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Heres a brief video explaining the ideal gas law for those of you who haven't yet learned enough about physics to understand it.

ok. now what?
Was it boiling dense hot?


do you understand the ideal gas law yet?
Yeah. What about it?
congratulations on finally learning the basics
The Ideal gas law just gives a range of possible temperatures, pressures and volumes for a gas.
A possible relationship would have venus's atmosphere be freezing cold as well.
non-electric rover soon?
>ideal gas
my ass
van der waals or gtfo
no it wouldn't
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In terms of comparing Venus with Earth using the ideal gas law its fairly simple, just ignore all the terms other than pressure and temperature and you'll see that Venus has a much higher surface temperature because it has a much higher surface pressure.
That's not how that works.
yes it is
P stands for Penis
and V stands for Vagina
Thats a good video
and hRT is self-explanatory
Lastly, F stand for Futanari
If you plug in whats known about Venus into the ideal gas law and solve for T you get a temperature of 735K, which is almost exactly Venus' real surface temperature.
You can ignore solar energy input entirely, the heat on Venus is entirely due to atmospheric pressure.
the volume is dependent on temperature, gasses expand when they're heated, you're already assuming the atmosphere is hot by choosing Venus's atmospheric volume.

the only things that would be kept constant in the equation by looking only at the total constituents of venus's atmosphere is the pressure, which has to be in equilibrium with the force of gravity, and the number of moles.
>The sun doesn't heat planets
Imagine being this retarded.
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You have never passed a single class in physics, thats why you're confused. Jupiter has temperatures over 40000K, is that from the sun too? What about Neptune, it goes over 7000K deep in it's atmosphere at the surface of it's mineral core, is that also from the sun?
Natural hydrogen mission for growing production demand?
Dickgirls, weiners and Vagoo, I see why they named this law "Ideal"!!!!!
>the heat on Venus is entirely due to atmospheric pressure.
the planetary equilibrium temperature of Venus is is less than half the temperature due to atmospheric pressure and given the 4th power relationship between flux and temperature that means that the solar energy input is negligible compared to the energy created by the atmosphere crushing down on the surface. theres some level in the atmosphere near the top above which solar energy outweighs atmospheric pressure, below that Venus is hot for the same reason that to outer gas giants have high temperatures in their lower atmospheres.
the global warming cultists don't want to learn about this aspect of physics because it debunks their absurd talking point about how venus was once earth like before it was turned into what it is today by aliens on venus driving cars too much.
Imagine the rotten egg sweat
Why do you make up such obvious lies?
Complete nonsense.
>As planets move farther away from the Sun, it really cools down fast! Since gas giants Jupiter and Saturn don’t have a solid surface, temperatures are taken from a level in the atmosphere equal in pressure to sea level on Earth. The same goes for the ice giants Uranus and Neptune.
Stupid arbitrary metric. If you did the same thing for Venus, the temperature would be around 20c.
>No one knows exactly how hot, but scientists think it could be about 43,000°F (24,000°C) near Jupiter's center, or core.
Ah, it's another "I don't understand the difference between weather and climate" episode.
Jupiter's red spot being hot doesn't mean that planetary bodies get their energy from the weight of their atmosphere. Here, read this and learn what actually governs a planets equilibrium temperature.

>However, the thin atmosphere of Mars has little effect on radiation passing through it. This means that almost all the incoming radiation reaches the planet’s surface, but then almost all its emitted radiation escapes to space. This is due to the fact that the Martian atmosphere has much more carbon dioxide than Earth’s, and hardly any other greenhouse gases.
Wow, your link says that because Mars has an extremely thin atmosphere, almost all of the solar radiation escapes back into space. I wonder what would happen on a planet with an incredibly thick atmosphere, many times denser than that on Earth?
Neptune blue spot come back?
Are you abandoning your narrative that the weight of the atmosphere is what heats a planet and now instead pretending that the thickness of the atmosphere is the only factor? How about we nail this one down right now: What heats a planet? Is it the sun, or the weight of the atmosphere?
>What heats a planet? Is it the sun, or the weight of the atmosphere?
both matter
Same thing retard. Dense, thick atmosphere can better trap heat, regardless of solar or planetary origin of heat.
Little or no atmosphere can't trap heat, regardless of solar or planetary origin of heat.
>venus was once earth like before it was turned into what it is today by aliens on venus driving cars too much.
Do they really believe that?
What heats the sun?
In some cases, such as with Venus and all the gas giants, the sun's impact in negligible. Venus and Jupiter would still have roughly the same surface temperature if they were located at Pluto's distance from the sun.
So you morons can't even figure out if it's the ideal gas law heating planets or the sun and you think that somehow you've stumbled onto some idea that completely changes both astronomy and climate science and that nobody else has ever discovered even though everyone is taught about it in high school?
How come theres no greenhouse effect on Venus? The planet has a 95% CO2 atmosphere, yet the temperature at the planet's surface is entirely explained by the ideal gas law.
>How come theres no greenhouse effect on Venus?
There is a greenhouse effect on Venus.

>For a really strong greenhouse effect, we should look at Venus. Venus is similar to Earth in terms of size and mass, but its surface temperature is about 460 degrees Celsius. This is hot enough to melt lead! The Venusian atmosphere is mainly made up of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. On Earth, carbon dioxide makes up only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere.

Did you mean Mars? Bad news there.

>As a complete contrast to Venus, there is Mars. The Red Planet displays hardly any greenhouse effect. Mars does have some atmospheric carbon dioxide, but almost no atmosphere! The existing atmosphere is so thin that it cannot retain energy from the Sun. There are therefore extreme temperature contrasts between day and night and sun or shade.

I think this article was written for children so it should really speak to you.
>atmosphere almost entirely CO2
>many times denser than Earth
>planet extremely hot
>atmosphere almost entirely CO2
>many times thinner than Earth
>planet extremely cold
What happened to "Venus has no greenhouse effect"? Embarrassing. If you can't even be consistent with your claims then how about you try backing them with evidence?
It called gravity
Here's a wild notion: more than one person is posting here
Here is my evidence:
>95% CO2
>1350 psi
>0.04% CO2
>15 psi
>95% CO2
>0.09 psi
Which attribute of the three planets most strongly correlates with the mean surface temperature?
Early Terra did have
- Carbon dioxide (A lot of them)
- Water vapor
- Methane
- Ammonia
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Noble gas neon
mate according to your logic the temperature inside bicycle tires should be several hundred degrees because the pressure inside is higher. Not how it works.
Bicycle tyres are only 40-90 psi, not significantly higher than ambient surface pressure compared to 1350 psi on Venus. As the thin rubber is a poor insulator and attached to a metal frame, excess heat is quickly dissipated to the cooler ambient temperature outside the tire at rest. Your bike tire is immersed in a fluid system (our atmosphere) that can rapidly dissipate heat. So not a good comparison to the comparatively isolated system of an entire planet.
However, once you start riding your bike, the friction rapidly heats the air inside the tire.
you don't understand the ideal gas law and you can't do math
>Air pressure
>Not partial pressure
You don't even understand the physics of gasses well enough to have this discussion.

>you don't understand the ideal gas law and you can't do math
>excess heat is quickly dissipated
You're so close to understanding. Heat radiates away from planets as infrared light. If gravity and air pressure were the cause of heat on a planet then every planet would be an infinite energy machine.
You're a fucking retard here's my evidence:
>mostly sodium
>5e-15 bar
> 430 °C (day side)
>90% SO2
>0.33 to 3 nanobar
> -130 to 1649 °C
>98.4% N2
>1.467 bar
> -179.5 °C
>day side
Did you want to explain how every planet can produce infinite energy?
>Stupid arbitrary metric. If you did the same thing for Venus, the temperature would be around 20c.
Nobody deboonking this yet? climate sisters....
>the infinity meme
The temperature's not uniform on Earth too. Now explain Titan. Despite having 1.5x the surface pressure on Earth, it's much, much colder
>One of the most captivating aspects of Titan's atmosphere is the anti-greenhouse effect, a phenomenon that significantly shapes the moon's climate and surface conditions. Unlike Earth, where greenhouse gases absorb and re-radiate solar energy to warm the planet, Titan’s atmosphere operates differently due to its high concentration of methane, especially in the stratosphere. This methane functions as an "anti-greenhouse gas," by absorbing some incoming solar energy before it can reach the surface, leading to cooler surface temperatures than if methane were less abundant.

>When comparing the atmospheric temperature profiles of Earth[62] and Titan,[63] stark contrasts emerge. On Earth, the temperature typically increases as altitude decreases from 80 to 60 kilometers above the surface. In contrast, Titan’s temperature profile shows a decline over the same altitude range. This variation is largely due to the differing impacts of greenhouse and anti-greenhouse effects in Earth's and Titan's atmospheres, respectively.
You clearly don't understand thermodynamics well enough to have this conversation.
>Now explain Titan. Despite having 1.5x the surface pressure on Earth, it's much, much colder
climate denial sisters... our response?
Titan's atmosphere is nearly 6% methane, so in theory it should have a massive greenhouse effect, yet Titan's surface temperature is only 93K. Why is it so cold there, why doesn't methane cause an enormous greenhouse effect on Titan?
>Titan's atmosphere is nearly 6% methane
Given the density of Titan's atmosphere, thats the equivalent of 9% methane on Earth or 90000ppm.
Meanwhile the global warming shills are claiming that 2ppm of methane on Earth will cause the heat death of the planet.
If methane is a fossil fuel, why does it even exist on lifeless Titan?
imagine not even understanding the ideal gas law and at the same time claiming that you know anything about atmospheric dynamics
Dunning Krugerism is a prerequisite for belief in global warming
t. LARPers
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thats a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization. they can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.
An extraterrestrial cum from olympian god
show us an equation that accounts for both
wouldn't make much difference in this case so theres no reason to get overly complex, ideal gas law is already way over the heads of most of the people reading this board
because titan receives around 1% the sunlight earth does and even then its methane still warms it.
Venus is hotter than Earth for the same reason that its hotter at the bottom of Death Valley than it is on the top of a mountain, because the atmospheric pressure is much, much higher on Venus.
Seems like it would be relatively simple to combine both concepts, but I've never seen a combined ideal gas law and planetary equilibrium temperature combo
what even is the y axis?
>Venus with error bars wider than the graph
Comfy at 31 miles cloudy
you don't, you don't even understand the ideal gas law because the math involved is beyond your ability
>Pride homo
How musing
>Retards bumping the thread once a day so it doesn't 404
you don't understand the ideal gas law because the math involved is beyond your ability and the emotional discontent you feel when confronted with the reality of your intellectual limitations has driven you to cope by inventing cringey conspiracy theories to explain away the massive gap between what you falsely perceive as your own superior intelligence and your real body of knowledge and intellectual capability, which is laughably small and underdeveloped
thats how it works for people who can do fermi estimation
>Retards bumping the thread once a day so it doesn't 404
People who think that "fossil fuels" are of biological origin are never able to explain the massive abundance of so-called "fossil fuels" in the lifeless universe outside of Earth
Only coal is definitely fossil fuel, and possibly some liquid hydrocarbons.
Natural gas is absolutely NOT a fossil fuel.
In the massive pressure and high temperature of the deep Earth, the conditions are perfect for serpentinization to occur, wherein minerals like olivine are transmorphed into methane & other hydrocarbons.
Olivine happens to be the primary component of the Earth's mantle. Our planet is built out of minerals which turn into hydrocarbons.
Retard takes.
Is it or is it not true that under immense heat and pressure, olivine undergoes serpentinization and methane and other hydrocarbons are produced?
Is it or is it not true that the Earth's mantle is primarily composed of olivine?
Is it or is it not true that methane is abundant in our solar system, in places where no life has ever existed?
you don't understand the ideal gas law because the math involved is beyond your ability and the emotional discontent you feel when confronted with the reality of your intellectual limitations has driven you to cope by inventing cringey conspiracy theories to explain away the massive gap between what you falsely perceive as your own superior intelligence and your real body of knowledge and intellectual capability, which is laughably small and underdeveloped
Are you really trying to pretend that algebra is hard? Is this projection?
>Stupid arbitrary metric. If you did the same thing for Venus, the temperature would be around 20c.
It's not arbitrary.
If you want to use the "zomg high temps!" of Jupiter and Saturn, then the fair comparison would be with the Temperature of Earth's core, which is 6000-7000K.
Obviously comparing the wet rock ball to huge spherical fart clouds is comparing apples to oranges.
What are temperatures on Venus when taken from a level in the atmosphere equal in pressure to sea level on Earth?
>thread active since monday
>still no agreement on what the ideal gas is
I say it's helium. Atomic number 2, a nice even number, also the first prime. Inert, meaning it's so confident of its idealness that it refuses to change. And it's made inside stars, so it's awesome.
Most of the helium in the universe is of primordial origin rather than being the product of stellar nucleosynthesis
Volume depends on temperature.
By choosing a certain volume you therefore only have one possible temperature with everything else kept equal.

High pressure alone doesn't imply only a high temperature can satisfy the equation.

Equations don't necessarily tell you causal relationships, you can make a simple equation tying someone's weight to their volume but the cause of someone being fat isn't because they have a large volume it's because they eat too much.
about 350k

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