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What is the equivalent of this for physics?
>one time pad decryption
Huh what you mean?
That's not math, it's a trivial algorithm.
Also how is the Four Color problem in genius territory? That's self-evident to a kid.
they mean without the key.
But yes it's not math in terms that it's impossible, especially if you ONLY have the transmission or the encrypting algorithm is such that it makes mathematical analysis impossible. Which any one sane person would do.
Long story short: The point of a one time key pad is that it is impossible to break. In other words you could derive an infinite number of possible and credible or plausible solutions but would nevee have proof.

Anything trying to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity, I guess. Try and you get stuff like plank-sized black holes being spontaneously created, the self-energy corrections blow up to infinity. A quantized space-time of general relativity is non-renormalizable. Attempting to measure a length less than the plank length end up spawning plank-sized black holes.
That may be because it's the "pixel size" of the universe. The answer may be computational and discrete, the stuff Wolfram is working on.
LMAO, that is called cracking not decrypting.
How many books, courses and years would I need to learn all this stuff?
Enough to get a PhD in math and several years of research on top of that given that much of the stuff near the bottom is highly specialized.
Four color theorem is deep. Could not be solved other than by brute force by computer.
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speaking of
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there I have disproven it, now where is my nobel prize?
>the four color theorem states that no more than four colors are needed to color the regions of any map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color.
define adjacent then
guess they mean two planes with shared limits in a collection of points, rather than just one, which seems like a retarded definition anyway
because then in one dimension you would then only need one color, or maybe it's like one limits per dimension or whatever the fuck, like how many colors world you "need" in 3D?
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What's the largest sofa that can fit around a corner?

It's still unsolved.
The algorithm is extraordinarily complex: Dividing a cake among n players can require as many as n^n^n^n^n^n steps and a roughly equivalent number of cuts. Even for just a handful of players, this number is greater than the number of atoms in the universe.
nigga just bake a bigger cake
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>Poly-Dimensional Topology
Once you go into a pocket dimension...you...never fully return.

Shadow walking on stars still burns.
No shit sherlock. So why would 'decrypting' be there, sherlock ?
My favorite math problem of them all
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Too meta.

Im more of a Frenemies kind of guy myself. Game of Thrones but real life and with techno and door dash.
Anything beyond calculus is mental illness, so the equivalent for physics would be anything beyond quantum mechanics being mental illness.
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>Anything beyond calculus is mental illness
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>"head sitting"
Science & Math.
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>anon are you ok? i haven't seen you in a while....
>yes everything is f-fine, w-why do you ask?
>photoelectric effect further down than relativity
That's because whoever made that image believes in the "electric universe". basically whoever made it is schizophrenic.
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>die glocke
the schizoesqueness literally jumps at you once you look at it
It's full of wojaks so its garbage anyway
Cosmic strings being superconducting doesn't mean craters come drom lightning from the sun, nor does the sun attract the planets via electromagnetism. and how is a topological defect superconducting anyway? that makes no sense as a concept.
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Oh, youre insane, my mistake.
It sounds like you judt don't know what electric universe proponents actually believe (hint: it's those things i said)
doesnt it get more fun the deeper you go since you understand moar? Or at least the brain gains are nice enough
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>doesnt it get more fun the deeper you go since you understand moar?
once you get to a certain depth you realize there's actually nothing there, just an endless icy abyss beneath you
>t. Buttmad math "major" who got grifted by academia
quantum physics at the top
string theory in the 2nd quarter
how water works in the 3rd quarter
proteins in the final quarter
strong CP problem in warning zone
existence of god in the abyss
You can color that with only 3 colors
>>t. Buttmad math "major" who got grifted by academia
I didn't know washouts KWAB'd this hard.

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