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I've noticed that many teenage girls nowadays have humongous boobs. Also the average cup size of women in general has increased over the decades. What is the mechanism behind this? Hormonal disruptors or does it go hand in hand with obesity rates?
>my inductive and baseless assumption is right
>now please agree with me
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>girls having big boobs is ... le bad
Go away, Epstein.
pedo thread
teenage girls having big boobs is bad. you shouldn't grow big boobs until you're an adult
Sorry, not a wordcel. This doesn't compute.
Please put into a system of equations.
Let b(t) be the average boob size of young women at time t. OP is saying that b is strictly increasing in t.
r, the radius of boobs, is a function of age t and an atmospheric parameter which itself is a function of year y. Explicitly: r(s(y)t) is the radius of booms of girls with age t in the year y. What OP is saying is that ds/dy > 0.
Wrong, you’re mixing up age and year. See >>16236174
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The almost 40 y.o. millennial hag screeches in pain when she sees hot fertile big boobed zoomer sluts in their twenties. Tall handsome Chad isn't interested in you anymore. Best you can get is a broccoli haired twink who has been brainwashed by social media into becoming a hagmaxxer.
Is there a board where the Joos don't visit?
I hope you realize this girl put out this video specifically because she knows a lot of men want to hear this and not because it’s true, right? She’s playing the men for clicks and attention.
Don't care. I'm still gonna simp for her.
You’re simping for her? It sounds like you’re mocking her for being a roastie
Go outside and look at the world around you
You're obviously projecting. Why do you want kids to have big tits? Whatever is in the food and/or water supply should be able to be discussed without you jackasses shitting all over the thread.
1. "Teenage" includes 18 and 19.
2. Big boobs stay big for her entire life.

You're just a seething millennial hag.
They mature faster. You can't imagine how early their period has been.
Done. What now?

Oh wait, I have to agree with your personal observation because it must be true globally right?
Why are you malding over this?
It's completely flat.
Boobs are not supposed to be flat.
Has anyone ever proved that the boob is round?
>What is the mechanism behind this? Hormonal disruptors or does it go hand in hand with obesity rates?
Here's Edward Dutton's explanation:
How many boobs from 1970s have you checked so far and how many teenager boobs have you checked so far to come this conclusion
She's hot
She’s a woman, intentionally recording herself saying things men want to hear, and posting it on social media.
>t. girldick enjoyer
Wasted trips
sounds like that’s what YOU want to believe, because you want every woman to revolve around you cause you’re a “man”
What sample are you working with? Shit you see on social media? Are you a high school teacher or something?

Personally, I haven't noticed a significant difference, though the sample I draw from is skinny teenage girls that I notice and gawk at, which obviously excludes obese negresses and spicesss.
Just the streets and other public places
>What is the mechanism behind this?
Hormones in the water.
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The roastie turns into brittle wrinkles as hot teens remain available.
15+ females are biologically adult
the problem is that even 12yo's often have full afult body proportions
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>humongous boobs
> implying
As there tits grow so does my tolerance. Women now need to look like milena velba just to get my attention.
>window closing
bitch that window has been shut for 10 years
Poor girl, was lied to on an industrial scale from the start
That's not what practically everyone around her+media has been telling her. In reality women's fertility takes a notable decline beginning 28. And it picks up faster and faster from there.
>muh career I can't have kids now at 22, muh career
Just. Stop.
yea entire millenial generation of women is fucked
I kinda feel sorry for them but not really
they all have been more than happy to drink the "strong indeepndent career woman" kool aid
>That's not what practically everyone around her+media has been telling her
see >>16240805
everyone is responsible for their own actions
that includes not falling for society wide propaganda
one thing that really saddens me is that we will all pay for their misstakes, one way or another, while people responsible for manipulating entire generation of women just reaps profit
>one thing that really saddens me is that we will all pay for their misstakes, one way or another, while people responsible for manipulating entire generation of women just reaps profit
Agreed. Its a quandary. Culling simps & semites might help
This thread is peak american
Don't be anti titest anon
The phenomenon is not limited to America. Here in Germany I frequently observe zoomerettes with massive boobs.
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Mmm the gold standard.
You mean a ripe canvas..there's much work to be done
I don't know, but my guess is hormones in food things getting in our water such as birth control.
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Don't I know it...
Atrazine causes increased estrogen, its also why menarche dropped by so much, also onions formula which is also estrogenic and birth control pills being flushed into toilet/down the drain which ends up in tap water

Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand toxicologist estimates that an infant exclusively fed onions formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.
For someone who is always wrongly crying about dysgenics, he sure looks like the most dysgenic faggot in the UK.
>wrongly crying about dysgenics
How is crying about dysgenics wrong?
>exclusively fed onions formula

Kek, first time on this site z0y is used in earnest and its censored, onions formula kek, what are they, shrek?
>oh no my popcorn is burnt!
>fucking dysgenic microwave!
>migrants with normal genes came in, expanding the genepool of the area
>anon who has ever seen the results of lackluster genes marvel at this new development
Can you give any specific examples of things Dutton wrongly attributes to dysgenics?
kek at that webm
Everything. Drug addicts behaving irresponsibly is not the result of dysgenic breeding, it is the result of doing drugs. People being poor because jobs are gone is not the result of dysgenic breeding, it is the result of jews running the country.
jfc, no!
Oh damn, here I was hoping that my frequent onion consumption would explain things.
My wife's cousin once removed is a 16-year-old girl. She is NOT "biologically adult." You look at her and you think "Yup, that's a kid."
>She is NOT "biologically adult.
Yes, she is. Her IQ is the highest it will ever be in her life. She is fully sexually mature. This is the definition of adult in biology.
Your wife's cousin once removed has reached peak reproductive fitness. Nature sees her and thinks "Yup, she's ready to be a mother."
1. you are not a biologist studying an organism
2. you are a creepy pedo
most food has chemicals that increases estrogen in the body. Result: feminized men and women where the sexual characteristics are increased
>humans are not organisms
>every single man on the planet is a pedo
You're not very bright.
>you are not a biologist
neither are you
but your opinion is backed by nothing but puritan outrage
while people you reply to have actual data backing up their claims
Satan pls
Strange, here just over the border while over last 20 years them booba have gained in volume, what absolutely exploded is asses hips and thighs even on very slight chubs. Young girls are beyond pear where their bodies above and below waist have 2 size difference. While I acknowledge young of both sexes live less physically active life today boys' body proportions do not appear to be affected as males store fat more uniformly way females' tits ass and legs almost makes them look like they are afflicted by some form of elephantitis.
Yeah jumbo asses and thighs are extremely common
Estrogen causes fat accumulation to be deposited primarily in the ass and thighs. Progesterone causes it to be stored in the jugs. There's tons of xenoestrogens in everything, not much xenoprogrestone.
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That's just fatties being fat
>2. you are a creepy pedo
Scientifically speaking, why is that a bad thing?
It is the same for guys. If you aren't rich by 40 (self made) you are a loser.
no, women have tinier and tinier breast
16 is legal. Still a pedo?
Why do normal people insist on moving to nations built by lackluster populations?
has a man ever been attracted to a girl because of her accomplishments, her money, or her status? in combination with other things maybe, but I don't think many dudes care about those things by themselves.
>has a man ever been attracted to a girl because of her accomplishments, her money, or her status
yea no, poor roast has been so ldnone of the biggest most widespread lies in recent history
i would literally take home honeless girl over some aconplished rich bitch if I knew the homeless has no mentall issues or std's
accomplishments just make women overly demanding, ungratefull and bitchy
*has been sold one
>world going to shit
>now the elites want to destroy DFC too
Fuck this gay earth
Whats dfc?
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>the ticktock algo pushes big breasted teens into my feed.
>also obestiy rates rose up through the decades and made women have larger breasts.
I like this trend
They’re getting bigger because women are getting fatter. Also they look like shit when not packed into a bra, I’d rather have a girl with firm Cs than flappy Fs.
I could fill a bathtub with the loads Milena has extracted from me.
i love boob threads
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You make be right op science even agrees. They say it’s the junk food we are eating
Higher calorie diets and far fewer deficiencies causes early and exaggerated puberty in human females. Also you're a bad person
Why am I bad?
Not really, I've a lot of women in their teens and twenties who have small breasts and asses, it really just depends on the girls genes and where her fat gets stored, her diet would also be very important.
The reason is actually genetics
All I see are adolescent girls wearing their "bras" that are really just a layer of fabric because their shirts are often the same size, they cover nothing from the shoulders to the navel. Sometimes the bra IS the shirt. Bras that have nothing to support. Did I miss something, bras have become based and teenagers want to start wearing them for no practical purpose?
conspiracy theory= I think the FDA is just adding the secret boob juice to the food so that the fertility rate will rise and they can raise the prices.
>boob juice
I fucked two 18 year old girls from work and both of them were wearing something that looked like a sports or training bra because their tits were so small. I've also met women who have huge tits but seldom wear any bras at all, some claim it's for political reasons (lol) and some claim it's more comfortable.
But why? Endocrine disruptors?
>2. Big boobs stay big for her entire life.
Unless she becomes vegan, then they deflate quicker than her pale pruny ghoul face.
I've banged a chubby vegan girl with huge tits. The secret is lots of potato chips and fries
Where can I meet her irl? Would marry and impregnate multiple times
>woman has partially shaved head
>is alone, mentally unstable, and insecure
Wow amazing
Hormones in water
It is bad. I don't want to have a boner 24/7
Is that why faggots keep posting teens in /b/ loli threads or what?
So you technically aren't a pedo if you are attracted to ~9. Are you sure about that anon?
Anon, are you supposed to be this close to schools?
Media sexualises by design, and releases more growth hormones. Like rigged responses make you release dopamine.

Blame the voodoo men and NWO.
I'm their math teacher
I-I'm s-so-sorry I'm not transphobic! I swear!!!
better nutrition. girls a 100 years ago weren't eating as well. indians born and raised in india are shorter than indians that grew up in the UK. height isnt related to race as often as people think. now apply this to boobs.
genetic engineering obviously
Why can't the genetic engineers just make the fucking cat girls already. Where's my Shadowrun UGE?
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That's not saying much, you're one click away from /d/ at all times on this website.

Haha, yes.

D cups aren't "huge" by any means, painfully average. I'd say from observation it is a combination of hornones, birth control, and obesity.
>D cups aren't "huge" by any means
That's only because its a ratio of band size and bust size
we should measure tits not by size but by milk production
By all logic, more milk = larger mammary glands = larger mammaries
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I only date 36DD or bigger.
how would you know? how many tits did you milk?
My girlfriends breasts doubled in size when wee got a baby

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