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Is this accurate?
>Thing I like: chad
>Thing I don't like: onions
It's shit
can you back that up with experimental verification
It's fairly accurate, the noble but tired sci poster sees yet another pol thread and spambot ruining the board, then easily defeats them by simply asking for a source for their ridiculous claims.
Ironically, the one of left is more cringe than the retard midwit on right.
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>t. soiyence faggot
What does "procedure working" mean? How do you tell if it's working?
>What does "low IQ" mean? How do we tell if you're low IQ?
but I did my procedures this morning.
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<Left, religious Christian scientist
>Right, atheist soiyentist.
Atheists are incapable of being honest, thats why they can't do real science. Science was developed on the basis of Christianity, the scientific method is a subset of Christianity, without the foundation of Christianity to stand on, the scientific method collapses. Christianity is more fundamental to science than even mathematics is
no, the 'jaks on the right should be more female and jewish looking
The preconceived ideas on the right always originate from a (((media))) influence
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>I know that muh soiyence is true because I saw it on muh goyslop TV shows
Sup Tony
Science has nothing to do with christianity or atheism.
>changing your opinion based on new fundings is bad
Gender is definitely a spectrum and this is a biological fact. The nuance is that 99% fall into either extreme. Same with the physical determinants of gender, there truly are multiple but again 99% conform to all of them on either side.
The real problem is with interpreting these results to mean that we should rework how gender notation works based on rare middle of the spectrum cases and redefine gender as dependent on solely the mental gender instead of conforming to all to be labelled either male or female.
>based on new fundings
Meant findings but I realize how ironic that typo is lol
why do that pic trigger you so badly?
>Gender is definitely a spectrum and this is a biological fact.
no it isn't
Science is entirely Christian. Non-Christians are incapable of doing science.
>Science is entirely Christian
Aha... old joke anon.
the scientific method was developed to teach stupid people how do what smart people do naturally
Why does it upset you so much that science is entirely Christian and that non-Christians are incapable of doing science?
The left doesn't like being reminded that they are beta-tier in every possible way.
One of them will be along shortly to post an IQ-versus-religiosity chart where they once again fail to correct for racial differences in intelligence. It's their favorite fake news.
Those two don't conflict at all, chromosome profiles exist on a spectrum.
Christianity is a subset of judaism, what you are really saying in your cryptojew way is that jews own science too since jews are the scientists who discovered things like lasers and CRISPR.
>Christianity is a subset of judaism
no it isn't.
Modern judaism is a total farce that has zero relationship to the religion that was practiced in ancient days. Jews are just larpers, their judaism is as authentic as blacks in America who pretend that they're somehow African by wearing Lithuanian flag colors
This, Christianity is the antithesis of judaism
Great, Mohammed unified arabia and made societal and technological advancements possible. Now you've all served your purpose in globalization. That will be all.
These are consistent when you have

1. Gender in terms of social norms, appearance and function

2. Gender in terms of chromosomes and hormones (to a degree)

Not sure what he means by "sex, it's on a spectrum" though - I thought the general agreement was that sex referred to the biological aspects.
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Science is a child of Gnosticism. Before the Gnostic men worshiped idols, beasts and demons.
worshipping einstein & darwin as false gods is no different than worshipping idols, beasts and demons.
Mohammed only triggers and upsets you because you're jewish
jesus was a jew but his religion was a more "reformed" progressive version of judaism. judaism literally teach them to treat non-jews as cattles.
I can't fathom a world where judaism is the majority, us non-jews will be slaughtered for blood sacrifices.
>blacks in America who pretend that they're somehow African by wearing Lithuanian flag colors
That is bizarre, why do they do that?
XXY/XYY/XXX surely have a cummulative occurence higher than 1%.
And that's disregarding all the other things that can happen in this process.
no they don't
>Gender is definitely a spectrum and this is a biological fact. The nuance is that 99% fall into either extreme.

this is straight up doublethink
Jamie check the early life on Bill Nye
>Science has nothing to do with christianity or atheism.
That's patently false. Science is done by human beings. Human beings can be tempted to deceive out of self-interest. One side believes this will lead to a very undesirable outcome. The other side does not.
yes. post-truth um-empirical science is good to manage the consumer cattle classes. confusion creates compliance. covid response proved this for everyone.
The left side is accurate, the right side is what right-wingers believe whenever another thousand studies show their policies being ridiculously terrible.
>no it isn't
Oh good argument, I’m convinced.
Meanwhile, in biology, it actually, 100% is a spectrum.
Keep your retarded political and/or religious views out of science please.
>Gender is definitely a spectrum and this is a biological fact. The nuance is that 99% fall into either extreme
Exceptions that prove the rule.
They are defined by their deviation from the norm.
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics
I didn’t bring up the picture. Just telling the truth.
yes, pretty much
>jesus was a jew
no he wasn't
the jews crucified him
Jesus was the opposite of everything jews stand for
Thats why they whacked him. Just look at what they did to Ye.
And if you think the same thing doesn't happen in the sciences, heres a video that will enlighten you
They wouldn't have murdered him if he was one of their own.
Jesus was literally jewish, bozo
Jesus was a Jew but he wanted to treat the goys equally so the other Jews murdered him.
He wasn't, Mary wasn't jewish and neither is God
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why do you hate onions?
they are good!
Mary was an out of wedlock bastard whore and Jesus father was most likely a jew considering the region he was born. anyway, he went on to follow Judaism so he was 100% jew. all the christian bible was written after christ was dead.
you atheists lie about everything
>I'm an expert in Christianity and Jesus because I've never read The Bible
everything you know about Jesus you got from watching degenerate hollywoood tv shows and movies and from your atheist public schools, you have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm a non-religous agnostic and I will wipe you all religious faggots from this earth
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The average /sci/ poster thinks he is left when is actually right
>non-religous agnostic
We've reached maximum stupid.
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One has the tendency to ignore results that disagree with their religion, so are more inclined to deception even if they don't see it as deception
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Ironically, the "christians" were secretly non-religious all along.
What years of selling out does to a mf.
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its funny because its true
Not entirely, it omits the necessary inherent Christian origins of the scientific method and fails to mention that non-Christians are ideologically incapable of executing the scientific method
How to basedence meme pro

1.never go to university
2. Get the inside scoop from andrew tate
3.strawman the university based on your paranoid delusions
>i'm a unique special snowflake because i went to school until i was in my 20s
nope, that just means you suffer from arrested psychological development. school is for children, 20 year olds should have joined the adult world. If your body is physically mature but your brain isn't then there is something wrong with your brain.
do you still watch cartoons and play video games like a baby too?
bet you do
>do you still watch cartoons and play video games like a baby too?
Like those frogs and basedjaks that you post all day everyday?
>he still watches cartoons and play video games
lol, do you ride a bicycle and wear a backpack too?
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both are reddit + soi + ze bugz + masked + clamped + clogged
>The concept of gender was understood differently back in the 90s
Nope. It must be hidden brides and a massive overarching conspiracy impacting the entire field.
You're missing one:

Chudentific Method
>Start with conclusion that agrees with politics
>Do Background research using only /pol/ approved-Podcasters and infographics
>Don't construct a model, just criticize everyone else's
>Misinterpret your own data
>Discard data that feels uncomfortable
>Call everyone that questions non-existent model "Shills and/trannies"
>Blame Jews and society when results are laughed at
nye's career would be in the shitter if he didn't toe the line for whatever ideology his hollywood bosses want him to shill.
thats how it works in showbiz
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Literally everyone goes to uni these days, theres nothing impressive about it. 60% of people get uni degrees.

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