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Past research in adults has linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease and a greater risk of fractures, caused by low calcium intakes.


>researchers found a link between shorter heights and lower bone mineral content among vegan children, compared to meat-eaters.
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it also causes low IQ
My parents were divorced and my mom was a bpd-psycho with a masters in fine arts and only ate and fed me vegan ingredients when she had custody. I'm also ~6 inches shorter than my dad and ~2 inches shorter than my mom.
That's child cruelty.
I would never forgive her for that
vegans are extremely cruel, mean-spirited people
Your mother passed on her inferior genetics to you and then wisely insured that you would never pass those inferior genetics down further
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Well known fact
>straight up posting non-functioning links hoping no one would actually click it
lmao, shills are getting desperate
working link
We had a similar mom and my youngest brother experienced similar malnutrition. He's 8 inches shorter than the rest of us. I'm sorry anon.
/sci/ gets filtered by the monty hall problem? Why would I trust you fat asses on health and nutrition?
people on vegan diets are underdeveloped in all aspects, not only physically, but also intellectually as well as sexually. their reproductive organs work as poorly as their brains and the rest of their bodies do
Thats good though. Veganism is just another way that evolution rids us of inferior genetics. People dumb enough to become vegans should become genetic endpoints.
>everyone on this board is sooooo dumb except for me
>I'm a super special snowflake unique genius
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>vegans should become genetic endpoints.
Said the fat midwit as he gorged on burgers and other fried "beef products"
Both anti-vegan threads bumped together. Either the dairy lobby is real, or we have some fatass here afraid the Nazis are going to take over and make him eat vegetables.
If you are vegan and have children... let them have a normal diet with vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy, eggs, cereals, etc.. Let them choose the vegan lifestyle once they are already grown up. Kids aren't small adults, they are in constant development and growth and their nutritional needs can't be neglected as much as we do to ourselves.
/sci/zo posting at its best.

Two threads on a similar topic on a slow board getting posted in at the same time. Could it be that the people partaking in one are also interested in the other thread?
there's no such thing as eating too much iron or too much of any nutrient if they come from natural sources (animal foods)
what you are talking about is eating an excess of supplements which you shouldn't be eating in the first place if all you did was eat a natural human diet (animal foods)
Hitler was a vegan and pushed vegan diet to the citizens
he was also childless and ended up killing himself
what's your point?
>That's bullshit
look into it
every study that claims a "nutrient surplus" is dangerous uses them in supplemental form (pills, powders, oils)
>and iron is being added to cereals flours etc.
yes exactly more supplementation because those are not foods meant for humans
if you eat a natural human diet there is no need for supplementation
vegan diets cause brain damage so it should be expected that vegans will leap to dumb conclusions and make stupid posts
hot potato with hitler
I mean nature tries to kill us at every turn, it's just we've selectively bred and figured out what's safest over the millennia
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>Both too much meat and fortified cereals can make you poisoned with iron
synthetic nutrients are not the same as naturally occurring nutrients, simple as
you can never get iron poisoning from eating naturally occurring meat, our bodies can regulate an excess of nutrients on its own as long as it's not coming from waste products like the synthetic nutrients that are added to our foods
you shouldn't be eating fortified anything but especially not cereal and definitely dont give them to your kids (fortified or not)
they're fortifying these foods because they're deficient in nutrients - which means you shouldn't be eating them at all, ever

He was vegetarian but vegans don't like this fact and tried rewriting his Wikipedia article by claiming he was not trve for over a decade. It's pathetic and tells you a lot about the tribalism and bending of truth in these communities

Meanwhile they cite Einstein as a vegetarian. In reality he ate (according to his housemate) copious amounts of smoked fish and cold meats and cheese, and snacked on eggs. He was only vegetarian for two years at the end of his life due to health issues and then died
>You can, and do get poisoned
what makes you believe this? and link to 1 case where this happened to someone who ate naturally occurring meat?
>Just because something occurs in nature doesn't mean that we can handle eating it.
that wasnt my claim, my claim was naturally occurring meat specifically will never cause you to suffer from iron poisoning but I do agree that synthetic iron (supplementation) will
>It's near universal among daily meat eaters
where did you learn this?
>We don't have any good way to regulate heme iron absorption, the only viable way is regulating intake
interesting, where did you learn this?
>People get brought up on a high meat diet, and assume that it's completely normal to feel lethargic and "depressed" all the time.
that's crazy, where did you learn this?
everything I have read about iron poisoning sources studies with pills, tablets, powders etc but you have read somewhere that eating meat causes the same issues?
I wonder where you learned this from, any chance you could share?
Is this some weird kind of satire posting to make fun of the frequent anaemia among vegans?
>Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most serious complications of vegetarianism and its variants. Infants born to vegan mothers are at greater risk of serious deficiency, being more vulnerable to their effects.
>B12 deficiency is not usually suspected by the pediatrician in healthy infants with neurological symptoms. The manifestations are nonspecific: apathy, rejection of food and loss of maturational patterns. A nutritional history of the mother, mainly if she is vegetarian, to estimate her reserves is fundamental to detect risk of deficiency of this vitamin in the small child.
>The objective of this work is to describe a group of infants, children of vegan mothers, with B12 deficiency and serious neurological compromise: central apneas, seizures, hypotonia, loss of connection with the environment and maturational patterns. Our purpose is to alert about the importance of supplying vegan mothers with B12 before conception until the end of breastfeeding.
>B12 deficiency is not usually suspected by the pediatrician in healthy infants with neurological symptoms.
Why not? It should be one of the first things they suspect
That along with maternal iron deficiency are two of the three most common causes of reduced IQ in children, the other being maternal alcohol or marijuana abuse.
You don't know what IQ is.
I'm pretty sure 'tarded is also commonly caused by iodine deficiency.
These studies are financed and commissioned by a meat industry that has felt its market monopoly threatened for some time, since more and more people decide for a vegan diet. However, these are not objective studies, because the results are supposed to be in the interests of the funder. But there are people who do not eat meat for religious reasons and do not give it to their children either, and have done so for many generations without any problems. Humans are not natural carnivores, they have merely been imitating real carnivores since the last ice age, but that does not make them real carnivores. Nor is it part of the natural human diet to have to drink the lactate of an alien mammal in order to avoid dying of malnutrition. Milk is baby food and nothing else. Humans do themselves no favours if they continue to consume lactate after the age of 3. The human organism cannot obtain any nutrients from pasteurised, homogenised cow's milk, it only gets fat and sick from it. In fact, the phosphorus contained in animal milk removes calcium from the bones instead of adding it to them. This is why osteoporosis is most prevalent in countries where animal milk is consumed the most. The connection has long been known. In addition, the human organism is not designed to eat bird's eggs, the exogenous colesterol leads to heart attacks in the long term and the fact that many people eat bird's eggs every morning on daily basis is directly linked to the fact that heart attacks are one of the most common causes of death for the modern man. A purely plant-based diet does not make children smaller or weaker. Articles of this kind are atrocity propaganda that are only intended to pump more money back into the meat industry.
These articles are always only celebrated by those who eat mainly unidentifiable rubbish, who then feel less bad about their poor diet or the fact that they only stuff their children with fast food. After all, there's meat in there somewhere, it makes you big and strong, because television has said so, ooga booga.
You don't know what IQ is.
>But there are people who do not eat meat for religious reasons and do not give it to their children either, and have done so for many generations without any problems.
Wrong. The people you are thinking of got sick as soon as they left India and stopped eating foods contaminated with animal matter in a country that washes its produce.

>Humans are not natural carnivores, they have merely been imitating real carnivores since the last ice age, but that does not make them real carnivores.
Nobody is claiming humans are carnivores. We are omnivores with a strong preference for meat. Our usage of fire has allowed us to externalize lots of food processing steps that other animals have to do within their bodies.

>Milk is baby food and nothing else. Humans do themselves no favours if they continue to consume lactate after the age of 3.
Lots of people have no issues consuming milk and milk products. Humanity has at least 7.000 years of history consuming animal milk in one form or another.

>A purely plant-based diet does not make children smaller or weaker.
We have too many skeletons and historical sources by which we can compare the effects of animal heavy diets and plant heavy diets for this to be anything but a falsehood.
>there's no such thing as eating too much iron or too much of any nutrient if they come from natural sources (animal foods
You are misinformed and/or retarded
what makes you believe this?
The fact that they feel driven to lie about vegetarianism like that only demonstrates that their diet is rooted in virtue signaling.
They got sick from a lack of B12, something which is found in animals and on plants contaminated with animal matter.

You don't turn a cucumber into goyslop by washing it. You do it by adding chick peas and artificial JUST EGG and additives to turn it into a trans-sausage.
Veganism is satanic.
What are dietary sources of cobalt?
Lmao, wrong.

>Trace amounts of cobalt are found in most foods. Foods high in vitamin B-12 are the only source of cobalt used by the body.
What foods are high in B12?
thread title should be
>Vegan diets make kids shorter, weaker & stupider
Vegan diets also reduce fertility
>then died
What a chump.
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Anti-human death cult
he died on the young side because he was a piggish overweight slob who was too lazy to exercise.
Killing/eating humans isn't considered a violation of vegan principals since within that ethical system humans are a separate matter from animals.

In fact, cannibalism is arguably the *most* vegan diet since plants are only excluded from protection from harm out of necessity.
>answers like a retarded bot

So THIS is the power of carnifaggotry?
Coming back a week later for an ad homine? Pathetic.
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That should be expected behavior from vegans, see >>16227846 for why
Its weird how vegans openly deny basic nutritional science
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this goes hard

I still remember when in one of my first MRI brainscan training sessions I had this militant vegan coming in and the MRI guy with ten years experience proclaimed "Wow, why is this brain so small?"

I should check whether someone did research on this in the meantime
I am 6'4 and have nevet eaten meat in my life
>I still remember when in one of my first MRI brainscan training sessions I had this militant vegan coming in and the MRI guy with ten years experience proclaimed "Wow, why is this brain so small?"
was the patient getting scanned able to hear that comment?
I think this probably has to do with the fact that Vegans do not get DHA or EPA Omega 3 fatty acids which are crucial for fetal brain development (and fetal development in general).
Lmao Vegans are so stupid. They praise Bryan Johnson, but he's not even Vegan. Bryan eats collagen peptides which is basically cow protein, but they don't give a fuck so long as their ideology gets good media coverage so they can circle jerk.
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Eventually their brains decay to the point that they're no longer capable of maintaining their stupid habits
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why do vegans even want to eat burgers to begin with anyway?
fucking kek
Why do they want to drink milk?
Why do they want to eat cheese?
Vegans also have substantially lower overall life expectancy
Einstein worship is cringe. Its always done exclusively by people who don't have the educational background required to understand his work. The Einstein cult doesn't have many members in the physics community.
>Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker
Grainbrain soiboiii
Longer life expectancy by over a decade
There aren't any they made it up
I'm not even vegan or vegetarian
They have a shorter life expectancy by about 6 years
The data shows a longer life expectancy by 6 years not shorter
Low calcium intakes were the cause, not whether someone ate meat or not.
With an equal nutrient intake, there could be no difference between a vegan and a non-vegan diet.
This only tells us that, proportionally, more kids on vegan diets are unhealthy than kids on non-vegan diets.

Lets say we have 3 possible diets.
Diet A is non-vegan, and healthy. Diet B is vegan and healthy. Diet C is vegan and unhealthy.
In order to have a healthy diet, you should select either Diet A or Diet B.
>Diet B is vegan and healthy
not possible
>With an equal nutrient intake, there could be no difference between a vegan and a non-vegan diet.
Impossible to achieve on a vegan diet.
This, veganism is a mental illness, its an eating disorder, so its fundamentally impossible to have a healthy vegan diet.
You don't even have to go as far as calling veganism a mental illness. As there is no non-animal source of B12 veganism is not a diet. It is starvation and is only survivable thanks to medicine.
I don't know a single vegan who doesn't supplement B12. I don't know a single meat eater that ever checked their B12 levels (in B4 holotranscobalamin).
You guys probably don't even know that the B12 in your precious meat comes from supplements anyway.
Weird. This study says the exact opposite
>vegetarian children were taller than their meat-consuming classmates (2.5 and 2.0 cm for boys and girls, respectively). These results did not change materially when adjusting for other food groups. Nor did adjustment for parental height and socioeconomic factors
And if you kick out the retards not supplementing vit B12 in OP's study, the effect vanishes and the only thing left is that vegans have vastly better cardiovascular health. But hey, why do I expect paper literacy in this place lmao
>I don't know a single vegan who doesn't supplement B12
Exactly. It is an absolute necessity for vegans.

>I don't know a single meat eater that ever checked their B12 levels
Because it is not required.

You didn't actually answer my point. Veganism is not a diet. It will kill you if you do not take pills. Veganism makes you sick.
>comparing public school pupils to private school pupils
Bullshit study.
"mental illness" and "brain damage" are synonymous phrases, both mean the same thing - a poorly functioning brain and reduced mental capacity.
veganism is an eating disorder, its a form of mental illness, which means that vegans are low IQ. their brains don't work right.
No, some people can have one without the other, they just tend to correlate. Mental illness is a symptom thing, brain damage is a structure thing. Some people even lose part of their brain without getting mental illness, and a lot of mentally ill people have typical-looking MRIs.
"mental illness" and "brain damage" both mean the same thing: low IQ
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this is what a vegan looks like
>Indians have the smallest brains in the world
>He was vegetarian but vegans don't like this fact
God I hate to even say this because it makes me sound like them, but vegetarians are not vegans. These are two separate things.
Hitler was not a vegan. He also was not vegetarian for most of his life. And every time some retard makes a "that's what Hitler did" argument, I am forced to reflect on how stupid everyone is.
>reflect on how stupid everyone is.
Hitler did that too.
Lots of reasons in this thread.
It is unnatural.
It leads to starvation and death without medical treatment
Veganism limits the resources we can use, putting a higher strain on the ones that remain
It is a lot harder to remain healthy on a vegan diet.
>It is a lot harder to remain healthy on a vegan diet.
its impossible
they should be proud about being able to claim hitler as one of their own
People who have something to prove, such as vegan, always decide that they need to have something to prove because they assess themselves as otherwise lacking.
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The only risk of a vegan diet is living longer and therefore suffering longer in this nightmarish, retarded world.
Thats what leftists do, most of the time inadvertedly cut off their own trascendence
>and is only survivable thanks to medicine.
more dysgenics thanks to medicine, allowing the stupidest people in the world to survive and breed
>I'm also ~6 inches shorter than my dad and ~2 inches shorter than my mom.
You also have reduced IQ compared to your parents
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>hi i'm a vegan
no, theres tons of vegans that look like that, the meme about them all being thin and healthy is just a media meme, most of them are slobs who live off of potato chips, candy and soda
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>decide to become a vegan so you can become short, weak and low IQ
presumably you've have to be low IQ to begin with to make that call
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>Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker
and uglier
> linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease
steaks are good for your heart

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