There is mold in my microwaveI tried to clean it with bleachBut it didn't workAnd now when I need to microwave somethingIt will be bleach and poisonpilledI don't want to be a deadcel chud
You'd think microwaves would kill the bacteria Or your lazy ass could just scrub it off. Also how the fuck you let it sit there that long to turn into mold?Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12030193It is on the ceiling of the microwave I clean the microwave like once a week. The mold is just too powerful for conventional methods.
>>12030222Vinegar kills moldYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12030222No srsly I used to do clean outs and you'd put vinegar in a spray bottle to kill the shitYour fortune: Godly Luck
>>12030225I clean the microwave every week with vinegar it doesn't work. Maybe I need steel wool like that spongebob episode.
>>12030193mold is fungi not bacteriaYour fortune: Outlook good
>>12030232Ok imma save face here. Uhh... Get a new microwave they're like $50>>12030238ok thanksYour fortune: Excellent Luck
>>12030238Why is there a difference I hate this hellplanet
>>12030253u're welcome>>12030254ummm lots of different little critters seething and writhing about i guess
>>12030253>Get a new microwaveBullshit I don't want a new microwave there must be a way to solve this with enough chemicals
>>12030261How about everclear? I mean the alcohol should be strong enough to kill itYour fortune: Outlook good
>>12030186to answer your question, put a bowl full of vinegar in there and microwave it until it boils. be careful not to let the liquid explode. then just leave the steam in there to marinate for a bit. then scrub it off
>>12030285Hope ur not lying bro gonna try it
>>12030389Results inconclusive. Mold still there. Possibly didn't use enough vinegar. May try again later.
>>12030389>>12030482it's meant to kill the mold by basically making an incredibly hot vapor cloud of acid. it won't clean it, but it should kill it and prevent it from growing further
black mold will leave a staindoesn't mean the mold is still there
>>12030487I scrubbed but it no work. May require steel wool. Anyway it's fine I'll probably still nuke shit idgaf.
>>12030186bleach evaporates in very short order
>>12030500unchecked doubles on the last page!
>>12030261Your problem is you're only cleaning the surface, like viewing s4s without an extension you're not seeing it all.