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Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper


>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.
Heres a copy of the PDF for anyone who'd like to go over the figures
People who don't want the atmosphere to be enhanced with additional CO2 are people who hate nature and who hate all living creatures
this is more good news about the environment so inevitably the people who claim that they're environmentalists will get angry at it.
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that's ricist

In the next 1-10 years science will GMO plants to uptake much more CO2 than before. This will result in MASSIVE increase in yields of all enhanced plants, faster growing timber as well as food crops. This along with extensive replanting of forest with GMO super trees will negate all human generated CO2 and then some. This was always the plan and will only be made public once the climate hoax fails completely which has already begun. Ironically Golden Rice is a model for such an advancement. Screencap it.
CO2 is plant food
Theres no need for "roundup ready" plants or for glyphosate in higher CO2 environments because the plants are robust enough to resist predation and disease.
New astroturf thread?
Its over insect bros
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>CO2 makes plants healthier
okay, yes. Everyone knows that, sherlock.
Was this study conducted at Rice University?
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lmao, probably
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Western science: lets see how we can use our brains to improve the world, lets cure cancer and invent space travel.

Eastern science: lets see how we can use our brains to get more rice
fungusisters, does this affect us too?
Yes, plants in CO2 enhanced atmospheres are more disease resistant
Unfortunately CO2 increases causes temperature rises which cause heat and water stress to the plants. You can't look at the variable in isolation.
I wonder if they plan a FACE follow up study.
>CO2 increases causes temperature rises
no it doesn't
>which cause heat and water stress to the plants.
plants growing in high CO2 environments require less water than plants growing in low CO2 environments
Rice is C3 photosynthesis meaning it thrives with 10% CO2 concentration.
decreased nitrogen content (protein) and moar bugs
All plants do better in higher CO2 environments, at 400ppm they're on the brink of starvation
In practice, atmospheric CO2 is not the limiting factor in plant growth. Making farmlands hotter and drier will decrease yields despute more CO2 being available from the atmosphere.
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>muh soiyentism religion doomsday scenario
Plants in high CO2 environments require less water than otherwise
>oh no, adding CO2 to the atmosphere is making agriculture more productive and food more plentiful!!!!
All I know is that real science will always confirm me in doing what I want and what I already do.
This is what gretafags are actually crying about
When CO2 ends up making agriculture productive enough the value of farmland is going to plummet and a lot of it will return to being wilderness. Nature will thrive and be healthier than any human has ever witnessed, this is what the environmentalists are trying to prevent
rice releases more methane than beef but they never mention this for some strange reason
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The more productive adding CO2 to the atmosphere makes agriculture, the cheaper biofuels will become, which in turn will eventually stop more CO2 from being added to the atmosphere.
Theres a fun equation in figuring out where the inflection points are
Retard take
>On a per acre basis, rice produces the most calories at 14 million per acre. This means an acre produces enough rice to feed 19 people for a year at 2000 calories per day.

And since you're going to whine about cows giving you more protein
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Unfortunately plants are not the only thing that wants to live on this planet.
In addition to that plants have hostorically adapted to the availability of CO2 and variation of the density of stomata has been recorded to be proportional to availability of CO2 for evolutionary periods.
This means, given time on an evolutionary scale, plants will adapt and regress to their comfy zone.
Unfortunately the changes we are causing are not happening on a evolutionary timescale because what we are releasing on a single day took ages of unimpeded growth and deposition in the absence of lignine consuming microorganisms to form.
On top of that photosynthesis in most plants during our period is thylakoid limited. At this point the derivate of the response curve is already quite low and once its in Pi regeneration limited CO2 concentration ranges the derivative is literally 0.
But sadly all explaining is in vain when the recipient is either numb or doesn't want to know but rather justify their own actions or agitate.
This is one of the examples of the already mentioned >>16159779 numb people. Fauna in our age, conversely to what some wannabe environmentalists like to pretend, does hardly fix any carbon past it reaching it's full potential for a given environment. A point after which it will remain in an equilibrium of release through decay and uptake.
Even if we experienced the conditions that lead to the original formation of fossile carbon formation again (god beware), it would still be delusional to believe this process could halt let alone reverse accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, as earths surface is limited and the surface needed to absorb the current man made emission would need to be 400 times that.
But again: Dumb people don't even understand how excel or calculators work and have no intuition either. Discrepancies this large should cause a normal functioning humans intuition to prompt for investigation.
How is this bitch, a magazine, or nationalism relevant ? Please explain.
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Methane isn't any more a significant greenhouse gas than CO2 is. Water vapor is responsible for virtually all of the meager greenhouse effect on Earth.
Looks sound to me.
Look up photosynthetic efficiency
This is obviously wrong. Plants currently existing are way too close to running into photoinhibition for any such point to lie on the near side from that point.
Besides the whole argument obviously being moot since it fails to demonstrate how a reduction in emission would stop emission. Anon here just suddenly jumps that gap.
rice needs water. global warming means increasing heat and drought. Let's see that rice grown in droughts. bye bye
plants require less moisture to function in higher CO2 environments because of the way stomata work, so they're less susceptible to drought when atmospheric CO2 is higher than it is currently.
if high atmospheric CO2 was going to end all life on earth then all life on earth would've ended ages ago because atmospheric CO2 in the current era is just about as low as it ever has been in past several billion years.
How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when they find out that CO2 is good for plants and good for nature?
Shouldn't they be happy to learn about that if they're concerned about the environment?
>How come the people who claim to be concerned about the environment get upset when people use half truths to lie to truly ignorant people
CO2 is good for plants, why does that upset you so much?
I'm tired of seeing this stupid lie everywhere. CO2 will not increase plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions.

The law of the minimum governs plant growth. It states that growth is limited by the most scarce factor. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is like building a barrel with one stave taller then the rest and the "CO2 is plant food" crowd insists that it will make the barrel hold more water. It won't.



CO2 is good for plants, why does that upset you so much? Do you hate plants and want to starve them to death? Can you show us on the doll where the plants touched you?
Why are you illiterate and stupid? Isn't one bad enough?

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