My [s4s] browsing style is the greatest that the world has ever seen. The way I scroll down the page, the reactions I have to *those* posts, the way that I chuckle at only the finest posts and sneer at those I dislike... this affect that I embody when I do all of these things is simply breathtaking. People at the grocery store don't realize who their standing next to when they buy their eggs, because I simply am a God amongst men because of what someone like me prefers and dislikes on [s4s].
>>12031763Uh wise garlic , your very presence brings wellness to the [s4s].Us feeble /s4s-er can not imagine how it would be like in person
>>12031763I do this and look like this and think and talk like this
>>12031785So do I.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now