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Is there some truth behind it?
Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?
Of course is true. Is self evident for anyone who is not a complete retard.
have you ever interacted with a groid?
flawed metric since blacks have a retarded culture where kids are neglected and are not encouraged to be well behaved and studious. correlation and causation and all that. however a lot of people support this idea so maybe the data supports the model as well
There's no real research done into it that takes into account upbringing. So nobody knows
Why are you insinuating causation when OP aswell as the discussion is not centered around, not even concerned with causation.
OP posted a statistic, the results of measurements, something factual. And OP wants to know if it is real, not why it may be real.
It seems very common for this topic to be confronted by the 'we have no proof it's genetic'-crowd, even when no one even brought up that idea. Also how would it even matter if its nature or nurture ? I could see it to be relevant if it was the test for example. Care to explain how it's relevant ?
Most of the data that is available on this subject strongly implies something like this is accurate. It may not exactly be the numbers shown in your picrel but the general situation.
Fun thing: The data also implies cases of abormally high intelligence are equally common in all people and centered around equally high intelligence scores.
>Care to explain how it's relevant ?
What were you expecting? Did you want the graph to be visually described to you? You can get chatbots to do that for you these days.
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Look up Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.
You lion cub will grow up a lion no matter if it's born in a cage and a nigga is going to be a nigga even if you raise it in a high class white family.
The smart and civilized niggas are very rare freaks of nature. A 125+ IQ white is statistical as likelly as a 105 IQ black that can be kinda of average and contribute to society.
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whites will be just as stupid as blacks within 100 years
used to be 115 average in 1880s
envrionment and genetics make the phenotype. even if we were to be charitable and assume genetics had less than half of the sway on phenotypic intelligence, that would still be plenty enough to need to factor the genetic element into how you run things
how many racebait threads do we really need
Why don't you read before answering ?
That cycle is bogus. Writing is a product of cities and state like structures not the other way around. A lack of writing denotes not a dark age but rather a period of time in which subsistence farmers did not have to hand over part of their produce as taxes.
Why don't you say something of substance?
This is just "le good times create weak men the west has fallen" in leftist meme form.
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socioeconomic factors
>Is there some truth behind it?
The graph is derived from real data that was collected in the 1960s at the end of segregation
The issue is whether the results are really worth comparing. The outcome of the study more so reflects the disparity in opportunity during the time. Blacks during this period had an 8% illiteracy rate and whites a 2% illiteracy rate, partially explaining the increased density of blacks with lower IQ. If roughly 8% of the sample collected are functionally illiterate, how could they occupy any point above borderline retarded on the distribution?
Black students were provided worse schooling options than whites as per pupil funding levels were 10x higher for white students.
It seems kind of retarded to compare the two groups if you can't control for the above socioeconomic factors.
Whites during the time had on average higher literacy rates, public funding, less cluttered classrooms and possessed higher levels of inter-generational and social advantages. Blacks had drastically lower literacy rates, public funding and families who were less able to provide any inter-generational advantages.
A 2000s study found that black IQ on average is gaining on white IQ, even as the average white IQ increased. With that gain in black IQ what was increasing? Higher schooling participation rates, equal per pupil funding and access to the same level of teachers. If the only determinant of IQ was race, black IQ would still be stagnant.
>Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?
It's not considered worthwhile because it doesn't really provide any meaningful insights, taking the graph at face value provides us with what? There is 1 biased causal inference that can be made and no remediating actions available to mitigate the discrepancy. The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence for a genetic component to explain the differences in racial IQ
i know a fairly smart and academically successful black, who grew up in a crime ghetto in the caribbean. By hoi own admission, he was rare and was chastised by his own family for studying.
>If the only determinant of IQ was race, black IQ would still be stagnant.
Well, yeah, but no one thinks it is. It's environmental and genetic
>It's not considered worthwhile because it doesn't really provide any meaningful insights, taking the graph at face value provides us with what? There is 1 biased causal inference that can be made and no remediating actions available to mitigate the discrepancy. The scientific consensus is that there is no evidence for a genetic component to explain the differences in racial IQ
I saw a survey that showed 70% of 'x' believed it had a genetic component. This was done in the 1980s, so, yeah. There is a lot of evidence that it is partly genetic. In regardless to the consensus question, we can't really do one. It's just too 'hot'. Every time it's tried, 95% refuse to answer the survey. I saw another survey that was done in 2015, 2016; 50-60% agreed that 'race' was taxonomically informative. The real answer is that its rather open ended. I'll try to find the sources.
>another survey that was done in 2015, 2016; 50-60% agreed that 'race' was taxonomically informative.
I believe some sort-of university faculty took part, but I'm not certain. There was a positive correlation between education and considering 'race' to be valid. The race question, in my view, is a straw man. Ethnicity>Race. Race is a sweeping generalisation, it's not meant to 'real'. Whatever that means.
>blacks are typically far more competent in practice than their IQ suggests
they aren't, but thanks for finally admitting that they're low IQ
>t. Gets all his "knowledge" of negroes from /pol/ graphics and webms
you only got triggered by that post because it portrayed you so accurately and unflatteringly
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suppose you made an intelligence test, but when administered to a class of literal retards, they all scored 90% on it. what would you conclude about the accuracy of said test?

no one denies that there's a genetic component to intelligence. what is in dispute is whether our mostly political classifications of "race" accurately predict intelligence.
It is presumably (you) who
>hints at causation, outside the scope of the discussion
>'answering' but completely missing the point and avoiding all substance also the graph itself too has nothing to do with causation
>refuse to read what you clearly havent read but needed to reply to
>complain about no substance
KEK mongrel.
The pictures are just there to keep your attention. Point is intelligence and other pro-social traits rise under harsh darwinian selection pressures found in low complexity civilization in particular places on earth (not most of africa sadly).
>hints at causation, outside the scope of the discussion
Why is it outside the scope of this discussion? What kind of /sci/ence are we doing here where we're not allowed to ask questions about observed phenomena?
>'answering' but completely missing the point
What is the point? Other than 'xdd blacks stoobid rofl'
Heckin' KEK my dude! Holy BASED! Get in libtard, we're saving western civilization.
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It's well known that LLM are not intelligent, but IQ test well. Pic related.
This calls into question the validity of IQ tests, or if you doggedly assert the validity of IQ tests, the validity of Spearman's hypothesis itself.

White supremacy is an axiom. Under their framework, IQ tests are valid, because they produce results that don't contradict the axiom. This is by design: as Edwin Boring once said, "Intelligence is what an intelligence test measures."
>instaresponding to every post
>get blown out brutally
>repost the same thread the next day
You don't really expect to get people to iterate several times over by just playing dumb, do you ? You'll need a fishing rod thats at least a bit larger.
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Well, we have different brain sizes, it's not hard to believe that IQ differences are real after that.
In order to not know this intuitively before you are even a teenager you would have to have had zero contact with black people in your adolescence
>there are no twin studies
yah sure there isnt
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LMAO, they are closer to animals than humans.
You're a bit confused too. You see, someone brought up the almost reflex-like 'it could be something other than genetics' that is usually heard when this is discussed, even when it was never part of the original question. OPs question can be translated wether the data is valid and an accurate representation of reality. OPs question is not regarding causation.
Now the thing that gives this behaviour away is the fact that it is really really hard to determine the root cause of the data being what it is. Theres is a multitude of possibilities, some of which have been ruled out and others which are very hard to rule out, but the suggestions out of a certain direction always display this hyperfixation on the possibility of one possible cause not being the determining factor: Genetics. This then almost forces the neutral observer who cares more about the scientific method than politics to believe the cause of this weird reflex might actually be politic motivation. Politically motivated intuition is not part of objective reasoning and the scientific method.
Long story short: Genetics is on the table still. Just like socio-economic factors. Purely economic factors have largely been ruled out by now.
>Genetics is on the table still.
I never said it wasn't. I'm happy to leave everything on the table. You want to angrily flip the table knocking everything off of it because "OP DIDN'T ASK ABOUT CAUSATION!!!"
>does biology exist
>does biological variability exist
>does biological variability stop at the brain

Anyone who isn’t a politically compromised dumbass, or just a dumbass, knows this.
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Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.
But now you’re accusing the dumbasses of being dumbasses for not being able to understand something so fucking basic, which means they will argue forever, trying to wrestle with their horse shit level of think.

Anyone who bothers educating these “people” are seen as their enemy, because you hurt their fucking feelings.
Idk who (you) are but you have certainly noticed that someone from the usual 'whatever we arrive at it can not be genetics'-crowd went 'whatever we arrive at it can not be genetics' in a discussion that does not concern the question of causation.
(you) do realise that, don't you ?
IQ is irrelevant.

The proper metric is SAT scores. Instead of relying on self reports for few millions, you have scores of billions over the decades of actual professional life.
>But now you’re accusing the dumbasses of being dumbasses for not being able to understand something so fucking basic


Literal fucking cavemen knew you couldn’t get a man pregnant.

That’s how fucking stupid we’ve become.
Why am I forbidden to discuss causation? OP asked if the data was accurate. The first few replies confirmed that it was. Why not discuss causation next?
Smart and civilized niggers are the Biafrans. They don’t exist as a nation anymore and they are somewhat dispersed into the west these days. I dunno what it is, maybe they’re the descendants of the Timbuktu Negus or something, but they can math and literature, and they could govern in good times, but they can’t into war like other Africans so they lost their land

> Blacks during this period had an 8% illiteracy rate and whites a 2% illiteracy rate, partially explaining the increased density of blacks with lower IQ. If roughly 8% of the sample collected are functionally illiterate, how could they occupy any point above borderline retarded on the distribution?
The last culture fair test I took required zero reading, illiteracy wouldn’t be an issue
Take a guess what the SAT scores look like by race. Hint: They strongly correlate with g.
The validity of SAT doesn't validate IQ. IQ is irrelevant pseudoscience.
Why would they consider negroes to be a lesser race that needs protection from the great white saviors? That sure does seem pretty racist to me. If negroes are equal, why would they need help?
when you realize even the smart ones are still subhuman, what does it matter?
Go to one of your white paradise neighborhoods sometimes, you'll leave disillusioned.
>Smart and civilized niggers are the Biafrans.
Not surprise their country got destroyed, the synagogue of satan hates smart and civilized people.
Humans are inherently unhappy and this is why we will never progress nearly as much as we could in theory
you should kys
end your suffering
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>Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age or was it just bullshit all along?

Truth be told I'm leaning more towards bullshit.

Because the idea that whites can be intelligent enough to do advance technology but lack the foresight from pricing themselves out of there own economic markets in terms of home, food and transportation expenses is counterintuitive. It's even more counterintuitive when you see them driving themselves into trillions in debt and lower birthrates but lack solutions to fix it while still being able to figure out solutions to send some satellites into low orbit space or send autonomous vehicles to Mars.

It gives off "functional autist" vibes, where high IQ is present but lacks proficiency in everyday generality.
“The human brain is magical and everyone’s is the same :)”

Leftism lol
Who cares other than dumbfuck racists?
To those that honestly, truly believe in this crap:

Why aren't you doing anything about it?
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>If negroes are equal, why would they need help?
they would be providing help if they were equal
If everyone was equal nobody would need help
>Is this kind of research just not considered politically correct in this day and age
Regardless politics, it is still accurate and factual
But they never do, they're just a race of toxic mendicants
People don’t have issues with race, they have issue with rates.
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dumb things are dumb
some truth? its a fact pretty much
Biological variance does not stop at the brain FFS why are humans so unhappy to the point where they will literally ignore basic fucking biology to save themselves from their pathetic fucking hurt feelings
The same people who constantly screech about how much they love science will turn right around and completely deny science when it comes to human evolution above the neck
You can't expect intellectual consistency from people who are dishonest. Atheists are all liars. They lie about everything, the only reason they ever communicate is to lie and manipulate.
God isn't real and /sci/ is not your christian safe space you moron
Why do you keep posting here when you hate science and math and have no understanding of science or mathematics
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I think it's due to how we rationalize offense, the more abstracted someone is from the actual issue at hand, the less nuance people can tolerate.
take pretty much any issue, and the loudest voices are by those who are the least connected to the actual source of the problem
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You're lying right now lol
>t. atheist who only communicates in oder to lie and manipulate.
>exhausted after a long day of collecting welfare and committing crimes
>still can't sleep
life is so unfair
>advancing technology
Can be meaningfully accomplished by an individual.

>fixing the housing crisis
Can not be done by any single person.

You are not as smart as you think you are.
Then why are you asking. It's kinda obvious gorillas and orangutans have higher intelligence than them.
>Can be meaningfully accomplished by an individual.
are you sure?
White men score higher than white women but their score is rounded down because it's true that girls score higher than boys in verbl test, before puberty, so that is what perpetuates that myth.
After puberty men score higher in both verbal and quant ability.
Also asians on average score lower than whites is just east asians (urban china, korean and japan) that score higher than whites but they also score lower in some aspects of IQ and have different personalities on average than whites (less extraversion, lower openness to new ideas, ...) so that creates a highly conformist, non-inovative but well working society.
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Tabula Rasa philosophy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I've met plenty of white people and latinos that make me wonder how the fuck they got dressed or mananged to tie their shoe strings without messing up.
Well it's the other way around. Blacks have dysfunctional culture and abuse their kids bc they have low iq. So shitty culture comes from low iq not the other way around.
Oddly enough that's how I came to the conclusion that "race" is real. I simply understood that just like no two white men are the same bc of evolution that there is no fucking way that millions of individuals from different environments could possibly have the same average intelligence. It's so stupid that it hurts my head. People have different average for height and weight and cancer rates and everything from hair type to bacteria in our stomachs can be different. Just how the fuck would it be possible for 2 different groups to have the same average iq? There is simply no fucking way.
The brain isn’t the same for everyone and you’re all retarded the same way people who argue that men can get pregnant are retarded
so you're admitting that you have zero personal experience interacting with negroes.
yet somehow or other you're still positive that they're just the equivalent of white people with dark skin, why are you so certain of that given your total lack of experience interacting with negroes?
With my arguments your point is rendered a mistake or a lie.
But you are probably too dumb to see it, still I will try to explain.
Your argument:
>This is also why women and asians on average score higher on IQ tests than white men who came up with ALL major inventions.
Is proven false by what I said and the > the scope of school is very narrow and it primarily rewards rule-following and sitting still. Not touchy, hands on learning that boys would need.
Is also false as I explained that white men higher IQ and more innovative and "agressive and innovative" personalties is what made european civilization the most dominant and advanced civ with a lot of major invetions made by white men.
So IQ is legit and your criticism is wrong.
I lived in las vegas. It's not the intelligence edifferences that I notice very quickly. It's the complete lack of empathy where they judt flip a switch and do whatever they want regardless of how bad that is for you. I've 100 percent convinced many blacks are sociopathic. Maybe from hoe their parents used to bear them.
>Can not be done by any single person
>but we can shut down the entire US both socially and economically to deal with a covid

You ain't tricking anyone anon. If a single person can shut down the US for a cough, a single person can fix the housing crisis.
Doubtful that this was controlled for nutrition.
No not really bc the biggest problem with housing shortage is local laws. At the highest order states can try to fix it. Some local places like Boulder Colorado have a literal law where housing can only increase by 1 percent every year. That's insane and drives up costs and slows the economy and makes people homless or rent poor.

Many local cities in claifornia have insane laws where you submit plans and locals can sue and keep you tied up in court for years before anything happens. That drives up costs and has bad consequences. Some like Washington have this weird law where 98 percent of the land is not permitted to have buildings on it. You have to build in city limits and that slows growth.

So yeah. 1 man can't fix the housing market. States have to have the final authority on fixing housing.
Sucks to be you then.

The shut downs were neither perpetuated by one person nor could they have been lifted by a single person. It was a whole system.
The only people who simp for them are the people who don't interact with them
You can get a max of about 10 points with a healthy diet and upbringing, but you can also get that with whites or anyone else.
Cognitive ability is genetic and was selected for over millions if not billions of years.
If you really believe that everyone is equal and there are no differences between racial groups you're either a dishonest fuck or a science denying retard
I hate the human race so much
I am trying so love it more lately, but it’s really fucking hard
>the human race
no such thing, there are many different species of humans, they all have different qualities.
Humans fucking suck.
thats why you should kys
you should also kys
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Ever wonder why schools don't show you an MRI of a black person's brain next to a white person's brain and point to them and yell "Look they're the same"? If their brains looked the same, they would be pounding it into your head nonstop instead of telling you that studying physiological differences is racist.
Empathy is indicative of intelligence, you have to be intelligent enough to form a "model" of another person in your mind, for lack of a better term. Being unable to do this is a hallmark of sociopathic/psychopathic disorders .
This is your brain on Judaism
>da joos
You also fucking suck lol
it's weird because they're ugly too
i think whites just like being degraded and humiliated
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Damn that white skull has a crazy overbite
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No it isn't, the trans Atlantic slave trade was strictly a jewish operation.
negroes in america are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of african origin anywhere on the planet. the fact that they constantly complain about that attests to their low IQs
shouldn't have bought them then.
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Nothing the jews have ever done has been good. Have you heard about how many countries they've been kicked out of yet?
The fact that they don't move back to Africa attests to the fact that even they know their complaints are lies
They should be forced to pay to return them to their natural habitat
>the fact that they constantly complain about that attests to their low IQs
and sense of entitlement
You have the brainpan of a stagecoach driver smithers
Demanding gibes is the only way negroes know how to get money
Why does the fact that humans of different races also have different skull shapes upset you?
>The smart and civilized niggas are very rare freaks of nature. A 125+ IQ white is statistical as likelly as a 105 IQ black that can be kinda of average and contribute to society.
I dated a 140IQ black and felt she was SO GODAMN valuable we could clone ubermensch from her womb.
We should approach the topic from swipe app RPGs because we basically live in this dialogue tree virtual world now more than the glorious past.
>I mastered the BBC
>I became one with it in the great lockdown of the memewar
>self reports
You don't even assert that 30 question shape-puzzle-sequence internet tests aren't valid IQ tests and have the audacity to continue speaking as if you know anything at all.
I hold back so many TRVTH NVKES to be polite. You are BORN with innate knowledge. Speaking of this makes people innately seethe. Beware of the lion's roar (scaring the hoes no jutsu). Employee the Rabbi's bore (drill boring shit into dull skulls slowly and frequently at high impact sensory reward buy out).
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I have two moods
All depending if I can grope my TnA in peace without a bitch in my ear
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So lets invent new ones and wing it by bootlegging history and speedrunning imitation by getting one incel laid at a time. And then we pretend Rome never ended by supplying women enough Jesusfreak mental gymnastics or what flavor they beckon (even Buddhists with broken English resort to McJesus wishing well rap battles)
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No bitches
This man is defending the fort of fuckin

When I became a man I set aside Sonic things
>evolution is real except not about the neck in humans
This is what science denialists actually believe
If there isn't truth behind it then why was DEI & affirmative action needed?
There's truth to it, it very probably has a genetic factor, but the cultural factors cannot be ruled out. Poltards often shriek the loudest in these discussion however, in an obvious case of projection of their own low IQ, literally pot calling the kettle black. They think that if there's a genetic component then that somehow proves there's no sociocultural factors, and they are as committed to that simplistic narrative as any libtard is to the opposite. A bunch of retards that undermine legitimate politically incorrect facts, god I hate them
>negroes are equal to whites
>thats why negroes need welfare, food stamps, special tutoring, more expensive schools and lower college admission standards than whites and even with all that negroes still can't achieve the same thing.
>White supremacy is an axiom
No it's not. It's a political system where whites rule over other races. That or the Supreme Court is so-named because they think they're better jurists than circuit court judges.
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someone has to be in charge and that person is going to have a race.
why is that race only problematic when its whites being in charge?
The point was the opinion that a group is more capable or smarter than other is not sufficient nor even necessary for the group to be supreme. It's good invective though because "white superiorist" falls a little flat.
Political correctness is not part of the universal programming, truth does not care about your feelings
>there is no fucking way that millions of individuals from different environments could possibly have the same average intelligence. It's so stupid that it hurts my head
That you ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears is the Party's final, most essential command
>truth does not care about your feelings
What a stupid way to put that, Ben. "Truth", like "science", doesn't sing or dance, either. Perhaps better prose would be, "if something is true, it's true regardless of how you feel about it".
debooonked by twin adoption studies and transracial adoption studies.
IQ is genetic.
When you let identical twins get adopted by two different sets of parents, the correlation between the twins IQ towards each other is MUCH stronger than any other factor including socioeconomic status of the respective adoptive parents, the adoptive parents IQ, or the IQ of other children those respective adoptive parents raised.

transracial aswell as general adoption studies show the same trend, that the biological parents IQ is a much stronger statistical predictor of the kids IQ than any other individual factor like socioeconomics, adoptive-parents education level, etc
(excluding extreme cases like fetal alcohol syndrome etc. those can fuck up a kid and make 'em retarded despite their genetic heritage theoretically predicting a high IQ)
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White iq contains a little black iq inside of it, and black iq contains a little white iq inside of it.

Fluid intelligence comes when one pours its flux through the other.
The fuck you talking about?
You need to know what letters are to 'hear speech as a string of letters'.
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How come theres no college scholarships for orangutans?
Yes there are physiological and neurological differences between ethnic groups.
No that doesn't make any particular ethnic group "superior" or mean we should discriminate or deny ethnic groups protections or opportunities.
Yes it does mean we should acknowledge these differences exist and that some ethnic groups may have an aptitude for different things
Black peak higher than white and huwite bois tryna make it a win for they.
File deleted.
i profed thermo i tell u if i kno
>Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?
>Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.
We don't, though, nigga
There are some genetically isolated ethnicities. There are many others that aren't genetically isolated, we have Chadic peoples who are majority R1B because of Arab admixture. Ethnicity is demarcated by common language and culture, not genetics. Not only do traits vary internally, I'd hedge a bet that most ethnicities are intermixed to shit. I'm not even disputing the existence of race, only conflating race and ethnicity and ethnicity with genetic isolation. Most people aren't inbred über-kikes.
>is biological variance real
>does biological variance stop once it reaches the brain
>Is race a valid taxonomy?
>Are we measuring biological variability when we measure IQ?
I hate you sloganeering political fags so much.
Trust the science.
>that doesn't make any particular ethnic group "superior" or mean we should discriminate or deny ethnic groups protections or opportunities.
yes it does
>some ethnic groups may have an aptitude for different things
things such as bicycle theft, murder, rape and destroying civilization
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other punchlines for the 3rd panel could've been
>I dindu nuffin
>u can't say dat yt bitch, datz raysis
imagine getting baited by factual data. if reality make you angry and frustrated then you should probably either kys or change your outlook on life.
People who have been brainwashed into believing false narratives tend to get angry when confronted with evidence disproving the beliefs that were forced on them
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>The last culture fair test I took required zero reading, illiteracy wouldn’t be an issue
was that in the 1960s? because that's when the data for the graph was collected, so unless you took that test 80 years ago then illiteracy can't be ruled out as a factor
What would a 45 IQ person even look like? A vegetable?
It doesn't call into question the validity of IQ tests at all, it's like designing a test that predicts whether something is toxic for humans or not, and it works really well on humans, but then you administer it to a dog and when it doesn't work go: "see, the test doesn't work!". The predictive validity of IQ for any cognitive task as well as many life outcomes is extremely strong, and the evidence for it is so overwhelming that you won't find a single study showing otherwise.
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On average, orders of magnitude of more “help” are dished out per capita to blacks. The harsh truth is whites feel sorry for blacks . The soft racism of low expectations.

Don’t be disingenuous.
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That's just how they are. Genetically.
r selected vs k selected
At that IQ she was almost certainly highly mixed. Did you have any idea of her ancestry?

I honestly would love it we could breed a race of civilized black people without mixing them. But they're just so stupid, it's hard to find anything to work with.
was it twum?
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The unfortunate behaviors listed in picrel are all explained by the graphic in OP
you can get any result you want if you collect enough data
no you can't
just subsample it to get the result you want and throw the rest of the data in the trash
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Maybe but consider that black people are also
>more athletic
>more aggressive
>have larger dicks
>have stronger features
In those areas they are better than white people and Asian people. Is it more important to win in a fight and attract more women or is it more important to know calculus?
LLMs completely lack in verbal reasoning, or any reasoning at all for that matter. Unless it's being done for the novelty of it or for marketing purposes, testing one for IQ is stupid.
Maybe not as stupid as immediately jumping to the conclusion that IQ tests are fake, though.
if you were white you'd have been intelligent enough to think up a legitimate reply to this thread
>you can get any result you want if you forge enough data
Take a good look in your master classes and ask yourself why the demography is the way it is.
Its like that in part because of penis envy.
they developed that culture to begin with because they're low iq
unironically kys ngubu
>asian below black-white mutt
oh no no no asian bros
So niggers are too dumb to change batteries
They spend all their money on other things, such as grape soda, rims, NBA merchandise and crack cocaine
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it's because we are being warred against by a certain group
Cherrypicking is not forging data
>Muh blank slate hypothesis
Yes it’s true
But you can be a certified genius and still not do anything
You can be a dumbass and still do stuff

It’s an issue right now, dumb people are doing more than smart people
The dumb are cocksure, while intelligent folk are full of doubt

There is a vital element, or trait, of ‘doing’
>There is no question that adoption constitutes a massive intervention
That's a direct quote from the study and you're trying to say the literal opposite. Furthermore we know that the health of the parents plays a major role in the health of the children even if they're absent.


So it's obvious that environmental triggers are responsible for major changes in IQ. Therefore, you're a fucking lying racist asshole.
Chill Jamal, the fact that, you can read already makes you a right curve.
yes it is
Why is this thread is infastated by pseudoscience if this is a fucking science board
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>a study on fucking famines
Of course catastrophies can have an influence on IQ. Smacking your soft baby head in a car crash can do it too.

Are you saying that the blacks in the US have to deal with famines? Nation wide? Every generation?

Dude, environmental disasters on the scale of famines and war affect everybody equally. Except....a high IQ helps dealing with these events better.
>"Why do you hate blacks?"
>"Because they're less successful than me"
>"Why do you hate Jews?"
>"Because they're more successful than me"
That just means they can help their IQ situation but choose not to.
New England in the late 18th century had a literacy rate of 90ish to 95%. Back then only private schools really existed and were limited. The fact the blacks havr not caught up in the modern day is telling.
But it goes much further than that. Every place on earth with africans has a lot of violence and corruption. Every place. From rich america and Europe. To the carribean. To the areas I'm latin america where they live to back in africa. If it was culture you'd see atleaat some successful socities. Look at Europe. Each white country is a little different and much of those differences are culture. But there are big changes between that and other races that just seem to suck everywhere they go.
>at the end of segregation
why were all black schools with all black staffs so ineffective at teaching basic skills like reading?
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If they have equal intelligence to whites they should have been able to figure out how to have equal quality of schooling without sending their kids to white schools
It's true at face value, but it mostly ignores cultural/societal factors. Blacks on average have lower IQs, but it doesn't mean they're less intelligent, or that such differences are a result of their genes.
>but it doesn't mean they're less intelligent, or that such differences are a result of their genes.
yes it does, if they were equally intelligent then the cultural/societal factors you're inventing strictly for the same of making excuses would never have developed.
>cultural/social factors are genetically deterministic
So cultures and societies change through genetic mutation. That's what you're arguing?
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