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Yet another major plagiarism scandal in STEM.
Why does this keep on happening?
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wonder how much money she got to fund her phd. what an amazing time to be alive
>her PhD dissertation, which is her only published academic work
what kind of dogshit university allowed her to graduate? this isn't mathematics, which is normal for a PhD to graduate without any published paper.
>Dr. Perry – who holds a Ph.D. in higher education (University of Virginia)
oh, I see.
>which is her only published academic work
pretty damning in itself lmao
>director of UCLA Medical School
She's very likely a high paid figurehead and there's a bunch of assistant directors running thing. It's the same thing now when dealing with tech companies. They've used DEI to put lots of unqualified people into senior management roles where they're expected to be mostly hands off while underlings get things done. The trick is discovering with of those underlings are doing the actual work so you can start dealing with them directly.
I work so hard to keep my work from ever getting kicked back and the institution literally pays people to lie for political reasons.

This is why having PhD at the end of your name is meaningless these days, being a doctor could mean youre a dimwitted fool.
It's okay for people of color to plagiarize due to the inherent IQ disadvantage
Of course it's another darkie
They intentionally pick fraud dindus so that if they ever try to step out of line they can oust them easily.
based knower
It's not just dindus.
Most high level personnel are compromised.
I venture to guess that part of the process of being allowed into top positions is to compromise yourself and hand the kompromat to the masters so they can feel safe granting you power.
Right. Different industries and fields are compromised in different ways. University diversity hires have compromised by their very foundation: honesty in academia.
>nigger ""academic"" cheated
pick one lol
this, faking intelligence the only way anyone of that ilk can get into a position like being a boss at a major medical school
>negress medician
Blatant racism. Case dismissed.
We need to take a closer look at these Rufo and Rosiak guys.
some people think racial equity is the highest good in life and are willing to compromise all other morals to make that happen
Its almost as if those people had no morals at all to begin with
Atheists don't have morals
people are too stupid to get non-research related phds
People who get PhDs aren't intelligent people. Staying in school until you're 30 is a sign of arrested psychological development, AKA retarded psychological development.
this, plus gargling the conventional wisdom for a decade only makes you be too stuck in the past to ever create anything new and worthwhile
Her body is horrible
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Its fairly innovative, she stores fried chicken in that pouch behind her chin
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LMAO, it is niggers again.
When are you going to learn that it's white neonazi fascists going out of their way to eliminate what little progress has been made in leveling the playing field? If they went out of their way to investigate everyone, instead of only African Americans, you'd find plagiarism rampant with Jews as well.
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I used to consider Rufo’s approach to political activism as completely useless

but he is mostly just destroying the reputations of universities, and causing racism, both of which are hilarious
The majority of PhDs in humanities are monographs. A non-insignificant portion in STEM too.
The reason why jews and negroes behave so similarly is because semites are the most closely related race to negroes, it only takes looking at a map to realize why that it
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need more Rufo
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>it only takes looking at a map to realize why that it
You don't even need to do that, just look at a semite and you'll notice that they have fat lips and curly hair just like negroes do
I don't get it, I thought Black women were the most educated group in America? So why are they involved in so many of these scandals?
Old twitter would have banned him for being racist for exposing plagiarism
Diss iz whut a sighentist iz look lyk.
u whyt chuds r a raysis an u stoppin' dee bhlack coemoonatee frum gittin' along.
because someone keeps looking for it. this faggot rufo failed at his earlier life so he blamed niggers for not being able to produce.
rufo only runs it on niggers. run the same software on the community at large, you'll find malfeasance and plagiarism infect all of academia.
odds that twum is eventually have discovered to have plagiarized that meme?
0%, don't doubt Twum again.
Her PhD thesis is plagiarized or someone else wrote it for her, mortal lock guarantee

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