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As Carbon Dioxide Grows More Abundant, Trees Are Growing Bigger, Study Finds
Trees are feasting on decades of carbon dioxide emissions and growing bigger as a result, according to a new study of U.S. forests.

Scientists tracked wood volume in 10 different tree groups from 1997 to 2017, finding that all except aspen-birch grew larger. Over that same period, carbon dioxide levels went from 363 parts per million to 405 parts per million, owing largely to the burning of fossil fuels. More abundant CO2 accelerates photosynthesis, causing plants to grow faster, a phenomenon known as “carbon fertilization.” The findings were published in the journal Nature Communications.

The study suggests that even as warming threatens forests by fueling drought, insect infestations, and wildfires, rising CO2 levels mean that tree-planting is an increasingly cost-effective method of fighting climate change, as the same number of trees can sequester more carbon, said Brent Sohngen, an environmental scientist at Ohio State University and coauthor of the study.

“While we’re putting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we’re actually taking much of it out just by letting our forests grow,” Sohngen said in a statement. “We should be planting more trees and preserving older ones, because at the end of the day they’re probably our best bet for mitigating climate change.”
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>everything is either imminent apocalypse or complete nothingburger
I hate this shit.
The fact that CO2 is good for nature is not a "nothingburger", its a massive bonus that goes along with using hydrocarbon fuels. No human and none out ancestors for tens of millions of years have witness nature in as heathy and vigorous a state as what we are witnessing currently. The more CO2 that goes into the atmosphere, the faster the plants will grow and the healthier nature becomes. All that just from using coal, oil and gas for fuels, its as if God exists and he likes us and wants us to be happy so he set up this fantastic synergy where burning fuel makes the world a better place.
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>human extinction is good for the planet
yes. yes it is. you first please.
>More CO2 in the atmosphere causes the earth to warm up, therefore causing more extreme weather events
Dare I say based?
Here's your run away greenhouse effect from CO2 anon! Enjoy your lush and green paradise.
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If only it were true, theres no real trend in annual cyclonic energy. And as far as individual massive storms go, the biggest ones on record mostly occurred in the 1970s when accumulated cyclonic energy was on the low side. If CO2 was affecting hurricanes, typhoons, etc. then a strong trend would be clearly visible
>plant fertilizer is good for plants
No shit Sherlock. Shall we all dump tons of ammonium and nitrates in the ground too, because plants love that?

Ever heard of "dose makes the poison"?
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Theres no evidence whatsoever that Venus was once an Earth like planet which eventually suffered a run away greenhouse effect due to industrialization or for any other reason. Venus has always been the way it is currently, it has no run away greenhouse effect, its hot because it has a very thick atmosphere. Jupiter has temperatures over 40,000º because it has an even thicker atmosphere.
>CO2 is good for nature
That's not the issue, at all.
you're obsessed with politics and have no place on this board since you're not here to discuss science
>poltard tells non-poltards to gtfo out of /sci/
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>everyone who doesn't subscribe to death cult anti-carbon climate alarmism is /pol/
The irony is staggering.
Our climate is changing - more and more infrastructure and absorbant black asphalt and waste heat from the billion devices and miles of pipes and vents and the millions of ICE vehicle activity. All of this stuff causes heavily built up areas, spanning many miles, to experience much warmer weather than surrounding rural locations.
99% of the "climate change" people cite as evidence is due to specific land use changes or environmental management failures.
Look at Picrel. Look how the heat so strongly correlates with urban sprawl. As soon as you get away and get vegetation, everything is cool: the plant life reflects more light and is pumping thousands of gallons of water daily into the air, not only reacting differently to hot weather but also making weather by contributing to cloud formation.
Identifying the CAUSE of the changes we observe is crucial. If you accept that the primary cause is carbon dioxide emissions, then "doing something about" climate change has only one solution - a nebulous commitment to "reduce carbon" without fixing any of the myriad specific problems in our lived environment and shortcomings in land management.
Consider picrel. Would you say "the cause of warmer weather in urban Japan is primarily due to atmospheric carbon" is a fair assessment? Or do you think a better explanation is "the cause of warmer weather in Japan is urbanisation and other associated land use changes"?
If you believe that the primary cause of observed changes is due to land use changes, then the set of solutions grows much larger, and more diverse, and potentially more radical. Eradication of city sprawl, an increase in rewinding and a managed decline in the global population. A complete redesign of our remaining city infrastructure, buildings and roads made as bright, white and reflective as possible with the inclusion of as much greenery as possible.
LMAO, Earth's atmosphere is far thinner than it should be for its mass. That is because it was formed by the collision of two smaller planets, and most of the atmosphere of those planets was lost in the collision. Venus was never like the Earth, it always had a very dense atmosphere, 90x times more dense than Earth's. On top of that receives twice the Sun's energy. The runaway greenhouse effect is a myth perpetuated by ignorant morons.
What's cherrypicking? Are you claiming that the urban heat island effect only happens Tokyo?
Picrel is Atlanta, Georgia. Much less urbanised, but the effect can still be seen.
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Is that enough cherries for you?
>unironically posting the ideal gas law to supplement this bullshit "answer"
Since when did /sci/ have jews shilling for CO2 and fossil fuel use?
Disprove it
Yes, because it's relevant.
>For a constant volume and amount of air, the pressure and temperature are directly proportional, provided the temperature is in kelvin. (Measurements cannot be made at lower temperatures because of the condensation of the gas.) When this line is extrapolated to lower pressures, it reaches a pressure of 0 at –273 °C, which is 0 on the kelvin scale and the lowest possible temperature, called absolute zero.
Do you have ANY idea how dense Venus' atmosphere is?
nice bait
>Imagine being this retarded
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>No human and none out ancestors for tens of millions of years have witness nature in as heathy and vigorous a state as what we are witnessing currently
Yeah let's just ignore deforesting most of the planet and killing off thousands of species
>Yeah let's just ignore deforesting most of the planet and killing off thousands of species
Yeah, I hate it when CO2 blows into a country and deforests it and kills all the animals.
Stop playing dumb. Desertification is already going on in the Mediterranean region and Southern US.
Alright, let's play with your misunderstanding of basic physics. PV=nRT and therefore P1*V1/T1 =P2*V2/T2 and if volume remains constant then P1/T1=P2/T2. So we can make a nuclear-tier powered rod out of pressurized gas. P1 = 1atm, T1 = 20 C, T2 = 1000 C, so P2 must equal 50 atm or 730 PSI, which is easily achievable with the proper equipment.

Why then are we not powering the grid with tanks of compressed air that are 1000 C? Could it be because it's the change in pressure, and not the fact that pressure exists, that increases the temperature?

Dropouts should be autobanned.
You are responding to a bot.
No, I'm responding to a moron who's mad at science because he failed to learn it.
>Desertification is already going on in the Mediterranean region and Southern US
Failures of land management.
stop being cute.
Venus is hot because its atmosphere is insanely thick, dense, and massive compared to Earth.
Unless you think its plausible that Earth's atmosphere is going to become 100 times more massive, then it's either stupid or dishonest to hold up Venus as an reason for why "co2 = bad"
Holy ESL, you need to go retake your English exam, Paco
No. You need to justify why we don't power the world with the infinite energy of compressed gas or acknowledge that you failed high school physics and you have no clue what you're talking about.
I'm not denying that the greenhouse effect is why Venus is so hot. I'm saying that the greenhouse effect is so powerful on Venus because of how dense the atmosphere is. It's not the concentration of CO2 that's salient, it's the sheer mass of it.
What a moronic statement. I accept your concession.
CO2 fags are actively pushing for a global warming and sending the Earth's climate out of its current status to kill off thousands upon thousands of species for the sake of plants. Never forget this.
Not a rebuttal.
>The fact that CO2 is good for nature
How is it good for nature?
>Because le trees grow bigger
And why is this an inherently good thing?
Learn the absolute basics of physics and maybe you'll deserve a rebuttal.
The ideal gas law is working perfectly as intended, you retards just don't know when to apply it. Showing me that Molar volume, temperature and pressure for a gas are related does not disprove Venus' greenhouse effect, because neither planet is an energetically isolated system. All you've done is proven you dont understand basic thermodynamics. It's just as retarded as you trying to claim an accelerating object isn't accelerating because it's velocity, mass and momentum are fixed at every instance in time.

So, I'll give you another chance, if you can show me using a proper energy balance using proper scientific data for physio-chemical properties that a Venus with a co2 free atmosphere, at the same density will equilibriate at the same temperature, I will concede. I'll even let you pretend the atmosphere is still an ideal gas.

If not, 8/10 bait, I kek'd, stay in school.
Because like, plants don't start wars, man.
>I'm not denying that the greenhouse effect is why Venus is so hot
Jupiter gets to over 40,000ºC, is that because of the greenhouse effect too?
you're obsessed with politics and have no place on this board since you're not here to discuss science
CO2 is based. My garden has never been greener and fruit harvest as bountiful.
so how much more should be added? Should we just never stop until the atmosphere is 100% co2?
>so how much more should be added?
At the rate we're going it will be over 1000 years until the perfect mix of atmospheric gasses is achieved, but by that time presumably selective breeding will have created plant varieties which are more voracious CO2 consumers than what exists currently. The current crop of selectively bred plants are geared for performance in the present near starvation atmosphere.
>Should we just never stop until the atmosphere is 100% co2?
There isn't enough carbon on the planet to get to that level, even 1% would be impossible, 8000ppm would be the absolute maximum attainable value.
It takes at least 10% atmospheric CO2 to start causing problems for mammals, at least. That's a fucking lot of CO2.
earth doesn't give a shit if it's 1000 degrees and covered in toxic gas because it's a fucking ball of rock
only humans care and clearly they don't since they love killing each other, enslaving each other, and poisoning each other's homes
but what's the point of that? Why can't we just curb out emissions and let the plants get things back to equilibrium? Why make the climate hotter and fuck with things?
Have you ever even BEEN to the southern US, you urban sóycuck? It's like the fucking Amazon down there. They have to work around the clock just to keep the branches out of the roadways.
Desertification? I've lived here in Georgia my entire life and if anything it's a subtropical humid vine and kudzu ridden green hell. Wouldn't have it any other way.
The problem is
#1 that humans aren't plants or sea birds. A greener planet (and by the way you're ignoring desertification) is good for some plants but bad if you live next to the ocean, which is rising. It's also bad for corals because it's warming too quickly and corals can't migrate fast enough to handle the increase temperatures. A lot of our food sources are dependent on coral reefs. So that's bad. It's also bad for communities under threat of water shortages which rely on glacial melt runoff or who live in semi-arid locations which will become unlivable soon. Or anyone who lives on an island like Tuvalu which will entirely be underwater by next century. Try telling them a greener planet is good, while they drown.

So go ahead, cherry pick your data ..... again. About how something you know obviously very little about is somehow "good" because you ignore all the terrible things which will happen as a result.
Don't reply to them, you are not educating them. They shill for oil companies for free
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CO2 doesn't cause global warming, if did then it would be hotter now than it was thousands of years ago. The 1930s are the warmest decade on record even though theres been substantially more CO2 in the atmosphere since then, that wouldn't be the case if CO2 played a significant factor in global temperatures.
Now do tropical forests.
Why does it upset you so badly that CO2 is good for plants? Why do you hate plants?
The aspen birch decline is presumably because they're first growth trees and in a CO2 enhanced climate they get overtaken by the 2nd growth trees faster.
Plants like water too, in fact people also need water
Drown yourself in the bathtub
Why does it upset you so much that CO2 is good for plants? Do you hate plants? Why do you want to starve them? Where did the plants touch you?
Why does it upset you so much that CO2 is toxic for mammals? Do you hate mammals? Why do you want to poison them? Where did the mammals touch you?
Take your meds
>CO2 is toxic for mammals
it isn't, CO2 is necessary for life, respiration doesn't work without it. you would die without CO2.
NASA sets the maximum safe level for atmospheric CO2 in it's space station and on it's vessels at 5500ppm and astronauts have to live and do their complicated work in those environments. your house/apartment/dorm is over 1000ppm and you don't even notice the difference, you don't even own a CO2 monitor, thats how little you care about the issue.
This is how you gain psychological control over people and populations. Leftists are some of the most programmed people you could ever imagine. This shit is like heaven to organizations like the CIA.
You're a disingenuous little faggot.
So why do our bodies undergo gas exchange and get rid of CO2? When there's too much dissolved CO2 in our blood and tissue it creates pathologies, you dipshit.
>Concentrations >10% may cause convulsions, coma and death
You are the one being disingenuous, carbon dioxide hasn't ever been even close to 100,000 ppm, yet alone over. The highest we know of is from the Triassic at 2,000 ppm; a 500 fold difference.
>At concentrations >5% it can have undesirable effects
That is, 50,000 ppm, still a 25 fold difference from the Triassic peak of 2,000 ppm. Indoors will often see 1,000 to 2,500 ppm, with little to no noticeable effects.

Why are you employing sophistry about the toxicity of co2? Sure at 10% it can kill you, so can oxygen. Drinking too much water or sleeping too little will kill a person, yet saying "drinking water and being awake will cause death" is fallacious. Did you even read the article, I recommend doing that. Too often the article isn't actually saying much of anything, even though the abstract and the title are eye catching.
>you shouldn't eat food because your body eventually gets rid of it via defecation
So you agree that waste must be removed or else it would poison the system?
you would die almost immediately of hypocapnia if there weren't CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 isn't waste, its mandatory for all forms of life on earth, you can't live without it
thats why people respirate better when theres more CO2 in the atmosphere
Lmao? You don't know shit about physiology. Hypocapnia is just an indicator of poor metabolism, not the need for CO2 in your blood. God damn dude...
Life on Earth evolved for nearly a billion years with much, much higher atmospheric CO2 levels that there are currently, the modern situation with practically no CO2 in the atmosphere is a recent phenomenon, so its pretty obvious that every living creature would be better off in the higher CO2 mix of atmospheric gases that they're evolved for.
Its not just plants that are better off with more CO2, its every form of life.
Retard take
Anon it's obvious bait.
Then he should try harder. It's not cute, funny, or accurate. If everyone called out these morons' retard takes instead of engaging with them then they would leave.
You call everyone who disagrees with the AGW net zero cult a retard. You have a very high opinion of yourself. Have some humility and at least pretend as if you believe there is a possibility that your beliefs are misled and your knowledge is imperfect.
This is an extremely low-quality post.
>anyone who doesn't think like me is a retard
You might have autism mate. It's common for autistic people to have trouble understanding different opinions, and that's fine! It will be difficult to learn and tolerate different opinions, but it's part of life to come across lots of different opinions (it makes life interesting methinks). Others can disagree with you without being retards. Here is an insightful book for you to read: https://teachingautism.co.uk/shop/different-opinions-social-story/
Sugar, oils and high-fructose corn syrup all make humans grow bigger. Ergo they are good for humans, and the more you eat the better.
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your perception of health was created by your exposure to media which tells you that people who are a week away from starvation are healthier, in every other species animals will eat to the point of obesity given the opportunity.
The bait is unreal.
It's good for viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, you know, the one that killed millions of people. If we had taken carbon reduction seriously, those people could still be alive today.
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covid didn't kill anyone, it was the vax that killed people
>Over eating is good because starvation exists
Okay, fatty.
try hyperventilating until your body runs out of available CO2 and see how much you enjoy it
That's not how that works.
That picture is London, too.
Based and Ray Peat pilled.
Lmao at all the midwits in this thread subscribing to modern academic dogma.
They grow faster with enhanced atmospheric CO2 also, that means they can be harvested more frequently.
> Equating a pond with an ocean
That slippery slope assertion is laughable.
Venus' atmosphere is so insanely denser than Earth's that humanity could torch every bit of accessible coal and wood on the planet and the atmosphere would still be magnitudes upon magnitudes upon magnitudes less extreme than that of Venus.
This is a thread where someone is saying breathing CO2 is good for you. That's where you are right now.
Yes, and the sun was cooler too. Did you forget that part? That the sun was cooler? Or you just cherry pick your data. Most likely in fact, you don't, you simply regurgitate what you read on a blog somewhere once. Worse yet, you're just regurgitating what you read on 4chan once.

It's called the young faint sun paradox. We know Earth always had liquid water on it but the sun was cooler in the past, that's how stars work. Which means greenhouse gases were more abundant in the atmosphere, mostly methane and carbon dioxide, because plants were less abundant in the early Earth, which meant that CO2 from volcanoes simply stayed in the atmosphere.

You should maybe, talk to an Earth scientist before you make accusations about a subject you clearly know nothing about. I recommend going to your local college or university and asking around the Earth Science department. I promise you, they will help you with your misunderstandings.
>climate change isn't real
>okay, climate change IS real but it's actually good!
Retarded fucking shills.
yes it is
Lol no.
This but unironically.
Warming up is also very nice to prevent the next glaciation cycle. Europe becoming frozen toundra and london and new york being under hundreds of meters of ice was not so fun for humanity, although it was what created the white race.
This is the climate alarmist in his final form. Boldly declaring what happened a billion years ago to justify why you must eat bugs right now, while tap dancing around not having any pictures of sea level rise.
Don't argue with paid shills
Somehow you think it would be bad if deforestation wasn't a problem.
Why can't libshits ever hold a line.
>they just seem like the typical piece of shit contrarian that only believes in fringe things because he's a low/middling IQ narcissist with main character syndrome.
So which fossil fuel company paid you, OP?
All the alarmists have are doomerism. The worst part is it is a sad and pathetic rapture where satan is defeated by eating bugs or whatever.
I'm sure all of them paid him through some kind of fund or intermediary
Answer the question. Which fossil fuel company is paying you?
Retard take.
>All the alarmists have are doomerism.
And increasing surface cean temperatures
And increasing extinction rates
And tons of anecdotal evidence for winters all but disappearing
And record breaking heatwaves almost every year (NOOOOO BUT MUH OCCASIONAL BLIZZARDS DATS FAKE AND GAY!!!!!)
And increasing rates of extreme weather
And the climate in europe routinely breaking historical norms

And literally everything else other than a delusional sense of self-importance and a steadfast boomer-tier worship of money and the status quo. You "people" have that shit all to yourselves.
None of that exists.
Doomer cope clinging to scriptures from the clergy, all the while the Earth keeps spinning.
Quick! Get the kool-aid while they will drink it!
I'm sure that the earth's magnetic field weakening and so it letting through more space weather has nothing at all to do with the weather on earth.
unclear how trees being bigger is significant at all
>And the climate in europe routinely breaking historical norms
Was the 1540 European drought also caused by global warming?
Did Exxon invent a time machine and teleport all it's CO2 to the 1540s by using CERN's black hole generators?
lmao that scientists legit think that black hole comic book time travel stupidity is real.
They're dumb enough to think global warming is real, so the rest of their beliefs should be expected to be equally stupid
>dumb things are dumb
Are YOU a tree?
Greening in the short term is not a good thing. CO2 increases bulk mass of plants, sure, but that just increases the amount of cellulose in the plant. CO2 doesn't affect the amount of vitamins/minerals in the plants, which is causing deficiencies in animals. For instance it's well known that fish are dying from thiamin deficiency in some environments thanks to greening. Add onto that other Anthrogenic factors like pollution, and it's no wonder many species are going extinct.
NOOOO a gas company paid me to make this thread, stop debunking me.
>How is it good for nature?
You know how animals need oxygen to breathe? Plants need CO2 to breathe. They take in CO2 and spit oxygen back out again.

Bigger trees IN THEORY would provide a bigger oxygen output.
>Plants need CO2 to breathe
that's not true. you'd know that if you went to elementary school.
>I'm sure that the earth's magnetic field weakening
Ok that is a crisis. You wanna run that back?
So what you're saying is, more CO2 creates bigger trees, which produce more oxygen to compensate for deforestation.
So, at best, we've managed to Three Stooges Syndrome our way into a functioning ecosystem.
>we've managed to Three Stooges Syndrome our way into a functioning ecosystem.
God likes us, he wants us to enjoy both the use of hydrocarbon fuels while also enjoying the benefit of an environment improved by additional atmospheric CO2.
God loves Big Oil! In the name of the drill, the pumpjack, and the holy refinery, amen.
> a delusional sense of self-importance
Correct, denialniggers project their mental retardation onto others
Do you know what "routinely" means, pajeet?
What do you get out of lying?
Why does it upset you so badly that CO2 is good for nature? Life on Earth evolved in an atmosphere with far, far more CO2 than is current in the atmosphere, adding more CO2 back to the atmosphere is necessarily going to improve conditions for the natural world.
Retard take
>I hate this shit
stop watching good morning show.
Reminder that when you plants blooming early, its not because the weather is warming, its because the plants grow faster and healthier due to having more CO2 in the atmosphere.
Plants on right in picrel are not only bigger, but they're also fruiting faster and earlier than the control
What fossil fuel company paid you to make this post?
Co2 Gas! Co2 Gas! Co2 Gas!
Look at all the veg! From the healthy CO2!
Part of the wider pajeet invasion of 4chan probably
Why did evolution do this
Evolution is always doing stuff like that, its retarded. If it wasn't then species wouldn't be constantly going extinct to make room for new species.
Did you ever hear about the elk species that grew antlers so large that it couldn't move through it's native forests effectively?
You've clearly never done gardening in your life and it shows.
Fucking city slickers shitting up my board with their shill posts.
Why do you think people need to be paid in secrecy for them to think differently from you?
Why must this ridiculous grand conspiracy exist, to explain away differing interpretations of the science?
The conspiratorial mindset has become a plaque onto science. The intolerance is palpable; it has become apparent that these people have almost religious devotion to their beliefs. Conspiracy theorists have started claiming, people who don't believe their particular conspiracy theory, are conspiracy theorists themselves for not believing it. "The big oil" pays people? What about the "big climate activism"? It goes both ways, to sum up, it's all mere assertions reliant on personal beliefs.

A consensus which is reached by outright dismissal, or even suppression of dissident and or differing opinions is not in fact a consensus, but an echo chamber.
>hasn't tried co2 fertilizing
hemp grows so so much faster with incresed co2 and heat
>Why must this ridiculous grand conspiracy exist, to explain away differing interpretations of the science?
Because it's hard to believe that anyone could be retarded enough to believe the horseshit that you do

>A consensus which is reached by outright dismissal, or even suppression of dissident and or differing opinions is not in fact a consensus, but an echo chamber
Describes denialnigger tactics to a T. Only difference is you're currently a minority so have to use more subtle kike strategies too, like crying about muh diversity of thought why are we so oppressed.
Oh gee, I dunno, maybe the long history of oil companies doing exactly that? If you're not a skill then try being less of a retard.
Only in highly controlled conditions where the plant can take advantage of the increased CO2.
it would grow faster without the additional heat if you didn't overwater it. plants need less water when co2 is added to their atmosphere.
Because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and I'm assuming you're at least getting paid to be a retards instead of doing it for free.
>Theory of mind, the cognitive capacity to infer others’ mental states, is crucial for the development of social communication. The impairment of theory of mind may relate to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is characterised by profound difficulties in social interaction and communication.

>Imagine the following situation. You happened to come home earlier than usual. You were very hungry, and remembered that your partner keeps her (or his) precious chocolate in the cupboard, which she only eats after unusually hard day’s work as a special treat. You know how important the chocolate is to her, but you were so hungry that you took the whole box out of the cupboard and ate about half of it. When she suddenly arrived home, you just had time to put the box under the coffee table before she came in to the living room. She then said that “I’ve had a really hectic day - I’m exhausted! I think I deserve some chocolate tonight.” What would you do?

>Most of you would predict that she would get to the cupboard (so you have to do something quickly, before she opens it.). At the same time, you may not realize what a complex and sophisticated reasoning you’ve just made to generate this prediction, as it would have occurred to you naturally and effortlessly. The reasoning you have just made could be broken down into understanding that she will open the cupboard because (1) she wants the chocolate and (2) she believes that it is still in the cupboard because (3) she doesn’t know that you’ve moved it. Such reasoning is called the theory of mind. It involves inferring others’ behaviour based on their mental states, which are opaque and impossible to observe directly.
>The association between intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety has proved robust in neurotypical populations and has led to effective interventions targeting intolerance of uncertainty. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate this association in autistic people, given the high prevalence of anxiety in this population
>Results showed that anxiety and intolerance of uncertainty were consistently elevated in autistic participants. Examining the correlation between these two constructs, the meta-analysis revealed a large sample-weighted effect size, r=0.62, 95% confidence interval=[0.52, 0.71], p<0.001. The strength of this association was comparable to meta-analyses conducted on neurotypical populations, and therefore, it was concluded intolerance of uncertainty may be an appropriate target for intervention for autistic individuals.
>People who find it especially hard to cope with the unexpected or unknown are said to have an intolerance of uncertainty. Autistic individuals often report a preference for certainty and experience levels of anxiety that can interfere with their daily life. Understanding more about the link between the intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety in autistic people might lead to better treatments for anxiety being developed.
> The autistic people who participated in the studies completed questionnaires that suggested a large number of them experienced very high levels of anxiety and intolerance of uncertainty. Of 10 studies that used relevant statistics, nine found a statistically significant link between anxiety and the intolerance of uncertainty.
Autistic retards gobble up the climate emergency narrative because even though it is peak doomerism, it offers certainty and a clear cut set of actions which can be supported. The future is inherently unknowable and uncertain. Accept it, and accept that others can disbelieve your fear porn without being paid shills.
Greenhouses are great for plant growth, I do not want to live in one
>Baltimore bridge and migrated into other country
Those leech bastard ruin everything
Why would he disprove the ideal gas law?
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>It's also bad for corals because it's warming too quickly
The greatest diversity of corals are found in the warmest parts of the ocean. Corals LOVE heat. Warmer oceans are better for coral
good map
>Imagine being this retarded
The problem with more co2 is the increasing heat. Yes it's good for plants and the planet ecosystem. But when it gets really really hot for animals that aren't used to it that can cause problems. Especially if humans can't handle it.
>Ever heard of "dose makes the poison"?
For plants CO2 poisoning is 10%. Thats 100,000ppm.
Indoor concentrations of 1000ppm is considered safe for humans.
>Ever heard of "dose makes the poison"?
No, because OP takes hot doses of toxic pozzed oil, and that hasn’t killed him yet! XD
It's this. The economic and human costs of climate change are the real killer.

Friendly reminder climate change can stop tomorrow. Everybody on the planet just has to take a sledge hammer to their vehicles, their air conditioners, throw out all their phones, tablets, computers, etc. Shut down all those power guzzling large language models, transnational flights, supply lines, etc.

The price will be paid sooner or later, and I guess humanity chose the painful way (as in the way which will make half the planet inhospitable) .
Derive your own equations to simulate climate change, retard. I bet you can't.
You have outed yourself
I will after you build a Boeing 747 from scratch.
NASA has set the maximum safe CO2 concentration in their spacecraft and on their space station at 5500ppm and those are environments when astronauts are supposed to perform complicated jobs for extended periods of time.
Spaceships have a very small air volume. That's a safety buffer because if the atmosphere system degraded they'd go into dangerous CO2 concentrations very fast.
If NASA's data shows that astronauts can operate safely at 5500ppm then 1000ppm or 2000ppm for people on Earth isn't a big deal.
the people who all bitch and moan constantly about CO2 never even own their own CO2 meters, they don't even know how much CO2 is in the atmosphere in their own homes, which shows how disingenuous their concerns really are.
They never have any proof of anything other than made up lines on fake graphs.
This "CO2 = greening" bullshit is just as retarded as climate change itself ignoring all the true complexities of the environment.

For example: Greening ONLY happened in White majority countries with a strong culture of nature perservation.

The opposite happened in the Southern hemisphere which saw vast deforestation in the last few decades in favour of monocultures.




>For example: Greening ONLY happened in White majority countries with a strong culture of nature perservation.
That's wrong though. India and China have greened more in the last 20 years than any other region.
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Ah, yes, the lush green Chinese cities
Classic jew propaganda
Why are you so mad at a simple law?What happens if the volume isn't held constant? How does the volume of the gas change if the system is open? Would it already be changing? What's the exit velocity of "heat" leaving the atmosphere. For some reason the ideal gas law seems to strike a nerve with smart geniuses like you, can you please help me understand oh wise sage
Without co2 it will have a different density. Give me my honorary degree gay nerd. Solutions Havard, Solutions to you
>CO2 fags are actively pushing for a global warming and sending the Earth's climate out of its current status to kill off thousands upon thousands of species for the sake of plants. Never forget this.
And never forget Sweden's climate minister Romina Pourmokhtari with a bag from CATO Institute.
You know big oil loves climate change. Don't sit here and act like the scientific establishment isn't a cute little puppet show. Step one outlaw or restrict commodity that you have a virtual monopoly over, step two set the new higher price adjusted for the black market. Do you think the drug cartels in South America want drugs to be legal? Then they'd be 2 bucks a gram and they might have to let the tiger back into the wild
Also can someone please explain the difference in the urban heat island effect and the greenhouse effect. P.s. sub 78 iq brianlet here and I hate every single one of you
>Also can someone please explain the difference in the urban heat island effect and the greenhouse effect. P.s. sub 78 iq brianlet here and I hate every single one of you
Ok, Mr Brianlet. Yes, cities are hotter than the surronding areas. Yes, there are ways to mitigate that. And yes, there was an investigation to see if the hotter cities caused mismeasurements of climate change. And it turned out that the cities didn't.

All things different, it was kinda like how Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) dismissed Big Bang. So astronomers etc looked deeper into it and it turned out that they strengthened the case for it.
That's sulfuric gas retard.
Dude Venus is hot DUE to the greenhouse effect. If Earth's atmosphere undergoes a runaway event then it would also be hot. Also if you know anything about planetary composition/formation both venus and earth are thought to be very similar in initial composition when it comes to carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, the only big difference being how far from the sun they were formed. Earth's carbon is largely sequestered in rock and venus' is in the atmosphere.
Both testing rates and vaccination rates increased during the same time period as deaths from covid so it makes sense that they'd be correlated. But you know what they say about correlation and causation.
But modern life is mostly NOT used to high levels of atmospheric CO2. You know what fossil records show happens when you get rapid changes in atmospheric composition? Mass extinction.
Current climate discussions are only "doomeristic" atm because of decades of inaction. Historically these discussions have been slightly urgent but still optimistic.
Humans love heat too, relatively speaking, but would you want to live in an oven? Also I think ocean acidification is a large part of the problem not just heating
CO2 isn't the only issue, methane is 10x more potent and doesn't get absorbed by plants.
How much do you get out of lying?
>Global warming
What is this, the 2000s?
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>oil companies exist
Wtf I want to eat the bugs and live in a coffin now
If you're concerned about the environment why does it upset you that CO2 is good for nature?
Venus is earth in the past, not the future you dumb shit. If a "runaway greenhouse effect" were possible, then it would have already happened back when CO2 levels were 1200ppm. Earth used to have a venus-like atmosphere, and ALL THAT CO2 GOT TURNED INTO LIMESTONE, making the planet habitable.
>>everyone who doesn't subscribe to death cult anti-carbon climate alarmism is /pol/
Yes. National socialism is simply truth. If you care about truth, you are a nazi. Welcome to the club, your membership card is in the mail.
>physics is wrong and my feelings are right
>Why make the climate hotter and fuck with things?
That isn't happening. The question is, why destroy the thing that makes our societies function for absolutely no reason.
>but bad if you live next to the ocean
I live next to the ocean. It has not moved. It is right where it has always been. The wharf has had fishing boats coming and going for 160 years and the water is still 5 feet below the walkway, just like it was 160 years ago. Why do you lie about something that is so easily verified with your own fucking eyes?
>if someone isn't retarded in the same way I am then they are a shill1!111
Climate change is fake and CO2 is beneficial to plants are not contradictory statements, faggot.
>And increasing extinction rates
That is the only thing in your list that is actually happening, and it has nothing to do with climate or CO2. Destroying ecosystems to feed and breed more niggers is not climate change.
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you compare 96% co2 venus to 0,04% co2 earth
low iq post
samefag climate shill
Sabine already btfo'd this talking point, chud. You're lagging behind in the information war.
Earth is currently in a CO2 famine, plants and the rest of the environment would all be better off with CO2 in the 1000-2000 ppm range
>The more CO2 that goes into the atmosphere, the faster the plants will grow and the healthier nature becomes
Lmao it's obviously not that simple you retard
sorry that was just me
Did you not read the OP cartoon by josh16?
>Lmao it's obviously not that simple you retard
Oh right, so CO2=BAD isn't simple?
Are you a retard anon?
Yes, I think so.
Yes, that is your IQ anon.
It's also possible if you cut all the trees you plant down, bury them, and start all over again. Which is stupid.
That's a pretty impressive response given that you're legally retarded
Can you please tell me how CO2=BAD isn't a stupid over-simplified idea?
You know, what you believe in?
yeah i think same
>unironically defending oil kikes
/pol/troons have stopped all and any mental functions that they had, they now just automatically run on the opposite direction when confronted with a thought
Trees are extremely inefficient at processing carbon and unless the size of our forestscapes is going to grow dramatically how could they possibly keep up with an increasing human population dumping even greater quantities of CO2 in to the atmosphere? Not to mention, there surely must be an upper limit to the tree's adaptation?

“While we’re putting billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we’re actually taking much of it out just by letting our forests grow,” Sohngen said in a statement. “We should be planting more trees and preserving older ones, because at the end of the day they’re probably our best bet for mitigating climate change.” FALSE - our best bet was always and will likely always be to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide we generate. Even if you planted 1 billion new trees they wouldn't be able to process the carbon that humans generate in a single year.
>and preserving older ones.
The rate at which trees consume CO2 changes as they age because extremely trees in most species tend to rot at the core past a certain age and at that point they're releasing CO2 as well as sequestering it. 50-100 years of age is when most trees have their maximum sequestration rate, but for longer lived species the range for max sequestration leans older
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>Dude Venus is hot DUE to the greenhouse effect.
no it isn't, you only think that because you're ignorant of basic physics, thats why you think TV propaganda is real.
furthermore raising your voice is something that only has an effect during in person confrontations, displaying your out of control emotional outrage online doesn't carry with it the threat of escalating to violence like yelling in person does.
>these anaerobic bacteria need to stop being such alarmists about increased oxygen, don’t they know it’s good for aerobic organisms?
>you're ignorant of basic physics, thats why you think TV propaganda is real
peak boomer moment
We're currently in an ice age, climate change is happening, and it's suspiciously correlated with the increase of CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere as a result of the industrial revolution. That's about all we can say definitively. You should be skeptical of anybody saying anything conclusive in either direction. Climatology is beyond our capacity for reason by several orders of magnitude.
Low IQ people really are that irrational. People below 120 IQ or so will always tend to ignore reason in favor of emotionally pleasing delusions.
>it's suspiciously correlated with the increase of CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere
no it isn't
>Artic temperature
>when its cold anywhere: thats just a regional anomaly
>when its warm anywhere: omg this proves global warming!!!
>He doesn't know the difference between local and global
He does. You kikes keep using local warm weather to "prove" global warming.
Giolbearill wDrmumi h is a hoax. IM SO ANGERY RHAT AY CAN BARELY TYPE

How are you this retarded? The only people stupid enough to cherrypick individual measurements out of context are denialniggers.
Literally every single warm day gets reported as being proof of climate change you stupid lying kike.
Give me a tl;dr
Are plants gonna become gigantic soon?
Not dramatically so, they'll just grow faster and be healthier. Its like the difference between a 5'10" manlet nerd sissy and a 6'3" muscular chad
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>deforesting most of the planet
How is this fossil fuel paid shill thread still up? /sci/ is dogshit and has been for some time.
Photosynthetic organisms are thriving. More CO2 in the atmosphere means higher partial pressure of CO2 and higher photosynthetic activity. Stomata can remain closed longer which means plant don't lose as much water either.

I have to cut the lawn more often than weekly now. You have to see it to believe just how fast plants are growing in this interglacial period. Fruit yields have never been better in the garden. Gardener bros, we're eating good right now
Post garden, environmentlet.
>Photosynthetic organisms are thriving.
not good. asthma rates are skyrocketing due to the sheer amount of pollen in the air and now I hear plant roots are breaching into pipes, into the fucking water supply and releasing phytotoxins which can cause symptoms anywhere from nausea to premature balding. plants are not our friends.
genetic trash being wiped out for us by the chad plants is good for humanity. your weak genes were never meant to survive. the little ice age and CO2 famine were all that was protecting you from your inevitable fate. got buy yourself a nice casket and funerary plot while you still have time, its over for you and your inferior respiratory tract.
humans evolved on dry savannahs without plants so yeah, your plant tolerance only means your ancestors fucked monkeys and that's where they got their plant-immune genes which is nothing to be proud of honestly.
>asthma rates are skyrocketing due to the sheer amount of pollen in the air
Why is the amish mysteriously unaffected by this pollen? Could it be that it is not caused by an increase in pollen, but rather due to an increase in raising kids inside of air-tight boxes full of toxic gasses?
>He thinks corn and rice are forests
Good pic
>the vigin Bill Nye
>the chad planet Earth
Its funny how IFLS faggots get so angry when reality refuses to line up with their idiotic scientism religious rhetoric
>almost as if
Imagine saying what you just said and believing it as fact. topkek
You're fucking retarded. Earths atmosphere is WAYYYY too thin, every other planet lines up and we are the weird outlier. The reason is not as he stated though.
You are correct that venus was never like earth. Quite the contrary, earth was like venus. But due to our distance from the sun and mass, we can support liquid water, and so life arose, and pulled almost all of the CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequestered it in the form of rocks like limestone. That is why we have an anomalously thin atmosphere.
It’s food for all my veg! I love CO2!
>The climate in my area has completely changed from how it was when I was a kid.
Yeah, my grandma was born in 1930 and she said the same thing when she was in her 20s. Your local climate has changed lots of times, it has nothing to do with the carbon boogeyman.
>but I did eat breakfast
>not understanding the breakfast meme
I understand your point about local climate variations not being inherently meaningful, but given that it is significant enough that my dad, who is 65, noticed it as well as me and almost everyone I grew up with AND it confirms predictions made in the 90s AND is historically abnormal (records broken every year) it clearly means something. You're going to respond to this with more cope regardless.
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Climate alarmism is just a socialist/communist death cult.
Keep posting it, maybe someone other than you will be stupid enough to believe it one day
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>records broken every year
since theres more days in the year then there are years of temperature record, you should be expecting records to be broken every year, if you didn't already figure that out for yourself then you have to ask yourself why you didn't
>it clearly means something
No, it doesn't. More than two people notice every change in weather, that's the point. That doesn't turn that weather into global warming. Everyone noticed how cold the 70s was, that didn't make it global cooling.
There is no such evidence. Look at the raw data, it shows no warming. Only the "corrected" data shows warming, and they keep changing the "corrections" to fit their needs.
>He doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate
>point out that weather is not climate
>some retarded faggot tells you that weather is not climate
>Everyone noticed how cold the 70s was, that didn't make it global cooling.
>He doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate
>oh fuck I am retarded and everyone sees it what do I do?!111
>I know, just repeat myself like a fucking retard, that will make everyone forget I am retarded!1111
The 1930s were the hottest decade in recorded history for which accurate temperature measurements exist. Every decade since then has been substantially cooler
yeah, we get it. it's like the catholic notion of substance and accidents. climate is the substance and only gawd and his anointed can see it. all we ordinary folk can see is the weather, and it is perfectly ok if it does not seem to support all the wannabe world-dictator fantasies your ilk has.
>He doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate
>I know, just repeat myself like a fucking retard, that will make everyone forget I am retarded!1111
Yes, that is the point.
Instead of doing that you could learn the difference between weather and climate.
>why is everyone calling me retarded?!111
>it couldn't possibly be that I am retarded could it?
>no, it must be everyone else that is retarded!
Here, I'll help get you started.

the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
"if the weather's good we can go for a walk"
meteorological conditions
atmospheric conditions

the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
"our cold, wet climate"
weather pattern
weather conditions

As you can see weather and climate are clearly not the same thing. Now learn about the global climate so you can catch up and properly participate in the discussion.
>hot during the 30s
>this is just weather not climate
>hot during 2010s
>this is climate not weather
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Hot where during the 30's? Globally the 40's were much hotter and both periods are colder than they are now. At best you are confusing local climate with global climate, but to me it's clear that you still don't understand the difference between climate and weather.
>look mommy I said it again!
Try posting the actual temperature, not the post-adjustment temperature.
Post your data and I'll see if I can explain to you how your metric is useless for establishing the state of the global climate, but can almost guarantee that you won't understand what I tell you since you're having so much trouble figuring out the difference between 'weather' and 'climate' or apparently even 'local' and 'global'
It is your data, retard. Just pre-adjustment. Learn to read.
>establishing the state of the global climate
NTA but the notion of a "global climate" is meaningless. No-one experiences the global climate. The "global climate" could theoretically cool solely due to localised effects in Antarctica whilst the inhabited world got slightly warmer or stayed the same. In such a scenario it would be nonsense to say that the global climate had cooled just because one large, uninhabited region got a lot colder.
Post it.

Not an argument
There weren't enough widespread accurate temperature records being created 100 years ago for any accurate measure of global temperature average to be made, anyone who is claim that is the case (like you are with that graph) is obviously blatantly lying.
That site lists multiple datasets. Which one are you using? Where are you getting your data? Be specific.
>That site lists multiple datasets.
No it doesn't you braindead waste of sperm.
The NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Analysis (NOAAGlobalTemp, formerly known as MLOST)

Input Datasets
GHCNm v4

You said it was the same data without the adjustments. I asked you for that data and you gave me this page which lists multiple datasets used as input for the final dataset. Which of these datasets are you using as support for your claims?
Those are the INPUTS USED TO MAKE THE DATASET you absolute fucking retard.
stand back guys, he used capslock, he is really angry now, he could go past the critical point any second, we might be about to witness a total spergout
And which of these are you using as evidence for your claims? Which dataset is "pre-adjustment"?
How many abortion attempts did you survive? The dataset I linked to, shit for brains. Not the inputs used to make it, IT.
Are you sure? That dataset doesn't back a single claim you've made. It shows the exact opposite in fact.
clearly global warming is a very emotional issue for him and not one he is able to consider on a rational scientific basis
>no it doesn't say what it says trust me
That dataset shows the 30's being colder than the 40's and both being colder than now. The data runs exactly contrary to your claims. This is why I asked if you were sure that this was the dataset you're talking about.
>he didn't even look at the data
That is the data. That's the same dataset you linked me to as evidence for your claims. Strangely it shows the exact opposite of your claims.
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Could I have a bit more compression in that jpg, I don't see enough artefacts
None of the input datasets used tree ring data.
This reminds me of a thread years ago in which a guy started claiming that tigers don't exist and that every proof is actually a fabrication. The OP in the end said it was basically some sort of social experiment on how easily it is to argue for something that obviously is wrong if you're enough of a snake. I just want you guys to keep that in mind.
>you'd know that if you went to elementary school.
What elementary school teaches you that photosynthesis doesn't rely on CO2 being brought in through the stomata to mix with sugars to create energy with oxygen as a byproduct?
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The "Mike" in that pic is Michael Mann, who is a political operative, not even a real scientist.
Micheal Mann is not a retard, he is fully aware of the fraud he is engaged in.
No fraud was found.
>we investigated ourselves and declared ourselves free of any wrong doing! Just ignore the evidence!
Welp that clears it. No fraud! Any more questions and you and your russian shills/bots get send to the anti-science gulags you bigot!!!
>we investigated ourselves
If you're this ignorant then why even try to participate in the conversation?
The key is time. Natural causes usually do it in the span of millions or even billions of years. Plenty of time for evolution to catch up. Humans cause changes in the span of decades.
That's where the body of your post is supposed to go, not your signature.
why does that pic trigger you so badly?
>recipient blurred
>title blurred
>message field overwritten with caps text
and you don't seem to know what "trigger" means
>fox news
Top kek

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