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I don't trust science because scientists were bribed to make us consume seed oils and sugar
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>Science lied
Add it to the list.
And don't forget cigarettes. That trash was declared "good for your health".
Never trust those fuckers.
>seed oils
By that logic you shouldn't trust anything the Romans said because they used lead pipes and salts as sweetener. And you shouldn't trust anything the Ancient Greeks figured out because of the whole child diddling thing.
It's an iterative process.
who bribed the romans to use lead, according to you?
>No Roman was ever bribed
Also, you not using lead means you trust science.
I only use lead as a glownigger detector. Damnedest thing, they yelp with even the smallest amounts.
Me. (I am a lead salesman.)
This is fake science, don't read it and delete the link or you're literally a baby murdering fascist!
>I don't trust science because other science says this science is wrong
maybe the solution to your problem is nuance
Yes let's just ignore the corporate lobbying altogether. We could really use another opioid crisis or cigarettes are good for you campaign, we really need more of those.
I'm not telling you you're wrong you dip, I'm telling you that pointing the finger at an umbrella term like "science" is stupid when your counterargument is no doubt the result of research which also falls under the same umbrella.
>sugar is le bad
You are either falling for WEF propaganda right now or you are actively promoting it. Which one is it? Show us your foreskin.
Show me any human who needs sugar to survive
Alright, that settles the foreskin question.
Not an counter argument
>nOt A cOuNtEr ArGuMeNt

It's science that has found evidence proving the corporation backed studies wrong. The argument shouldn't be "science is le bad" it's "scientists are also humans that can be bought and manipulated" and "corpos will kill you just to get that extra dollar out of you". You don't solve those problems by foregoing science but by doing more of it.
Show me a human that needs meat to survive. Why aren't you vegan, Anon? You must be a [buzzword] shill!
>I don't trust human endeavor because humans can be bribed
That's science's problem you idiot, for losing trust of the public while taking taxpayer's money, not the public's problem.
>Congress can be bribed so democracy should be abolished.
>>sugar is le bad
I believe this unironically.
are the romans in the room with you right now?
This is what I believe. But I wonder what this has to do with science. Are you being off topic?
>Paid and bought to shill sugar
>Paid and bought to shill cigarettes
>Paid and bought to shill heroines
>Paid and bought to shill for chopping off kids genitals
What next? Paid and bought to shill cancer inducing drug so they can have permanent patients?
Why not "science" as a paint brush?

People throw around the word "science" interchangeably with "the scientific method", but they are not the same. The idealised concept you have in your head of great minds discovering the workings of the universe is purely fictional. Academia is filled to the brim with financial interests and egos. You may trust the philosophy of science, but it's only a philosophy.
Science did that on its own without any human intervention? Of course not, it's all humans. What's really pissing people off is when humans says "trust the science" or "believe in science" and scream "science denier" at anyone who questions the humans calling themselves science. And then when they're found out to be lying sacks of shit, people like you who were quiet before suddenly pop up to say "oh, that's not science, that's just people doing bad things, continue to believe science".
Fuck off with that shit! Science doesn't get to be a synonym for truth and then when something turns out to be wrong, toss off those as something done by a human, not science. Really tired of this "scientize wins, humantize failures" double standard that science worshipers do to make themselves above question.
You shouldn't trust science because there aren't any scientists smart enough or honest enough to recognize a toxic greed addiction system. Those scientists are in on the take.

Also, constantly evolving misinformational beliefs will never turn into truth one day. Basically an addiction-based religious system for the top 10% who own everything to profit even further while everyone else gets drops.

Addiction is diametrically opposed to freedom.

Legalized Plunder Fraud World
I don't trust the science because the equation I found on a paper for calculating the stray capacitance of a coil was wrong
Was millions of dollars poured into ensuring that everyone else got the incorrect equations as well?
>some scientists do bad shit for money
>hence, all of science is bad
nice train of thought. don't think for yourself, there's no nuance, everything is either good or evil
Yes. If you enroll in a psychology degree and answer the test questions truthfully (for example by writing that the DSM is unscientific and baloney and does not contain real diagnoses, whenever you're asked something about the DSM) you will fail the tests and you will not get a degree and thus not a professional working in the field.
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I agree. The will pay to say whatever. Pay me and I’ll say whatever too
science is always wrong, except when it proves itself wrong
>we're sorry about asbestos, seed oils and microplastics
>but trust us, you're gonna love this vaccine

When is it time for you people to concede that the current institution is an absolute joke? This notion of "science" being a shining beacon of truth is just a delusion of a pure philosophical ideals. In the real world, it's packed to the brim with malicious actors and downright retards. Is the implementation of your ideal really working?
Like every system it is imperfect and a minority of corrupt and bad actors cause significant problems for everyone else: It happens in politics, it happens in law enforcement, it happens in the judicial system, it happens in medicine, it happen education, etc.

All it proves is that the research sector is just as imperfect as anything else, and the price of its continued positive contributions to society is constant vigilance for the bad.
No, because I poisoned them all with lead.
>This notion of "science" being a shining beacon of truth is just a delusion of a pure philosophical ideals
That delusion strongly appeals to certain classes of mentally ill people
Good example. A fake disease that was added to the DSM-3 with zero science backing it up.
are you suggesting that you, or anyone else, reads and independently verifies every piece of scientific literature published?
of course not. people have to have a faith, or trust in the people that publish and distribute research for progress to be made.

it is natural and proper for people to lose faith in an establishment when the foundations are shown to be faulty.

it seems to me that you just want to have a pointless argument over semantics instead of trying to interpret someone's post in a sensible way.
science isn't about faith, it's not an establishment, and if you want to criticize its foundations, then please do so. I can't see what's faulty about them.
>Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence
this is semantics
Anyone else notice these threads that violate the rules of the board but neber get deleted? Are the jannies and mods actively spamming this shit?
you just fundamentally misunderstand or at least misrepresent what science is. To give you an analogy, it's like if you saw some out of context photographs used for propaganda, and you decided that it means people shouldn't have faith in journalism. You're blending together a concept with the way it's applied. Psychiatric science is about organizing our knowledge of mental disorders, one step of it was the DSM which was the organization of knowledge from expert psychiatrists of the time, trying to get a consensus on certain points when there was very little, and trying to move towards a unified method to diagnose mental disorders. It's an important step because it lets psychiatrists then test this classification that people agreed on, and try to see what's wrong about it so that they can correct it. And the part that are right can be used in research to test new drugs and therapy in a way that can be repeated by different operators with similar results. it's far from perfect but it's a step forward. Science isn't a bible that drops on your desk complete from the start.
None of /sci/ rules violated. Posts critical of science are allowed as long as they don't invoke religion.
You are in the wrong thread schizo, this is not the thread about DSM/psychiatry
my bad, half the threads on /sci/ are the same rants about science it's hard to keep up
Midwit take.

It's not science, it's investigate journalism that uncovered and found evidence of bribery and misleading studies and falsified data. Long after scientists were fired from positions, denied science funding, removed from committees for being "unscientific".
No, the lead ate them.
It's not a conspiracy theory. Jannies and mods are all day deleting threads but this inorganic spam is staying here all eay every day
Sneed oils and HFCS and the scientists that shill them are whats inorganic, amigo
>I don't trust scientists because scientists were bribed to make us consume seed oils and sugar
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It burns our skin alright! We can't help it! It's how we were made!
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Based. Everyone else is coping because they're citing studies from scientists to try to prove their point.
Let's eat more S O Y everyone. And eat more sugar. We really need more cereals and vegetable fibre in our lives, eggs and dairy are terrible for you!
They're called books and news articles retard.
Studies come after books and journalism have already created controversy and mainstream debate challenging scientific practice and scientific consensus.
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They already do that.
good pic, scientist are greedy schemers, people who think they aren't are naïve and possibly even low iq
is there a list of things they can't be bribed to lie about?
>I don't trust science because people have used scientific-sounding shit to sell people things under false pretense
Science is simply the process of discovery without bias. It's not a body of knowledge or buzzwords.
I see a lot of ppl saying seed oils are bad, but exactly what seed oils are bad? Sunflower? Peanuts? Almonds? Hazelnuts?
look up the effects of linoleic acid
Copout. They are employed as scientists and publish in scientific journals. Clearly science lacks the ability to cleanse itself from these frauds.
>Science is simply the process of discovery without bias.
you're mentally ill if you think that people without biases exist, that extremely pretentious pretense has long since been proved false.
Unfortunately, this is just the No True Scotsman fallscy. It's akin to saying Soviet Russia wasn't real communism. It might be technically correct, but it's kind of irrelevant. Science exists in the world as it is. You can idealize it in your mind all you want, but it takes physical form in the world, and it should be criticized as such.
Some seed oils are worse than others, but they're all bad. You're using a hardh chemical proceds to refine the part of the plant that is most highly chemically defended into an oil that we would have neber had access to in our millions of years of hominid evolution. It would be a miracle if seed oils WEREN'T toxic. Also, as >>16232580 pointed out, linoleic acid has been identified as a lolely culprit in the adverse health effects of consuming seed oils like canola oil.
All the articles say its beneficial but in our corrupt world that means shit. I was curious about the arguments against it.
>Consumption of linoleic acid has been associated with lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and premature death. There is high-quality evidence that increased intake of linoleic acid decreases total blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein.
>The American Heart Association advises people to replace saturated fat with linoleic acid to reduce CVD risk.
>You're using a hardh chemical proceds to refine the part of the plant that is most highly chemically defended into an oil that we would have neber had access to in our millions of years of hominid evolution.

Wait. You're saying the oils are dangerous. If I just eat the seeds then it's fine, afterall we've consuming raw seeds for a long time due to easy access.

>linoleic acid has been identified

But eggs also have linoleic acid.
What about the proteins in peanuts. Are they just as good as meat protein? A lot of fitness products advertise peanuts due to their protein content.
I'm saying seeds are bad, but seed oils are much worse.

Eggs have nowhere near the percentage of linoleic acid in their fat that seed oils do, especially if you eat truly pastured eggs. If the chickens eat a lotof seeds, their eggs will be higher in linoleic acid. If they're allowed to roam around and eat their natural diet, their eggs will have extremely low linoleic acid content.
To clarify, seed oils are concentrating the unhealthy oils in a way that would be impossible to achieve by eating the unprocessed seeds. You'd have to eat something like 80 ears of corn to reach a few tbsp of corn oil.
>The intervention group had significant reduction in serum cholesterol compared with controls (mean change from baseline −13.8% v −1.0%; P<0.001). Kaplan Meier graphs showed no mortality benefit for the intervention group in the full randomized cohort or for any prespecified subgroup. There was a 22% higher risk of death for each 30 mg/dL (0.78 mmol/L) reduction in serum cholesterol in covariate adjusted Cox regression models (hazard ratio 1.22, 95% confidence interval 1.14 to 1.32; P<0.001). There was no evidence of benefit in the intervention group for coronary atherosclerosis or myocardial infarcts. Systematic review identified five randomized controlled trials for inclusion (n=10808). In meta-analyses, these cholesterol lowering interventions showed no evidence of benefit on mortality from coronary heart disease (1.13, 0.83 to 1.54) or all cause mortality (1.07, 0.90 to 1.27).

>Available evidence from randomized controlled trials shows that replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes. Findings from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment add to growing evidence that incomplete publication has contributed to overestimation of the benefits of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid.
Read it more closely
>Consumption of linoleic acid has been associated with lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and premature death.
or to clarify
>Consumption of linoleic acid has been associated with lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes as well as premature death.
and more succinctly
>Consumption of linoleic acid has been associated with premature death.
he's wrong and stupid but won't ever admit it
scientist can be bribed extremely cheaply because they are poor and don't have consciences
Can someone answer this? I NEED to know.
just eat meat if you want to get meat protein. plants are a different class of life.
Science doesn't lie. It doesn't dance or sing, either.
>It's science that has found evidence proving the corporation backed studies wrong
That's like saying "law" got me off on a serious charge or got me €500.000 on a tort claim.
Animal protein is much more bioavailable than plant protein in general. Seeds especially, like peanuts, are full of anti-nutrients like phytic acid that actively prevent the absorption of nutrients. If you ate the equivalent amount of protein from peanut butter and meat (which, frankly, would not even be possible because it would require copious amounts of peanut butter and it would give you severe digestive problems, but for the sake of argument let's just say...), you would get more amino acids into your cells from the meat.
>muh infallible science religion doesn't lie!!!
>it is the one true faith!!
scientists lie all the time, they fuck dogs too
>some scientists do bad shit for money
>hence, all of science is bad
this but unironically
This, scientists have proved themselves to be untrustworthy liars, anyone who has faith in their words is behaving irrationally
I never liked science.

Beyond mental arithmetic it was clearly a bunch of bullshit meant only for autists.
Yes, let's go back to ritualistic blood letting, leeches and curing diseases with the four humors.

The problem in this isn't "science lied" it's "corporations lied". The problem isn't the scientists, it's the corporations who are compelled to bribe every single motherfucker they can in order to deny the science they know is real. Same thing happened with leaded gasoline, cigarettes, and now climate change.
Well sucrose was bad, but Apsartame is totally safe!
>The problem in this isn't "science lied" it's "corporations lied".
There were no corporations when people did bloodletting
>it's not scientists' fault that they get bribed
The npc's are breaking down. Is there a factory reset button or something?
They are also bribed by the animal agriculture industry to trick retards into thinking that cow milk is healthy for humans.
>Real science has never been tried!
Come up with some new material.
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>Same thing happened with leaded gasoline, cigarettes, and now climate change.
Also covid
Why is it so easy to bribe scientists anyway? Why are scientists so greedy and conscienceless? They're never portrayed that way in the media, but they sure are easily swayed by a little cash in IRL
You must be fun at parties
If they aren't. Then they are hobbyists.
Being a scientist means you've sold off all pretense of wishing to be some "god" and will do literally anything to become higher up in the club of "science".
It's entirely ego.

The best actual science has, for all time, been done by self funded hobbyists.
Do the right thing, don't.
If you don't eat sugar and seed oils you've got an eating disorder (restricted diet, health obsession) and need treatment with drugs
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that one right there is a moneymaker. you can earn a lot of cash publishing rhetoric like that.
>prescription strength HFCS
imagine the money to be made selling it on the black market to goysloppers looking for stronger slop
Scientist will lie about anything for the right amount of money, they're very greedy people.
They were just regular hypocrites
Something Herman Cain, the black republican pizza man, of all people said that I think about a lot is "numbers don't lie, but liars use numbers".
>The best actual science has, for all time, been done by self funded hobbyists.
yep and when they do it the "professionals" inevitably scoff at their efforts out of resentment
thats what happened to the wright brothers, tesla, edison and clyde tombaugh
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OP is a glownigger. Dietfaggotry for some reason is REALLY effective at getting the low IQies to yap online.
>but trust us, you're gonna love this vaccine
the low IQs who fell for that got what they deserved.
based scientists developing a toxic injection and tricking low IQs into taking it
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scientists are conscienceless whores because they're atheists/satanists and atheists/satanists are conscienceless whores.
Scientists weren't like that back in the old days when Christianity was the dominant religion
They delisted Pluto as a planet out of resentment that Tombaugh made the biggest astronomical discovery of the 20th century with only a high school degree
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>If you don't eat [TOXIC PSEUDOFOOD #1] or [TOXIC PSEUDOFOOD #2] you have an eating disorder
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stop being so racist

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