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How come scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong?
they’re the ones causing climate change through climate engineering
they can't even forecast the weather tomorrow.
climate is way too complicated to predict anything really and there are way to many unknowns. if two giga volcanoes in indonesia erupt that's a little ice age for you. if the sun is more intense it gets hotter and we can't do shit.
having said no scientist makes the world will end predictions.
don't get them confused with sensationalist journalists
Retard takes
sup glowie

taking a break from making tornados in the middle of nowhere?


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Scientific predictions about global warming were correct, though.
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True and real.
>shit is absolutely fucked, we need to take measures to unfuck it
>we took some measures to slightly unfuck it
>hey! shit is less fucked now, that means you lied before
Are you retarded?
>Hey we're ripping the fucking ozone layer and we're all going to die if you don't chill out with emissions
> People freak out and collectively reduce emissions
> The ozone layer goes back to normal
>4 decades later retards tell you the ozone layer is fine and infer that past warnings were all just a hoax
>Rince and repeat
>ozone layer in 1977: no data
>ozone layer in 1978: no data
why was the ozone layer fine with everyone outside of america sticking to using freon?
>straight-up lying about the lack of data
>Winter warms more than summer.
So climate change is a nothing burger.
If that one man talking to congress in a position of authority of some large public institution it is not just 1 man. He represents the insane opinions of many men.
scientists have been right for 40 years
Also works for it being the Year of Linux on the Desktop.
white hate epithets are racist and racism is banned on 4chan outside of >>>/b/ which is where you belong
Take your meds
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Because global warming is fake and gay
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>How come scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong?
They're not wrong, but they can't report the worrisome, but nonetheless possible, extreme predictions. You see, unlike in the insurance industry, where "conservative" estimates mean assuming the worst case scenarios are possible, and so they charge insurance premiums accordingly, and in so keeping they accounting "conservative", in climate scientists are pressured to report "conservative" estimates, meaning moderate estimates, lest they be labelled "alarmists" or "socialists" and have their reputation dragged in the mud by denialist politicians if they report on the most concerning model predictions.
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics
because its pseudo science
That's why I cannot go outside nowadays. because they lied for sure.
I cannot avoid answering the OP in such a way if the answer he seeks directly involves and depends on politics and not science.
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics
I don't want to DISCUSS politics, nor am I discussing politics. The OP asked a question about a science topic which must be answered through the prism of politics, that's all.
Maybe the OP should have gone go to /pol/ with this question, I'll agree to that, but there it is, I already answered it.
Done, moving on, unless you want to keep discussing politics, which I don't.
Because(human created)global warming isn't really that bad, if it exists at all.
Its all just to distract from the consequences of Peak Oil
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peak oil is a dumb fake news meme that goes back decades and it has always been a lie. there isn't a single oil field on the entire planet that has ever run dry, even the western pennsylvania oil field that started off the petroleum industry in the 1870s is still producing, it produces more now than it did 150 years ago.
>They're not wrong,
yes they are, they've been predicting all sorts of stupid things based on the premise of global warming for decades and not one of their predictions have come true
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>they've been predicting all sorts of stupid things based on the premise of global warming for decades and not one of their predictions have come true
Blatantly false.
all fake
the weather hasn't changed even slightly since the 1980s
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maybe you should stop reading headlines and actually start studying?
sup reddit
How come Jesus never returned?
You're ignorant about Christianity because you've never read The Bible
no they haven't. mockingbird media youtube propaganda proves nothing.
Its really about securing funding.
They're not, that's the issue.
The models hold.
scientists are in large usually wrong all the time about everything.
Being a scientist is a new kind of thing anyways
og scientists would just work until they found something useful.
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>oh noes, actual data
Most scientists predictions about almost anything in the future are wrong. Futurologists have been consistently wrong since time immemorial
Solve the plastic crisis first before trying to figure out perpetual motion.
Just stop using plastic, moron.
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I hope you like brown people.

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>Informing people about potential risks as predicted by models
OK anon, if you say so.
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>as predicted by models
models that have never been accurate in the past because they're intentionally geared to predict catastrophic results.
>>Informing people about potential risks as predicted by models
Doomers have no choice but to bring up the rapture. It is their whole shtick. This is the only thing the climate alarmist can even hang on to.
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the scientists who predict the weather will continue to stay pretty much as it is currently don't get headlines because thats a boring prediction, makes no difference that those are the only scientists who have been correct time and time again for the past century or so.
>How come scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong?
Project Fear
Its worth noting that making correct prediction seems to win no merit, accolades or influence amongst the so-called scientific community
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Blatantly false.
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Why can't climate deniers help but lie and manipulate?
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>I come to 4chan to shill government propaganda
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even the best global warming hysteric data from the """corrected""" temperature data still dips massively below the 95% certainty envelop, some of them go into the 5 sigma range for low temperatures as predicted by the models, you have to go back to the 20th century to find any data that was above the models' predicted values and thats even on your cherrypicked image
Not every body with a degree is a scientist. I'm pretty sure Al Gore could afford to have any degree imaginable, but he didn't make a single scientific descovery, neither did any of other proponents of that hoax.
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>frustrated rant bereft of sources and evidence
that graph you just posted debunks the one you previously posted. why one is the fake one? both? why are you posting graphs made from falsified data?
>that graph you just posted debunks the one you previously posted
>why one
>posting graphs made from falsified data
Which dataset from the first graph contains falsified data, exactly? Could you prove it?
How come all of the observed data sets dip more than 3 sigma below the model forecast? Is the model really that inaccurate? What sort of shit tier physics are they using in those models?
>How come all of the observed data sets dip more than 3 sigma below the model forecast?
You do realise 3σ corresponds to a 99.7% envelope, right?
you keep on spamming that list, but its just a bunch of lame replication crisis publications that everyone knows are fake
Holy cope
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So you're unable to read and address the papers listed in the table? Okay.
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I'll address that:

1) Trees that are alive have captured past CO2 in the atmosphere, which is currently locked in their organic material.
2) Most of the carbon stored in tree material that rots in the open air will eventually be released back into the atmosphere as CO2 through the process of decomposition.
3) those are natural processes and they have been in balance, in general, all over the globe.

3) The CO2 released from fossil fuels when producing the energy that the modern Canada lifestyle requires comes from carbon that was locked in the Earth's crust for millions of years. It is not carbon that was already in the atmosphere. However, this is not about Canada, read on.

4) As you can see, in order to sequester the new CO2 released in 3, the processes in 1 and others which I did not mention (such as the oceanic absorption of CO2), have to not only maintained the CO2 balance we used to have, but they now have to also sequester that additional CO2.

For that reason, Canada has many trees indeed, but you cannot think of Canada only. "Canada" does not exist in the laws of physics, only in our minds, and the forest you mention, is therefore part of a global ecosystem that all together works to remain stable on a temporal human scale.

So the question is, is all the vegetation on Earth, is all the phytoplankton on Earth, is all the CO2 diffusion into the oceans, etc, managing to counter all the new CO2 that humanity is digging out of the crust and burning into the atmosphere?
It all indicates that no, as we can see CO2 rising significantly since the onset of the Industrial Revolution.

>ah, but the earth is greening
That might be so, but the greening is not surpassing or overcoming the new additional CO2, as far we can tell, because:
> we can see CO2 rising significantly since the onset of the Industrial Revolution
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what about that whole volcanic eruptions deal?

dont get me wrong.
im on your side.

i think its important to push this issue especially on a global message becuase if climate change scientists didnt raise a fuss then we would be much worse off than they are now.
like scientists arent only bitching. they are aldo providing solutions to lower carbon emissions.
they just revealed a zero emissions concrete.
they design coal plants that are more environmentally friendly than before.
they are doing the best they can, and its pushing the clock back ever so slightly.

the reality is though that we will never not worry about our climate.
we are a global people, connected by massive trade and production quotas.
we have conquered low earth orbit with all the sateillites we have up there.
we now treat the globe as a farmer treats his land.
and i assure you there isnt an hour that goes by where he doesnt dote on it.
always worrying about nitrate levels, the weather, pests and disease etc.
the problem with simple farming though, is that the simple solution for a big problem is to just dump it in the back field and let it rust. our minds are at the level of awareness though where farming isnt so simple anymore.
>global warming!
>two weeks!
They've been shilling that same lie since the 1980s and its never been true yet. You'd have to be hopelessly gullible and low IQ to still believe it
same reason predictions about technological advancements like space exploration are always wrong it's called simulation drift
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nice, anon knows.
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>Who is Greta really?
"Her" real name is Gregory, Greg's mom kept him on puberty blockers and hormones from a very young age so he would look more feminine. /lgbt/ has already confirmed this
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So you're unable to read and address the papers listed in the table?
>muh replication crisis papers
nobody believes any of that rot
>several publications confirm a decades-old prediction
>this is somehow a replication crisis
Incorrect. It's intriguing that you spew buzzwords without understanding them, and are afraid to address papers from the table.
Explain how that conclusion follows?
70 IQ
good video
Savory explicitly believes in global warming and its catastrophic side effects LMFAO. Half the shit he advocates is meant to help manage it and restore ecosystems. Dumbass fucking retard doesn't even understand what he's posting.
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It's not that scientists can't really PREDICT climate, it's just that there's so much (((red tape))) that objective results and practical solutions get snuffed out by media mongering.
Like, it's true that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It's true that certain chemicals fuck with the environment.
What the scientists DON'T do is tell white people to not reproduce, while doing nothing to curb the R-Type reproduction of browns and darkies.
(((They))) say that we need to eat less meat and instead eat vegan shit and insect flour from facilities that pollute and kill fertile soil EVEN MORE than even the sleaziest cattle farms, instead of actually getting the US Navy to sink Chinese fishing tramps.
We're told to recycle, while corporations like Monsanto and DuPont can produce inefficient and horrific chemical waste that makes animals like frogs change sexes and grow extra limbs, or make refrigerants that are deliberately shittier than the tried and true R12.
>We're told to recycle, while corporations like Monsanto and DuPont can produce inefficient and horrific chemical waste that makes animals like frogs change sexes and grow extra limbs, or make refrigerants that are deliberately shittier than the tried and true R12.
Honestly it's not impossible to sidestep this. Just become as self sufficient as possible and buy local shit. There are more than enough computers for everyone already and you can get food locally in most cases. The consoomption cult needs to die regardless.
leftists have no response to this
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cattle ranches don't kill soil at all, they enhance it substantially
>Scientists say "yo, watch out for this, it could be a problem based on what we know"
>A journalist says "the ice caps goin' melt in 10 years!!!"
Because scientists aren't infallible and/or they can have motives for lying or pushing an agenda.
I bet you actually believe that they put cows out on land that looked like the right and it magically became like the left without them doing anything else.
thats pretty much how it works. the research on the topic was published ages ago.
>>ITT: people who haven't touched grass in 20+ years

Winter gets shorter every year, the grass is half dead and the past few years the sky has been on fire.
This has been explained a long long time ago and you never bothered to check the source yourself and find that it was all wrong. Hanson’s predictions have been accurate. What you fail to realize is the roadway Hansen was talking about is not the roadway which exists today. It’s been rerouted

Climate change is academic fraud. Sorry that you had to hear that so late in the game.
>2) Most of the carbon stored in tree material that rots in the open air will eventually be released back into the atmosphere as CO2 through the process of decomposition.
This assumption is incorrect! It is especially incorrect in Canada where biomass is preserved in the soil.
Alex jones also got a lot of predictions right yet he isn't some kind of pinaccle of science you dumb midwit

Throwing shit and waiting for it to stick isn't science
That is how it works. Cows aerate the soil and trim the grass so you have productive new growth rather than a covering of dried brush that smothers everything.

Living grass maintains soil moisture. Dead brush dries out and leaves bare spots.
>1) scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong
>2) scientists' predictions about global warming are sometimes right; (You) are here
>3) scientists' predictions about global warming have been generally correct - (You) apologise for relying only on sensationalist tabloids
Making progress, nice.
How can petroleum and coal even contain sequestered CO2 if all of the CO2 stored in those fuels is of organic origin, but organic matter all rots immediately upon dying?
nobody can ever answer this question
After all the dead trees immediately rot they still leave behind some dark CO2.
>the research on the topic was published ages ago.
It was, but it isn't politically correct for leftists to say that ranching improves the quality of the landscape because their only permissible solution to any problem is "government good, traditional private individuals bad"
So they ignore all the science and research on the topic in favor of their politically correct false ideologies. Then they use their political power to abuse ranchers who are actually improving nature.
Eat the bugs goy!! Cows are bad even if they improve the landscape they live on.
I'd rather have a barren lifeless wasteland that a verdant grassland with cows on it. This is because of my concern for the environment of course and not because I'm part of a hate filled death cult.
>no rain in the weather forecast for today
>currently raining
scientists can't even predict the weather accurately 24 hours in advance, there is no way they can predict the weather decades into the future
>they can't even forecast the weather tomorrow.
I can't predict what eating several Big Macs or smoking several packs of cigarettes continuously will do to your health on any given day.
I can predict what it will generally do to your health in the long term.

What's your point?
>we empirically proved that more carbon dioxide will raise the temperature of a glass tank slightly
>therefore there will be a runaway extinction event death apocalypse
>please fund us so that the world doesn't die!!!!
it's just bad science
here's the list of things that will happen before the temperature raising from co2 remotely matters. Acid rain will melt your eyes and smog will choke you half to death before co2 raises temperatures remotely. CO2 should be reduced because it's pollution and poisonous to humans, not because half-baked "science" turned into fearmongering for money. Scientists aren't saints, they want funding and they will lie and commit fraud to do it. Nobody will stop them because technically more co2 will increase temperature but the public are apparently uneducated unwashed morons so they don't need to know any details beyond that.
>CO2 should be reduced because it's pollution and poisonous to humans.
wrong, if you were legitimately concerned about that you'd have a CO2 monitor in your house and you'd be running a big indoor plant grow to control CO2 levels, but you do none of that.
NASA sets the maximum safe level for atmospheric CO2 content on it's space station and spacecraft atmospheres at 5500ppm and they have astronauts doing difficult complex labor in those conditions, yet they're convinced that even 5500ppm won't negatively impact their astronauts ability to conduct their business effectively and safely. CO2 is not a pollutant. You would die of hypocapnia if there wasn't enough CO2 in the atmosphere, atmospheric CO2 is necessary for life same as oxygen is.
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Too fragile to handle bad news?
All of the people who complain about CO2 choose to live in urban areas that have the highest atmospheric CO2 levels of anywhere on the planet
They do a lot of irrational things
>it's just bad science
people who've never learned basic physics will still be able to believe it, thats the power of ignorance. if you don't know about concepts such as energy conservation or dynamic stability you can believe in a wider range of possibilities.
This is my plan. But good luck convincing billions of arrogant retards in love with the rat race to return to subsistence agriculture.
Just make sure you have emf-shielded backups for your cybercottage tech.
What is mainstream science other than a sensationalist tabloid?
I simply don't see how 1.5c or even 5c-10c will affect anything, sure some places will become uninhabitable, some will become habitable. It's over such a long timescale that most people can migrate, farmers nowadays are pretty high tech too, and on average they will produce more food. In terms of water there will be more rain, sure it might have different patterns, but we can simply employ cloud seeding strategies to catch most of the rain that goes into the ocean.
There are also many ways to get heat out of the planet, imagine if instead of the great pacific garbage patch we threw away radiative coolers optimized for ocean temperatures and in a frequency that passes through water and water vapor. That's already the 1-2% area that doi:10.1016/j.joule.2019.07.010 mentions, and that doesn't even include the land use or the other garbage patches in the oceans gyres.
>sure it might have different patterns
The best farming is done with irrigation. Farmers that have to rely on rain have unpredictable oil moisture, the ones who use irrigation in arid regions can control their soil moisture for maximum effect.
>there isn't a single oil field on the entire planet that has ever run dry
That's been debunked


>he's a glowie because he called me a retard
ultimate snowflake
Cause in most places (and not your california centric ideology that is pushing this nonsense) Summer is mild and winter is harsh.
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California is the lowest IQ state in the nation

there isn't a single oil field on the entire planet that has ever run dry
this is proof that we are succeeding in stopping climate change and we must continue our efforts to further reduce its impact

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