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/sci/ - Science & Math

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> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?
>What would have his math career looked like?
Like it did, because he chose to quit. Taking some math courses was all he was willing, to do more would not fit his psychology.
>mathematical physiology

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He calculated coom.
Why are pedophiles so attracted to mathematics?
it's basically applied differential equations, its closer to physics than math
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No, Its Organic Mathematics, how humans Shadow Calculate Pi/Phi/i and all manner of things, like I and Oiler did.

The Cognitive, Phenomenological, perception of Pure Mathematics, or Physiology d'Mathematique.
Coomer did what you did, "physics measures".

Me too, just more expansive.

Not all math is "ethical", I would be done with this and impliment a slower return but more stable, besides, half thebprofits are from efficiency and cost cutting.
>mommy praised me because i did good in math class when i was 6 years old
is it true that Dick Dawkins was his friend? if true, i won't buy The God Delusion, but borrow it (or buy second-hand).
very poor
can't count past 16...
How have the Epstein client lists not been released yet?
Is it true that he donated a ton of money to various universities and science institutions?
Epstein loved physics but could nit understand it. To cope he funded physics, he would surround himself with top scientists and force them to hear his forced analogies between finance and physics, they had to listen
only those institutions which employed his fellow mossad affiliated influencers
Oh dear
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>What would have his math career looked like?
like this
Because it's all Jews and that would be antisemitism
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He surrounded himself with transhumanist types because Epstein literally wanted his head and penis to be resurrected on a cyborg body which could run wild in the future chasing lolis like Robocop OD'ed on Spanish fly.
>transhumanist types
virtually all of the academics he rubbed elbows with were jewish, the one exception being black soience man
>unironically posting this cringe idiot
Pick yourself up man.
I'm kind on Stallman's side about Minsky - Marv was an absentminded egghead who had a lot of utterly shit confused theories of cognitive science etc. but not exactly a loli man. The me too harpies just rolled him up in the witchhunt then crucified RMS for daring to defend his friend.
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epstein and maxwell kept the west safe for years. now everything is falling apart. they flew these young girls around the world in luxury beyond any /sci/posters wildest dreams. basically giving them a james bond lifestyle. the idea that jeffrey was this terrible monster is ridiculous.
Stallman is just another jewish grifter
>everyone else fantasizes about being a pedophile because I'm a pedophile
do you think hawking got his joystick slobbered?
maybe, but the reason he went there was because his fame and reputation were dependent on the whims of people who have control over the media so he made sure to kiss their ass at every opportunity
How's Tel Aviv, Mr. Epstein?
FBI seized all the blackmail videos from Epstein's properties, so they're the ones who knows what happened. Them and Ghislaine Maxwell and her Mossad bosses
>Them and Ghislaine Maxwell and her Mossad bosses
That would include the Newhouse brothers who own Advance Publications, which owns Reddit
He taught math at some fancy private school, thats how he met Bill Barr's father.
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And then later on Bill Barr was in charge of the prison where Epstein didn't kill himself
so its good odds epstein didn't die there and they hustled him off to get plastic surgery so he could assume a new identity
Epstein wasn't from one of the established jewish crime families like Ghislaine Maxwell was so they might've whacked him just to get rid of him since he was only a liability at that point
and now you know how jews become famous scientists so easily.
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I think it's possible.
but you're low iq
the higher ranking jews force the lower ranking ones to submit to blackmail in order to have a guarantee that the lower ranking ones will be compliant.
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>Would you like to know how I'm
>positive that the FBI protects
>high-profile pedophiles?
>They raided Epsteins' private
>island, confiscated computers,
>hard drives, various electronic
>devices, along with 20,000
>images from his mansion in
>Manhattan and didn't make a
>single arrest.
>welcome to fantasy island
Who cares about majors in math when you could have minors on the mat?
jews women and bourgeois atheists are all sex addicts
kendrick lamar?
They're not actually sex addicts, sex is a reproductive act, they're masturbation addicts.
it was all a cover for the operation so he could claim, or others could claim for him, some expertise or knowledge of advanced maths so univeristies and professors would talk to him before he entrapped them.
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Extremely successful even though it completely lacked in productivity. Same as any other jew in academia
memoryholed along with hunter biden and everything else embarrassing for the current regime
Why the fuck did you bump a thread that's three weeks old?
>oy vey, stop noticing the corruption in academic science goy!!!!
>datz anti-semitic!!!
What kind of researcher did sex offender Jeffrey Epstein like to fund? He told Science before he died
oh crap, science itself has been tainted by the homosexual pedophile mossad demon CIA cult!
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>liking sexually mature girls with curves, fat in all the right places, lips and body hair makes you a pedophile
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more evidence that scientist will do literally anything for money, they are the greediest people who exist
>Ghislaine's father - Robert Maxwell, a media mogul was a well known Mossad asset.
Ghislaine's bosses at Reddit, the Newhouse brothers, have the same relationship with Mossad that her father did. Their father, Si Newhouse was the American version of Robert Maxwell in the late 20th century
The fact that Hawking was dependent on the jewish media gang for his fame just goes to show how he was unable to earn fame based on the merit of his scientific achievements and how bogus his career and his "achievements" really are.
nobody who studies physics ends up doing anything useful anymore, those days are long gone.
You've never been anywhere near a university you drooling subhuman retard.
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>You've never been anywhere near a university you drooling subhuman retard.
How come nothing ever happened to all of the scientists who were busted patronizing Epstein's prostitution business?

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