on your fumo
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Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Your fortune: Average Luck
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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
bruh what is THAT
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decent now

Your fortune: Outlook good
That le bune is so big you could probably wear her outfit, just as a joke of course haha
when this thread dies the board will be a much better place.
Is there a reason why this is here and not somewhere else like /a/, /c/, /trash/, or even reddit?
what did the fumoniggas do to be blacklisted from those other spaces?
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bargain/rationalizing phase of the big melty over heccin dolls

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
This is Fumo board

it's like... become fumo!!
this is fumo board
miko borgar time
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oddly similar energy
fumo would dark souls
i wont let it die
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sounds like a plan man

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
where do i get this pls i need big bune
Exactly as Zun imagined.
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Imagine if every anone had a physical fumo version! that would be cute and fun! just imagine, lole
rumia in rumia with rumia
Rumrunner Rumia in Rumia ruminates with Rumia and rum, rumbling rudimentarily
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They are such readers!
I dont know what that thing is
But its chuffing a fat dart
And thats all that matters
Roomba dibs!
the mukyu is dusty
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Your fortune: Godly Luck
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acquire fumos
they are nice
ask urself
do u have enough fumos?

the answer is NO
you do not have enough fumos
that is why you should get more fumos
become a fumo
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*gibs u le orenge*

Your fortune: Bad Luck
wwoooaa godly raymoo with godly luck!

Your fortune: Bad Luck
thank u flower girl
have a happy day
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can I get the flanborgar
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I like when people turn into dolls
they r kigurumi
u can become the 2hu
i want to be a fumo
no think no pain
just fumo fumo
the thingy is on her nose lole, such a bakabaka!

i like this img bery much! i wish youmu would give me a beeru randomly
one uhhhhhh large remilia fries with koakuma hotsauce, a sakuya shake, two meiling dumplings, a patchy cake and the flan meal!
What movie would be awesome if everyone was a fumo
pulp fumotion
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I was about to say Fumo Fiction, lole! I'll go with American Fumsycho then
friggin epic

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
The Fumo
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lol, my Rumia-chan is famous. People post her on the big screen~
the splotches look different
are u making multiple rumias
You're the first to point that out. I'd thought about making multiple, but she's the same one. The other pic of her is from before I figured out how to make the blood splatter permanent and it almost all rinsed out. But I've got it down now and she's like this forever!
she's a messy youkai!
she deserves it!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
2001: a fumo odyssey
citizen fumo
fumo of arabia
fumopocalypse now
back to the fumo
close encounters of the fumo kind
the fumoshank redemption
good fumo hunting
fumo poets society
invasion of the fumo snatchers
the fumo sense
it’s a fumo life
this is fumo tap
a clockwork fumo
end of fumogelion
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gib it
what u want roomba?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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one million borgar for rumia
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why is she so happy?
VERY mischievous
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quads for aya
i hope there will be a keksandra fumo and a /jp/-tan fumo
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Greetings. My name is Patrick Bateman, and I have contacted you for important matters.

I have taken notice to your post. It is of high quality™, but it's not the contents of the post that I'm interested by, it's the post-number.

Your post-number is unlike any other that I've ever seen. It is unique, as no other will ever obtain your distinct strand of numbers, but that is not the only unique thing about it.

Look at the numbers at the very end. Take a close look at them, and you might even realize it, too. Your post-number has ended in repeating digits, that is why I am contacting you.

I don't want to seem like a bother, as I understand that you're very busy crafting hundreds of quality™ posts such as the one I am replying to, but this is a matter more important than posts. It's a matter of life and death.

Here on [s4s], it is the most important rule of all that repeating digits much be checked and kek'd, that is why I am contacting you. I am here to check and kek your repeating digits, for it is a matter of religious importance.

So, after all this patience and discussion, I will now check your repeating digits. Here I go: #Checked

Now that your repeating digits have been checked by me, it is now time for me to leave. I cannot spend all day checking your repeating digits, no matter how much I love them. The reason? More digits must be checked.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
thanks for all your hard work

Your fortune: Bad Luck
/jp/-tan fumo would be so epic!
I would bounce it and make a webm for all of you!
cirno ironically to smart
This is my le movie list lole
have a spelndid day
did u know that fumos like headpats
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precious little creatures
she will explode!
unchecked dubs check!

Your fortune: Average Luck
she is receiving 99 headpats per second
very important
Cirno is performing the backwards long jump trick
unfortunately she forgot to go to the stairs and softlocked on a wall instead
noooo :( thankfully that person is trying to save her with headpats
it’s a softlock we will have to restart society
and quite mischievous
Oh well, anything to save crimbo :D
A candle casting a faint glow
(You) and I see eye to eye
33 is eye
00 is eye
double dubs eyes
buy more fumo!
so thats how keksandra cosplays touhous!
why do dey call flan a gooboo
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she do be gooboo'ish
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she needs fumoboots
theres an entire website dedicated to videos like this but with mlp plush dolls and i used to jerk off to them exclusively but i am 100% straight. just felt like typing this, sorry
did u know that fumos are wonderful
you are gay
ok but fr my theory is that someone saw the word fumo, thought about gooboo cuz it's similar and put in a random image of a fumo that just happened to be flan
and that’s how I met ur gooboo
very informative thank you
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/jp/ here, I should be able to make a /jp/-tan Fumo, it seems doable enough for me. I've got all the materials I need and I can just modify some of my designs for her hair easily enough. It might just take me awhile though. I've got another project I'm working on right now and I can only work on these on the weekends, so I dunno how long it'll take. Definitely probably more than a month maybe. I'll keep you guys updated.
Just don't expect her to be all that great. Just good enough.
Wooooo soo coool!!!! Gut luck /jp/!! We'll be happily waiting dont worry :DDD
hell yeah
You should die for posting this.
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aya fumo is so kyu
so /jp/-tan fumo on the way, now all we need is keksandra fumo to join her!
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Gamin time
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Omg koosho hiii o/

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
you have a cute stomach
What is she looking :oo (she kinda looks like mukyu lole)
ur dubs!
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Find the fumo

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Can I get a hint
image 75% fumo
whar the fumo!
um um ummmm...
Minceraftr (by two ;___;)
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She le walks :> (without naked feet)
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they fumos they are watche football
so epic!
do the fumos inspire?
yes they are winner
wowe! fumo power is so inspirational
so cute!
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I am become mr. Bean
imagine one day u wake up and ur a fumo
I hope they make a Yoshika and a Koakuma fumo
unchecked doubles on the last page!
wait this is so freaking cute
Fumo of worlds
kissu pache while she read book

Your fortune: Bad Luck
Wypipo still play with dolls well into adulthood
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This is /jp/-tan and keksandra

Your fortune: Outlook good
we are koosh cuz we’re silly in the head
keksandra would cherish the /jp/-tan fumo forever! like her own mini girlfriend!
keksandra and kooshi outfit swap
and then /jp/-tan and Satori outfit swap too!
they would all look adorablel

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