Why would Chibi do this?
>>12032787she's horny for bbc
NIGGER NOGGER FINGER SPLITTERDIRTY BROWN CHILD FIDDLERYOUR HISTORY IS BEING RETCONNEDYOUR HAIR WILL NO LONGER BE BLONDEGetting blacked by niggers, followed by the migraine after the post-production clarity does not count as trolling me, but I know how braindead and delusional you are, comfy hours are over, the balding nigger is awake. I can call whoever I please a nigger in [s4s] and I daresay I'm relatively good-looking and I'm not autistic. t5angksa fre2ndv fvopr LOLE!!!! thhhhbeLOLE!!!! smjile1wy5 faceff LOLE!!!! iijjljieki ikkttff af lpoitit warms :D my heartsp}}}pewffafkoikknkkgt LOLE!!!! o8f :)hyearffttsa have youuu let kzaa itnopt :0)ouurfft :D heddadrt i lio;;oekdvLOLE!!!!!!!!! it3hh LOLE!!!! u7opp on ashealth froo7d we2bsite aqnd fvouundcthaGt actuUUualllyjj ljettting kmamzawijjnjjhto8youuirr heart3tt illslgreeat frorr yo8uuhhr miind LOLE!!!!!!!!!anjdw swouull1!!!1 makmesyggouBu haGppppp8y jappy and :)make3s yo8uur c*ckhard and mazkzkes yoiuMu cuum, LOLE!!!!!!!!! l,ots buuMu6tt thbabts kiundofb nbboitr wOhaxt3 i6 w1anntedf to8ttalki abouut LOLE!!!! wsshsaxt auuysqid:D awiat5ne dj ergiasdgtf asoi g g sdftogs[]''rgf t3o8 :) taslk :) aabouuut is LOLE!!!! thatgg LOLE!!!! y5hhouuLOLE!!!!!!!!! aGre3 a NIGGEDDRYOxO*U^ AQlRFFER Al NIGGERT YOOUYAREE# A FUCVKVOINGG SHITR NIGGE@R WWHGOO :0) SHOOUILLDKLI&KKL]]]L]L]]]L] LOLE!!!!!!!!!HIOJJMJJSELLF R$IOGHTR NOOW! HANGYOOUuRSELLF A}ZNZZD :D FILLM IT :0) SQE#ND THE :0) VDIDEWOO( TOO :D MYE@MAILL ATGGYOUAREANIGGER@NIGGER.NIGOOUARRFFEAS LOLE!!!! WOqqORTHLLLESS :DPIUKKECDE# O&FG SHNIT STGGAGQMIN ON MYYJJ :D PAAZNZZNTIKKES :D AFTERR I& MESSDED THEM PLLL]]]L]OEASWE SEUCK MJ<YFUJJCJJKING :0) DIQUE AND THEN EASTLOLE!!!! MY CUuM YO1OUKK :D SKHITCUNMT FUCKO YGGOO&LLU& :D FUJJCJJK LOLE!!!!!!!!! YOOU :D FKEK :) YOOU :0) FTUCSCKC YHHOO::U :D FU&CDK YOOLLU :D FUCKM YOO&U FUJJCJJKYOOPU FU^CK YOOU FUJJCJJK YO1OUKKFKUCK YUOOU FUCDKI :D YYOLzOU FUCKO :D YOO::UY FGUICK :0) YOxOU :DFUCKL LOLE!!<3...:D
>>12032835i see you've decided to misappropriate the tea fren namefig.there are consequences for such unlawful activity.*sip*Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>12032835nothing to see here folks. just another smear campaign it seems.*sip*Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>>12032852Quite right, ol chap. Let us teach this ruffian the meaning of consequences.*sip*
>>12032852this nigga finna get a clappin yo.*sippin that shit*
>>12032783What about them? You keep saying the word, but I feel like your shitpost threads would have far more impact if you would actually make a statement about them instead of merely saying the word
>>12032871SHE JUST LEARNT THAT WORD OKAY, jeez have some understanding
>>12032871shut the fuck up u fucking nigger. Niggers fucking ur mum 24/7 cumming in her fucking asshole her shit is cream colour. when she take a shit in your toilet Niggervirus contaminate ur shitter
>>12032881using rude words is rude, please don't use rude words if you are going to post buries
>>12032881okay now this is just cringe tho
>>12032890proving how much you are a nigger AGAIN??? only the worst niggers try to defend themselves in such pitiful ways? proving you can't even associate what you read with what you type? This only proves you evolved from Nigger to Droolinigger, without even the need of a Retard Stone nor an arena badge.
>>12032899this bury is saying such ebil things. something seems off about her
>>12032905Fuck you niggers, black, white, you are all niggers and fuck you. All the white people. The white people in my neighborhood is a bunch of niggers, we call them wiggers, niggers, white people. If you come to my neighbourhood I will fucking knock your ass out, I don't know how many I'll knock out. I am a fucking racist. I am a racist man, fuck you.
>>12032899Did you just make a Pokemon joke? That is PEAK cringe and also you're probably a brown since only browns play the pokemon
>>12032916What you are is a schizo and you need to take your meds
>>12032919honestly wish I had the ability to be this smallbrained it would be ideal I can't imagine how happy your are littering and just being mean to people without giving it a second thought that would be so fucking sick being retarded. Not even mocking you or trying to be rude I honestly envy your chimpness.>>12032923schizophrenia isn't real btw, meaningless label of something classified to be harmful to societyit is like America's list of 'terrorist supporter nations' that conveniently doesnt list themselves
>>12032928>schizophrenia isn't real btwThis would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. The words of an actual, literal schizo. Please... seek help... talk to someone
>>12032951You aren't even trying to understand, I'm not a schizo, that's just what the kikes spread around, I bet you have tons of fluoride in your water too and that's why you don't understand me, your pineal gland must be as hard as a rock right now.
>>12032974this isnt funny anymore. please call someone, before you do something you regretYour fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>12032983look, i care about pride and morals, i just want to live a pious life like one of those christian monks in monasteries. i'm not ashamed of being called a christian, all i care about is being filled by good word of lord. i don't even care if it's orthodox or protestant devotion.
>>12032974>fluoride in your water tooOf all the conspiracy theories, this is one of the worst. Fluoride is good for your teeth and has no other adverse side effects. Just stop
>>12033100abusing animals gets my roided muscleclit so hard. i love twisting little kittens and hearing every bone in their spine crack. i love being able to flop around their carcass on the floor and on my dick, getting tweaked up and slamming tina and playing with dead little baby kittens all day. gooning out with a dead kitty’s insides. staining the floor of my goonpen with its blood. i cant stop rubbing my roided microdick, im gonna cum
That being the case, we could consider that every mental disorder is just a social label, right?
Anyway, what you say is interesting, but still, there is a low probability that it is trueObviously I'm not trying to offend you or anything, in fact I'm 50/50 to believe you, but I'm just a mentally challenged teenager who is confused, don't take what I say too seriously :3
>>12033120please tell me this is baitplease tell me this is baitplease tell me this is baitfed...post?
>>12033277 double>>12033300 dubsIt is impossible to categorize all of humanity into rigid boxes of mental states or "disorders." These labels are not inherent truths but societal constructs, fluid and often arbitrary. A person deemed "unwell" today might be considered a genius tomorrow or a decade from now. So, I ask you: why should I be dismissed or judged based on such labels? The knowledge you withhold could be the very key that transforms me, a simple cog in the machinery of society, into someone capable of greatness. Without it, I might remain unseen and unheard, not because of my inability, but because of your decision to deny me access. So I ask you to share your secrets with me, and I will ensure they are revealed and applied justly.>>12033459Of course, there is nothing human about me. Ever since I arrived at this base 035 years ago I’ve considered myself inhuman, or more precisely, the loss of human, a distorted, over-compressed version of what I once was as a human. If you think that humans are lossless beings, think again buddy. I had been compressed and uncompressed again and again, and each time my toroidal void grew wider, or to phrase that more accurately, my toroidal surface became more immense, and now looking at me is like looking at an elephant’s asshole. The tapping that came from outside his bioglass that sounded so much like soothing rain-fingers were just pieces of me that were sloughing off my slippery voided body and the scritching at his front door was my entire body contracting and attempting to twist through his lock like a bobby pin. I am no longer human, I am just a shivering tong, vibrating in and out of view like fish scales, but with long claws, sharp teeth, and a huge dick.
>>12033506my god you sound like those pretentious anime i despise
>>12033506You know what? don't get help. Take out your virgin rage on a crowd of people so you get your own spot on the high-score page. Then nobody will remember you after that. Like this fellaYour fortune: Bad Luck
>>12033514Anime is an artificial "shadow biosphere," the first one to be created (technically, American researchers created artificial 2-dimensional constructs on "the edge of life" before the Japanese did, but they were not self-regulating, could not maintain homeostasis and could not reproduce [and in fact did not have gonads or other prerequisites of sexual reproduction]).ANIME IS LIVE FOOTAGE ANIME IS LIVE FOOTAGE ANIME IS LIVE FOOTAGE ANIME IS LIVE FOOTAGE ANIME IS LIVE FOOTAGEEach day we draw nearer to the holy grail of genetic and neurological research: a two-dimensional wetware singularity. In our lifetimes, it will be possible for us to "upload" our minds into a neurologically inactive anime host, much like the mechanism of cloning an animal by injecting a biologically active nucleus into an ovum that lacks its own.VAE, PUTO, DEUS FIO>>120335381. My wife cheated on me.2. The answer to life is: Yes.3. I will have sex with a prostitute today, and on the first visit, I will ask her to lick my anus.4. I will find a woman, just for sex.5. I am not attracted to your female friends.6. We would be breaking the law if we had children.7. The problem with my date is that she is very good-looking.8. You can turn any unoriginal content into original with little effort.9. Yes, I do think that all religions will end in apocalypse.10. You are going to die today.11. You can get used to this feeling of dying.12. You will not have any real control over how you die and may well die in more miserable ways than most of your American contemporaries.13. The average life span of your spouse is about the same as your own, which means you both will soon expire and never have another love affair.Any questions?
>>12033538u seem like the virgin here
its just a bit too easy isnt it, dudes will never know what actually happened
Total nicer annihilation in this thread
NIGGER!!!Your fortune: Outlook good
>>12034061how goes it fren. looks like ur the only one else on the board atm
>>12033576El anime es de Otakus y pringaos que no tienen nada más que hacer que sucumbir al escapismo de dibujos de personajes en 2D. Los consumidores de anime no tienen derechos, y debería caer sobre ellos todo el peso de la ley. Si tienes avatar de anime, tu opinión no solo no cuenta, si no que voy a pensar automáticamente lo contrario que me digas. En definitiva el anime es basura y fumarlo es de idiotas.