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DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds

A new peer-reviewed study raises concerns over inadequate testing
methods for measuring DNA impurities in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
do you know how contaminated your every day consumables are? and I am not even talking about cigarettes
I don't inject myself with everyday consumables anon.
My everyday consumables don't deliver genetic material directly to my cells for antigen synthesis.
Its a peer reviewed study, but somehow if the IFLS crew still doubts it. I thought peer review was supposed to be the gold standard of scientific truth
looks like they don't trust the science when the science contradicts their popsci fantasyworld
Common characteristics of NPCs. One of the reasons NPCs are so bad at learning is that admitting that they were wrong about anything is nearly impossible for them.
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i thought it was well known there was bacterial fragments in these vax
what does dna contamination in a vaccine mean?
it means you're pregnant
ie, you got fucked
They do, since you eat food.
You have made antigens in much the same way for your entire life. This is just an artificial way to do it, and generally superior to inoculation, or even attenuated live virus.
>he has no idea how interleukins work
Many such cases.
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>childrenshealthdefence org
>DNA contamination
my sides
Interesting that early on there was someone on Hacker News claiming to be an employee at a plant making the injections and he said there was an unreal amount of contamination but no one cared because they needed to make hundreds of millions of doses. He of course was called a liar, spreading misinformation about the safe and effective vaccine but now I wonder if maybe he was legit.
i killed all of the circumsizing niggers -
clearly he was
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no you didn't
why does the british royalty get circumcised? are they jewish?
Oy vey!!
Please stop noticing
Thats really weird
yeah it seem like something you'd see in a paranoid conspiracy theory, but in reality the source is the jews' own publication bragging about it
>eating food is the same as injecting lipid nanoparticles encoding 1200 AA viral proteins into your organs
Get a load of this fucking moron. An actual shill.

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