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what do you think?

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my theory is that one on the right needs to go on a diet, look at how some of her hair is caught under the fat rolls on her neck.
Assuming that c is given, a and b would have to be determined first. Since x and z are expressed by a chain of expressions containing (a,b,c), this raises the question how you could find the values for (a,b) without relying on pythagoras's theorem in the first place. Ex ante, there is no way for you to know what the precise values for (a,b) are on which the values for (x,z) depend.
rather both
it's a proof for pytha. You don't need to know values. What you need to see is 2 ab/c^2 = sin 2 a AND 2 ab / (a^2 + b^2) .
Hats off to the two young ladies.
>it's a proof for pytha.
No, it isn't. Calculating a series that expresses the hypothenuse and the adjacent based on the exact same geometric figure just inscribed does not solve the issue.
>2 ab/c^2 = sin 2 a AND 2 ab / (a^2 + b^2)
The sinus function, right. The sinus function that does not, in any way, already presume Pythagoras's theorem to be proven. We can simply assume things to be true while we're trying to prove them. Makes sense.
>just a convering pythagoras series
It's like saying a+b=c because 1/2(a+b)=1/2c
Good for them and I hope the chuds seethe hard as they achieve nothing with their miserable existence
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When I first heard what they did, I cooked this proof up in a couple of minutes.
is there a link to their full argument/demonstration written out
no, because they know the whole story would collapse if it was opened up to critical examination. and that's probably fine. it's not the girls' fault that this has reached such ridiculous lengths, it's academia's and the media's.
i'm dumb but don't you have to assume that b>a for it to converge

Since the law of sines is typically proven using areas, I wonder if you could eliminate its use and just use areas. Or just use the law of sines without considering area. The latter seems more like what the girls did.
I feel like we laughed at this last year.
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that chin on the fatter one
It's that thread again where /sci/ shows its absolute miserable loser side. Threads like these are so unbelievably cringe.
You feel the need to attack some teens that discover their love for math, which means you feel like they are taking away something from you or as if your shitty life would be better if they didn't get their 5 mins of attention. Only an absolute loser would think like that. You think actually accomplished scientist react like you by trying to put them down with personal attacks?
Most people on this board do not give a fuck about maths.
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>You think actually accomplished scientist react like you by trying to put them down with personal attacks?
I believe the whole roster does this, yes...only sometimes, so they all get out in different degrees of Satanism.

From "Out of control" Mikaku, a renegade for his own demons, or servile like Bill Nye...leering.
I think discovering a new proof of pythagoras is neat. they're probably bright kids and have great futures ahead.
that fat one has a future in competitive eating or sump wrestling
Based black bitches. Pythagoras up in heaven hollering like a mad man rn fr.
Pythagoras wasn't a Christian so he didn't go to heaven
how could he, he lived in 500BC
not a valid excuse
did her chin get caught in the pencil sharpener?
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moonman raped her mom
No one in their right mind takes this bullshit at face value. Therefore we may conjecture the motivation behind what appears to be a deliberate, well planned, and admittedly clever ploy.

Background: At regular intervals we see stories that honor black teens for "achieving" critical successes. Two popular ones you may recall involve the kid that "built" a computer, and the three African girls who created an electricity generator using urine as the fuel.
You will notice the subjects are always black. Not for example one of the many other ethnic groups such as Burmese, Peruvian, Iranian, or Malay, etc.

Theory 1. Some well intentioned liberal group in Education actively seeks to promote black achievements to inspire black students. There are few historical precedents so they invent new ones.

Theory 2. A group seeking to get its hands on fund money brings attention to these stories in an effort to justify more funding for technical development aimed at uplifting blacks. They will of course oversee the grants and take a huge slice of the pie in administration fees ( as do most charities ). They may actually have a direct role in manufacturing these stories or bring about their creation with prompting.

Theory 3. There is no overt direct agenda, these stories are simply journalistic clickbait designed to fill a niche readership market. ( Most likely theory in my opinion ). Typically they fall into one of three categories, "feel good" or "impending catastrophe" or "outrage" and are frequently the domain of tabloid tier news agencies.

Theory 4. These stories are just part of a wider noninformation program. Noninformation is the flooding of news channels with stories of trivial concern. Frequently they concern subjects which the general public has little or no knowledge about which makes it easier to pass them off as newsworthy. The intention here is to fill up space and displace other more important and perhaps controversial news from the public's attention.
Speak of the devil
Now guess her ethnicity.
I’ll admit that I’m a math retard but I really don’t get it. Why does this matter? Hasn’t Pythagoras’s theorem been proven? How does this build upon what we have and take us further?
its nice to know that dr. twum has her own university, science has a bright future with her in at the helm
Breeding stock, obviously. Young men with sense will claim them for wives soon.
>You feel the need to attack some teens
thats just you projecting your own repulsive personality on everyone else. everyone one in this thread is discussing math except for the minority of people seething about /pol/, chuds, incels, nazis or whatever other boogeyman their headcannon carries around to be constantly upset over.
Is there a proof that all four sides of a square are of equal length?
maybe the negroes will prove this for us one day
It cannot be proved because the square root of 2 is irrational
ok, thanks
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Can it be proved if you use dark numbers?
It is widely thought that no other theorem in mathematics has had more valid proofs than the Pythagorean Theorem. Since the time of Euclid it has been proved over three hundred different ways. Not only did Euclid have his own proof, so did Albert Einstein and Presdent James A Garfield. I believe Ramanujan had his own proof. How long will it take to prove the Pythagorean Theorem? 2,300 years ago long. Yesterday long. It’s settled. It’s done.
is her name Erin Williams or Ne'Kyia Jackson?
ehm, Jesus brought people from the first level of hell to heaven after he died haven't you heard of DANTE?
>Now guess her ethnicity.
a degree in sociology. They aren't human, this is why they need to study humanities.
>/pol/tard seething in this thread because they've never discovered anything and their only accomplishment is being born a certain skin color
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isnt using infinite series a less stringent constraint than pythagoras?
Are faggots in an infinite series of faggots lesser in terms of faggot constraint than you (huge faggot)
calm down shaniqua
why would chuds seethe hard when a couple of negro nerds achieve nothing with their miserable existence?
>Why does this matter?
Same reason every commercial you see has no white men
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not canon, papist retard
Here you are trying to act like an authority on the topic while also denouncing the premise of Earthly authorities
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Slam the plap piggy and have the secretary looking one eat out my colon
Make one where it's the libtar raging at the migi chud raging at the nigger and the nigger is raging at a white man climbing a mountain or something
Why are black pypl always proving theorems and shiet? What's the point?
>muh sacred negro
Reminds me of the Obama chocolate Jesus phenomenon
are they legit niggers or dark skinned asians? the fatter appears to have naturally straight hair, and neither of them have big lips
asians being good at math doesn't make global headline news
Asians aren't good at math, thats just a racist meme
some simps will pay fortunes for this
I think american teens look like they are over 30, you guys need to close those fast foods ASAP
they'd get no media attention for a headline like:

Teachers at Catholic School coach students into new proof of pythagorean theorem
that one on the right is over 30 stone
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thanks for including the video version in case we didn't understand the gif verson
What'd I miss?
Why would anyone want to prove a theorem more than once? What a stupid waste of time
>What a stupid waste of time
academia in a nutshell
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Very nice.
Sadly if you're White, this isn't considered a great achievement because you aren't of a subhuman intelligence.
if they're so good at trig maybe they can learn to triangulate where that beeping noise is coming from and figure out how to fix the smoke alarm
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To be fair, that place is downright decadently luxurious compared to the average mud hut. There is a real tube aspect to wealth.
I love this image.
It is a grim reminder that the only thing that is stopping 80% of the population from going apeshit on each other is the indoctrination of their cult.
>built in the 1600s
they didn't have that kind of corrugated metal roofing in the 1600s, that kind of material has to be imported from industrialized western nations
fat one looks like trollface
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>instead of finding new useful theorems, let's prove the same one a thousand times
good job
we have functioning gonads producing sex hormones. euro fuckbois just wouldn't understand.
>useful theorems
no such thing, math is just mental masturbation
interesting choice of graph, surely not meant as propaganda
>Gallup is part of the vast conspiracy against me
a 10 year old can graduate a sociology degree
>What is an ad hominem fallacy and why is it considered an invalid rebuttal?
still looks like a place where farm animals should be housed
Holy SHIT, does this thread EVER die? Why do you retards keep bumping it?
stop being such a crybaby
Does that mean there is a possibility that all four sides of a square are not of equal length?
if it can't be proved then it means that it is certain that they are not of equal length
Fragile wh*toids WILL be forced to acknowledge the superiority of the Black Race.
If thats true then right angles don't exist which means that the Pythagorean theorem is false
>right angles don't exist
they don't exist anywhere outside the mentally ill brains of mathfags. thinking in idealisms and absolutes is a symptom of mental illness and mental illness in turn is a synonym for brain damage and low IQ
>that fat one has a future in competitive eating or sump wrestling

Mr. Obvious - The Critter (Animated)

(If your lover makes those noises, you might be unknowingly fucking a bear in a human suit)
Grapefruit Technique
Women aren't allowed to compete in professional sumo wrestling. Sumo (ozumo) is a shinto religious ritual which forbids the presence of females on the competition surface
Don't people think this is a little condescending? If any non-black did this, no one would bat an eye
Is this absolute? Are you low iq by your own logic?
You're one of the few sane people on here. Thank you.
I discovered a proof using circumcircles and similar triangles in October of 2023, but I forgot it. Should have written it down!
>interesting choice of graph, surely not meant as propaganda
I'm a staunch liberal (and not a misogynist) but what's wrong with the graph choice? I see nothing misleading about it.
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they are literally black science man 2.0. they will become the new feminine powered faces of basedence!!
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they needed a black science man version for math just like they needed one for biology
I like the landscaping
a barren expanse of dirt and mud with one tree, that must've required a lot of thought
They have slave last names.
Just like my black boss.
Negores in America should be happy that their ancestors were lucky enough to be brought to the civilized world instead of being forced to languish in Africa.
we wuz euclidz n shit
epic memes
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They will apply their expertise in trigonometry to perfecting their twerking

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