High impact pokemon bocchi the rock
high impact pickled herring.Your fortune: Outlook good
>>12034689how will the northern fleet ever recover?
National Security Council spokesperson Brian Hughes did not comment on the tone of the call but said Trump is focused on Greenland as part of the larger competition between China and Russia. “President Trump has been clear that the safety and security of Greenland is important to the United States as China and Russia make significant investments throughout the Arctic region,” Hughes said in a statement.“The President is committed to not only protecting U.S. interests in the Arctic but also working with Greenland to ensure mutual prosperity for both nations,” he added.https://thehill.com/policy/international/5105602-donald-trump-greenland-denmark/Your fortune: Godly Luck
getYour fortune: Average Luck
>>12034711dubs confirmit is high time.get ready for boom economy and a bunch of the coolest dudes you will ever meet.*sip*Your fortune: Average Luck
so um.... yeah.joe is escalating ukraine conflict by authorizing use of certain us munitions in his final days in office.*sip*found a clip from russian nightly news.graphics, green screen, the full monty.news presenter lays out detailed russian nuclear counterstrike capabilities. all points in continental europe named. then he crescendos with a stunning cadenza about the northern fleet being able to hit the king of england. word king was used specifically.cites, bases, precise points of counter strike named.*sip*end clip.okay. so like all this retaliatory capability was laid out in detail.now the guy causing you all these new problems is an irish catholic career politician who has signed off on every bad piece of paper known to man.but not one mention of hitting any target in ireland........................ (long uncomfortable silence)Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12034731"better safe than sorry"*sip*it just gets more true as time goes by.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d22CiKMPpaY&pp=ygUaYXMgdGltZSBnb2VzIGJ5IGNhc2FibGFuY2E%3DYour fortune: Bad Luck
never gets old.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7vThuwa5RZUYour fortune: Bad Luck
>>12034604yeah im gonna rape her
>>12034768her jesuit education turned her into the man you see standing before you today.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyola_Marymount_University*sip*was it really rape tho?*sip*or did you do some ex parte bullshit and circumvent due process again?Your fortune: Outlook good
*sip*https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DVx8L7a3MuE&pp=ygUUYnJhbmR5IGxvb2tpbmcgZ2xhc3M%3DYour fortune: Excellent Luck
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constellation-class_frigateexpedited bby.Your fortune: Excellent Luck
"The name frigate in the 17th to early 18th centuries was given to any full-rigged ship built for speed and maneuverability, intended to be used in scouting, escort and patrol roles. The term was applied loosely to ships varying greatly in design. In the second quarter of the 18th century, what is now generally regarded as the 'true frigate' was developed in France. This type of vessel was characterised by possessing only one armed deck, with an unarmed deck below it used for berthing the crew."https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frigate#Guided-missile_roleYour fortune: Very Bad Luck
"Anti-submarine warfare (ASW, or in the older form A/S) is a branch of underwater warfare that uses surface warships, aircraft, submarines, or other platforms, to find, track, and deter, damage, or destroy enemy submarines. Such operations are typically carried out to protect friendly shipping and coastal facilities from submarine attacks and to overcome blockades."https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-submarine_warfareYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
"Anti-submarine warfare technologieseditThere are a large number of technologies used in modern anti-submarine warfare:SensorsAcoustics particularly in active and passive sonar, sonobuoys, and fixed hydrophones aid in the detection of radiated noise. Sonar can be mounted on the hull or in a towed array.Pyrotechnics in the use of markers, flares and explosive devicesSearchlightsRadar, for surfaced partsHigh frequency radio direction finding (HF/DF or huff duff) to determine the bearings of U-boats.Hydrodynamic pressure wave (wake) detectionSubmerged submarines may produce a Kelvin wake pattern depending on their speed and depth. Kelvins wakes are difficult to detect for submarines below the depth of 100m, however, submarines below 100m may still generate "internal wakes" that may be detectable from the surface.[40]Laser detection and ranging of surfaced vessels; airborne and satelliteElectronic countermeasures and acoustic countermeasures such as noise and bubble makersPassive acoustic countermeasures such as concealment and design of sound-absorbing materials to coat reflecting underwater surfacesMagnetic anomaly detection (MAD)Active and (more commonly) passive infra-red detection of surfaced parts and water anomalies."–WikipediaYour fortune: Excellent Luck
"It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it"–ProverbYour fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
do you like cadenzas?*sip*Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>>12035086to be on the middle of the oceans brings me a true feel of lonelinessfortune is ashesYour fortune: Excellent Luck
CRITICAL ELEMENTSYour fortune: Godly Luck
>>12035103you're glitching out again