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How come doctors don't consider hygiene to be important anymore?
Shouldn't Muslims be particularly hygienic? The hadith tells them to wash extensively before prayer.
Maybe it's sulphur soap or something, and they're not allowed to use it?
Women aren't allowed to expose elbows, so they instead have to use disposable sleeves
>expecting a raghead to be consistent and truthful
Well that explains it, although I've never thought of elbows in a sexual way.
Clown world
All they care about is buying another boat or vacation house.
>Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene rules introduced by the NHS to restrict teh spread of hospital superbugs.
>restrict teh spread
Nice link OP.
could you have used some arcane line from a forgotten hadith to exempt yourself from masking and social distancing in 2020-2021?
>although I've never thought of elbows in a sexual way.
I did. And this is why I can never be attracted to a tranny. Male and female elbows differ significantly. Female elbows are definitely among the sexual organs, somewhere behind armpits and feet.
>restrict teh spread
they don't use toilet paper, they use their hands
They just pour plain water over their feet and wipe a bit on their face. Still filthy.

Sequential post get
Muslim women were winning at weight lifting competitions because there was an exception for them in the rule that required competitor's elbows to be visible to determine if their arms were straight or not. The Muslim women wore all black sleeves so it was difficult for judges to determine from a distance if their arms were completely straight or not. Given the nature of weightlifting, the judges couldn't get closer for safety reasons. Other women complained it was unfair so the compromise was to add contrasting patching on the elbows of the sleeves Muslim women wore. They suddenly stopped winning competitions.
1337 article as fuck
They spell some words differently in England.
>hospital superbugs
why would anyone in their right mind ever go to a hospital? those places are death traps
Germ theory of disease is obviously fake and they are tired of pretending it's real.
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Depopulation. Simple as.
Yes, the marvel of sanitation known as toilet paper. It must remove over 95% of the poo, with less than 5% smeared around the ass cheeks
double checked
>Shouldn't Muslims be particularly hygienic?
Ok, but WEST Muslims?
This is just the NHS slipping insults against muslims. My mom used to do the same, she would tell me all good things she wished i was.
Unironically the reason muslim women have to walk around in garbage bags 24/7 is because muslim men can't be trusted not to fly into rape mode at the sight of a bare ankle.
And then suddenly, for no reason at all, the Spanish Inquisition happened.
i dont understand the reference
its actually because their women are whorish are untrustworthy
I think this is true. I was watching an ex Muslim vtuber and she was talking about how when she masturbates she orgasms 20 times in a row.
at least they understand that and act accordingly unlike jews or blacks
actually it's because Allah asked us to cover. Your opinion or attempt at an explanation is irrelevant.
Go eye-rape someone else's mom in a bikini, while muslim women act like respectable people who force you to see them as people and not objects.
Muslims are homosexual so they prefer bidets actually.
Two things can be true. Whore don't exist if men do not make them whores. Simple fact.
Another reason for me to never go to a fucking hospital again.
Jesus Christ at this point hospital in mexico will outperform the united sharts of america
>Allah told us to cover ourselves cause we couldn't stop being rapists and whores
If allah told you to jump off a bridge would you?
This is literally what white people tell their children to be atheists.
Your question doesn't make sense, Allah only asks us to do what is good for us. Either physically (eat this and not that, drink this and not that etc.) or spiritually (pray 5 times a day, fast ramadan, honor your parents, be a person with upstanding character etc.)
All praise is due to Allah for islam. Christians are a joke.
thats true of all women
>let women start becoming doctors
>death by medical accidents shoots through the roof
doctor error is now the leading cause of death in america.
Doctors don't care if you die so why would they bother washing their hands?
This, its hilarious that allah doesnt care that water doesnt do shit about skin oil and the countless baceria living in it. You would think he would be a bro and give a simple soap recipe to his people to keep them clean
Well I suppose then women aren't allowed to be doctors, or work any profession or leave the house without a male relatives supervision.
Crazy hypocrisi. Those delusions always seem to matter only when it suits the deluded.
Bidets are not gay. They are just tools for washing your ass. Theres nothing straight about walking around smeared in feces. Its not the manly type of dirty you could associate with manual labor or being in nature, its just poo around your butt cheeks. Nothing manly about it
it's funny because I see them do that with children even, I guess ages 6 and up or so. Tell's you alot about their views and beliefs. Just like the OG goatfucker married a 6 yo but thats okay because he only raped her when she turned 9.
You seem upset that muslims dont let you check out their toddlers.
no, as I've explained I am disturbed by what I presume.their rationale behind this must be
you're a homosexual
>actually it's because Allah asked us to cover
Allah never spoke once in the Koran. And nowhere are specific amounts of covering required. Mohammad made a remark about modest dress, which could easily mean inconspicuous rather than conspicuously covered.
general lowering of standards
>general lowering of standards
standards are lowered to accommodate 3rd worlders, low IQ minorities and women
No, female elbows are on their arms, not behind their armpits or feet.
No im not. But you are clearly irrational.
You were trained by your mom to wipe your butt with dry paper and now you cant see any other way to live. You know it doesnt make sense yet you cant let go.
Theres no stereotype of muslims as being unclean, unlike pajeets.
>If allah told you to jump off a bridge would you?
reminds me of the story of abraham, which is the same in the holy books of jews, christians, and muslims.
if God told you to kill your son, would you do it?
That explains why so many people needlessly die of infections in hospitals - its because doctors are too lazy and stuck up to wash their hands
the first doctor to suggest handwashing was mocked by all of his peers, and eventually committed to an insane asylum. other doctors were offended that he would suggest that washing their hands before delivering babies would lower the mortality rate, because that would imply that they were responsible for most of the deaths.
Doctors just follow whatever fashion trends they are exposed to.
imagine one of these clowns spends his day elbow deep in some fatso's ass and then doesn't even wash his hands afterwards
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They're not concerned about patient health anymore. Someone who gets an infection at a hospital is just another moneymaker for the doctors who treat the infection.
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I must've missed the part where Allah tells Muslims to rape and murder orders of magnitude higher than the native European population throughout the EU.
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sexual emergency, pls understand
Believe me, nobody eye-rapes a inbred, hook-nosed, moustached Arab "woman". You keep them, Hasan.
He never refuted this lel
you know there are uggos and hotties of every race, right?
no there aren't
kek you may be right, when i searched "beautiful arab women" on google i actually couldn't find any that weren't caked in makeup, ironically. pretty sure i've seen a few irl that weren't bad looking though.
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Those were probably European muslim women. Theres no such thing as an attractive semite woman
Apparently, neither can Catholics nor other orthodox religious people.
To sum up: Religious people are bad people and mostly retarded.
why does the concept of modesty always emotionally trigger feminists so thoroughly?
Women are natural born narcissists because they are the inferior gender
Women are children. Feminists are rebellious children testing their limits. Men aren't stepping in to draw lines in the sand.
No, asshole, Mohammed asked you to cover. Islam is basically a weird-ass Christian heresy that got an alarming amount of traction because arabs are fanatical idiots.
Low IQ will help muzzies take over the world. A rare case of dysgenetic traits fostering a religion/ideology
>Men aren't stepping in to draw lines in the sand.
because thats been made illegal
It's not illegal to set boundaries and create behavior expectations for your daughter or wife, but not even that is happening enough any more. Parents hardly parent now, they just send their kids off to public school from age 3 and expect that to suffice.
>It's not illegal to set boundaries and create behavior expectations for your daughter or wife
sure it is, see what happens why you get in court with a feminist judge
>Those were probably European muslim women.
Semites are caucasoids and many can pass as white, or at least that brown mediterranean type of person. If it wasnt for Islam people would think of nafris like no different than sicilians or greeks.
>Semites are caucasoids
they aren't, semites are an asian race with a strong mix of african blood, there isn't even a semitic nation that borders on europe, they aren't european, white or caucasian
>they aren't european, white or caucasian
European is a social construct. The white race has always existed out of what today people call europe. It existed also in north africa and the middle east and central asia. And caucasoids extend as far as India.
And this is true despite race mixing.
>, there isn't even a semitic nation that borders on europe,
Irrelevant, you are talking about a fucking name. Theres a racial continuee between europeans and nafris. Moroccans and tunisians are not much different from sicilans and andalusians. Both are light brown with clear caucasian skull shapes. People call tehse peoples caucasoids, not white, same as for indians
Africans are not Europeans, they are Africans.
Why do they want to claim to be Europeans?
Why can't they be satisfied with being Africans?
Is there something wrong with being African?
>Is there something wrong with being African?
>Africans are not Europeans, they are Africans.
A place is not a race. Elon Musk is an african.
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omg so woke
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>Elon Musk is an african.
guaranteed you go to a hospital in knightsbridge and the staff is all white
Why would it be like that? Are whites better than other races or something?
How come you never see Europeans trying to claim that they're Asian or African, but Asians and Africans are constantly trying to portray themselves as European?
This. OP is a troll
>sauce: my gaping arsehole
jeets wipe with their hands and they don't wash them afterwards
its dey culcha
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>passed my IQ test
They wash with water
Yeah, she got a B. That's pretty good.
no you don't
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Im not indian, but i do follow their ass-washing techniques. Which uses to be widespread in europe before the invention of toilet paper.
You wash with water, as thats how people bath and clean at a minimum. Soap? Thats good too, but the bare minimum is water
>Im not indian, but i do follow their ass-washing techniques.
So you scoop the leftover shit out of your ass with your fingers and then walk over to the sink with your hand covered in shit and wash the shit into the sink? Because that's how Indians wipe after taking a shit.
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Bidets used to be common in every european house of means. Common poor people were no different than indians
>So you scoop the leftover shit out of your ass with your fingers and then walk over to the sink with your hand covered in shit
No, theres a constant flow of water. I dont have to walk to a sink, everything happens sitting in the same place. I only go to the sink afterwards to wash my hands with soap.
So you use a bidet, which has nothing to do with Indians, who literally wipe the shit out of their ass with their bare hands and wash off in the sink after.
>So you use a bidet, which has nothing to do with Indians
Its the same concept cretin, you wash with water instead of dry paper. Are you going to split hairs about which style of washing with water you find acceptable?
I just focus on the end result, my hands are clean and so is my ass, while you walk with a shit encrusted ass and likely dont wash your hands after rubbing that dry paper on your shit-smeared ass. Your underwear and pants reek of shit, and you can see it as brown streaks. You think you are in a position to argue abut hygiene?
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>nothing ever happens in scandinavia, everything is peaceful
>finally some news, people now want gender specific swimming pools
>said people are muslims, because women don't want to swim with men
>muslims also don't shower before entering the pool, contaminating the water for everyone
>normal people say fuck no, take a shower like a normal person and just swim
>left wing freaks say umm actually that's discrimination
>the law is actually passed
a special kind of angry
>washing your ass with a bidet is the same concept as scraping shit out of your ass with your bare hand
Way to tip your hand, Rajesh.
You're still supposed to use toilet paper after rinsing with the bidet.
>Way to tip your hand, Rajesh.
Im not indian, and i do wash my hands.
>You're still supposed to use toilet paper after rinsing with the bidet.
sure, but just to dry. Not to smear shit over my ass cheeks, like you do
they don't even have water in india, all they have is sewage
>Im not indian, and i do wash my hands.
Then don't go around saying you follow Indian hygiene techniques, because you clearly don't understand what that entails.

It's not like they considered it particularly important before. Imagine if ANY OTHER work place had the infection rate that h*spitals do. They would be sentenced for crimes against humanity.
people screech about fast food being unhealthy and unsanitary, but hospitals kill way way more people than fast food ever does.
just medication and medical malpractice kills like 250,000 people anually in the us
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