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Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?

Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
>Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?
they were the only ones insane enough to try probably although or something
>Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?
The knowledge on flight technology was published in technical books which could be purchased, and if you were very much into flying, you'd find the right community and the knowledge would get passed on, like with any other technical interests.
They weren't the only ones trying, others were as well and, if I'm not mistaken, there was a european who almost beat them
>is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, you're not going to prove the existence of quarks in your backyard
>they were the only ones insane enough to try probably although or something
Wrong, there was a substantial government project around the same time led by Samuel Langley. He spent the equivalent of millions of tax dollars to build a series of large planes that instantly crashed without sustaining controlled flight, in one case severely injuring his test pilot. The government tried to insist for decades afterward that Langley, rather than the Wright brothers, was the inventor of the first airplane.
Governments don't actually produce anything. This is a common myth.
The professional scientists of the Smithsonian Institute spent tens of millions of dollars in tax funds working on the heavier than air flight problem during the late 1800s and they got absolutely nowhere on it.
The man in charge of the program was Samuel Langley, a nepo-baby with family government connections. When the Wright brothers pulled off their trick in December of 1903, Langley promptly committed suicide by alcohol (he died in 1905), but not before organizing his fellow politically connected nepo-babys in the press to deny the Wrights' achievement, it wasn't until 1908 that the press admitted that uneducated children of a Christian religious man who learned almost everything they knew from The Bible had invented the airplane.
Well if you find someone crazy and committed enough, you could be just as capable as the big leagues. Don’t act like the Wright Bros did their shit on a hobby budget and didn’t sink most of their life saving and time into their work.

Now that I’m think about it, I wanna see some crazy guy build his own particle accelerator on his own Nevada ranch or something lol.
>Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
you can be whatever you want elon musk was self taught
I would FUCKING love to do experiments. However I got to pay bills cause shits fucking expensive. Throw in a wife and kids and I don’t even have time to think.
>before any major government or academic scientist?
why would they accomplish it first?
>elon musk
he does not invent, he buys
Langley's design was shit. It didn't even have control mechanisms other than the pilot shifting his body weight. The Wrights invented three-axis control. If his last prototype had actually managed to sustain flight the pilot probably would have died anyway because there was no way for him to control the landing.
Money and expertise, should have been a fleeting head start
from the modern government?
lol, you will be more likely to find nepotism
listen, rulers and governors only provide culture. they give the money to artist to spread their taste
No one would have heard of Da Vinci if not for them
Because this is a question taste, how can they know anything about expertise or GOOD EXPERTS? they could hire a some mid engineer/architect/etc for all we know. They could also hire some retard due to nepotism.
you can go right now and research government's experts, and you will find many duds among the experts
this is all common sense
>Both Wilbur and Orville were lifelong bachelors. Wilbur once quipped that he "did not have time for both a wife and an airplane”.

Well it seems you FUCKING LOVE to shag your wife unprotected more than you love to experiment. These guys didn’t let one bitch get in their way
>Wilbur once quipped that he "did not have time for both a wife and an airplane”.
As a former airplane owner I can sympathize with this sentiment. I tried teaching my wife to fly, but she refused to fly solo so she could never get a license.
>Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?

No, but they get murdered or commit suicide pretty quickly if they find something amazing.

Guy who invented that hydrogen powered car that was fueled by water just mysteriously died a few days after spooks came to his house.

And don't forget what they did to Rudolf Diesel.
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Isn’t that why they subcontract out to skunkworks???
Wilbur was full autismo and built his own wind tunnel, powered by Orville pedaling a bike. He then used this to evaluate all known aerodynamics and found major flaws with the existing theory.
Additionally, he alone had the idea of a banking turn, perhaps aided by his familiarity with bicycles. This was the breakthrough. All other experimenters were terrified of departing from absolutely level flight, and tried to steer only with the rudder.
>elon musk was self taught
What? He went to good schools. How do you think he was admitted into the Stanford PhD program?
>Wrong, there was a substantial government project around the same time led by Samuel Langley
And it was dog shit. The wings are far too short and it doesn't even have a tail. The Wright glider of 1902 actually looks like a plane, with long narrow wings.
It wasn't the government insisting that it worked, but rather Glenn Curtiss, a rival of the Wrights, who knowingly modified the Langley shitmobile as part of his ongoing patent war with the Wrights
>how do people specializing in lightweight aerodynamic speed machines make a lightweight aerodynamic speed machine???
There were plenty of people attempting to make a plane, and some purportedly managed to do it independently at a similar time.
Also the age of the government pouring money into new technology feels kind of recent. Or at least if there was a new bayonet affixing device it was in the hands of ordinary soldiers relatively quickly.
>Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
1) Jew funding and CIA time travellers seeding technologies.
2) Garage geniuses always pop up when Jews fund the CIA Time Corp to seed a new technology.
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Why is it always da jooos?? If da jooos are so powerful as you make them out to be, is that an admission of inferiority?

Da jooos live in your average 4chans users head rent free.
Is a living organism inferior to HIV? What has HIV invented? How many symphonies has it written? Has stepped foot on the moon? Does the power to rob something of its life mean its inherently inferior?

Let rattle around in your empty little reddit head for a while.
If only you knew how bad it really was
The backyard scientist (and effective people in general) are a dying breed because they aren't having kids.
What have you invented? How many symphonies have you written? Have you stepped foot on the moon?
Just because you happen to have the same skin color as the people who DID do those things, doesn't mean you get to take credit for them.
Nice try, but I know your tricks. No changing the subject Abe, answer the question.
Dont engage anon, at best this is bait and at worst your speaking to someone who's mentally challenged
Pride in one's community is what encourages people to be better and aim for lofty heights. Without it the only people working for these positions will be nepo-babies and power fetishists
Fair point.
We all know the people who seething about Jews on 4chan will never work for anything or reach any heights higher than the top step of their mom's basement stairway (so they can yell at her to hurry up with the hot pockets you stupid bitch).
this post was written by someone with deep-seated personal issues
Jews literally live everywhere rent free.
that's because they own the buildings kek, why do you think landlords are universally hated?
>complaining about jews
anon everyone knows the jews are in cahoots
>not pointing out TIME TRAVEL
Thank you, Prof. Explainer, MPH, MD, PhD.
I have never understood the "Jewish Landlord" meme joke before now.
it's because he's jewish and it upsets him when he is called out
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>Garage geniuses always pop up when Jews fund the CIA Time Corp to seed a new technology.
Find out who owns all the Apple stock. And commercial leasing in Cupertino, CA.
>Bicycles were as new as cellphones
Huh? No way is that possible. Bicycles must date back to the 18th century at least

because, at the time, there was no formal government support for industrial engineering

OP, the world was different before WW1.
They weren't the only ones trying, it is still debated on who accomplished it first between inventors from these 3:
Australian aboriginals invented flight several thousand years ago. They got bored of it and basically turned it into toys, like boomerangs. They often find ancient aircraft in the deserts of Australia alongside Egyptian hieroglyphs and other "Out of place" objects.

As usual, white people completely ignore this history because it doesn't adhere to their Western Canon ideals. Instead we have to listen to these retarded seppos sperging about some irrelevant nobodies who weren't even the first. Straight up moonlanding or Christopher Columbus shit.
didn't know they had internet on the abbo reserves. Gas must be really taking you to the dreamtime, eh?
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> Nice try, but I know your tricks. No changing the subject Abe, answer the question.

We are witnessing mental health problems on full display folks.

drink some vitamin c and get some rest. The high will wear off soon.
I wonder what it'd be like to invent planes and live long enough to see Enola Gay drop the bomb.
Its funny how organization like smithsonian has to find another bikeshop owner against them.
>Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?
Skill issue
>Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
Given how little the Wrights benefited from their invention, why would any backyard independent scientist ever bother sharing their inventions with the rest of the world rather than just keep it for themselves?
>Well if you find someone crazy and committed enough, you could be just as capable as the big leagues.
It's not so much about capability more than it is about shit being expensive, you can be commited to building a large hadron collider but you'll never have the money or permission to build one
Capitalism creates incentive for inventing. Government workers are also known for being useless twats. And I tend to doubt academia was really much better during their time than it is today; I'm sure it was better, but probably not by much.
Because Wilbur Wright was a genius.
As other posters have said, he invented the idea of banking to turn. He even had a patent for it.
He started from first principles and worked out how to fly. He was the very first real pilot in history, and he had no trainer other than himself. His guiding principle was that the plane should be unstable, so that the pilot has absolute control, rather than being trapped by the plane's aerodynamics. Later pilots experimenting with Flyer replicas said it was the most unstable plane they had ever flown, but Wilbur made it work.
It isn't about money.
Glowies Probably
How would you know? You've never invented anything useful and if you did, you'd expect to be rewarded for doing so.
Market entrepreneur vs political entrepreneur.
Going down in history as the inventor of the first airplane worth more than any money. You wouldn't understand this either.
>suicide by alcohol
Died aged 71 after a long career as an astronomer and in his later years running the Smithsonian institute.
>just keep it for themselves
Assuming you invented something, keeping it to yourself poses several risks. Patent law states first to patent gets ownership. So by not patenting it you risk having it being stolen by someone else. So what if you patented it first but just kept it to yourself?
>It isn't about money.
Patents cost money. Doing patents right with a patent lawyer is expensive. Defending patents cost even more money. If patents go undefended patents can be lost. Simply sitting on a patent incurs maintenance fees.

Owning a patent and not utilizing it for profit has negative cost to benefit.
Not patenting and working stealthily in secret has negative risk to benefit in the form of patent theft.
The only way to be in the green is to patent and then have a business plan to profit, but if you don't have capital already, if you don't have a workshop already, if you don't own your own means of production you're at the complete mercy of investors. Wright Bro's were lucky they owned a bike shop.
Now if you're backyard scientist it's propable somebody will tell you you have mental condition...
>Throw in a wife and kids and I don’t even have time to think.
marriage consumes men. I saw it while being an incel. I saw how men with bigger salaries sunk in debt while i bought techno-scientific toys and books. No wonder the gay mafia is so wealthy
>Why is it always da jooos??
its because they are the biggest cohesive network. Biggest and most connected
>What have you invented? How many symphonies have you written?
He was unsuccessful as an astronomer too
>you'd expect to be rewarded for doing so.
Yeah but you also know its never certain or likely, you are just playing the odds. Not getting rich isnt the worst thing that can happen to a backyard engineer, they can also get killed by corporate sicarios. If they get lucky they get hired by a corporation for a good engineering job and get put to work for the corpo benefit.
There used to be witches too but the jews killed them all. We live in total jew victory timeline
He was a drunken moron, he spent more of his research budget on holding cocktail parties and other social events for members of congress than he did on his non-flying contraption, thats what guaranteed he endless budget appropriations.
The Wrights put their successful aircraft together for less than $100 of their own money and Langley's budget ended up being over 8 figures, so its easy to estimate what portion of the tax funds that were granted to Langley were actually put to their intended use, probably substantially less than 1%.
Have you considered binging less Marvel slop?

Rules and regulations kill everything nowadays. In my country, you need to tell the state administration if you have a lab room
This. It's like crying someone is cheating in videogames or someone must be roiding because they look better than you; it's an admission of inferiorship and a cry for validation. In other words, it's pathetic.
>or permission to build one
I don't know about that. I think the govt would be fine with a billionaire building one in his ranch
Bribery, actually. Emerald slave mine money has its advantages
jewish fingers typed this post
No sane wife would let her husband live to collect her insurrance.
what inherent quality of a "government" or "academic scientist" would make it more likely that they* would invent something, rather than your regular genius?
The Bible is the best book you can read if you want to learn to understand science and figure out how to contribute to building a better world.
>Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?

t. Patent attorney
>The Bible is the best book you can read if you want to learn to understand science and figure out how to contribute to building a better world.
How's that?
>t. Patent attorney
What are some backyard scientific inventions you've seen lately?
Apple (stock) didn't really take off until the late 90s tech boom though.
Fucking idiots.
The 1990s was a terrible time to own Apple stock, its one of very few companies that didn't do well during that period.
That would be a surefire way of doxxing myself, no thanks. In any case there are not many backyard science projects, mostly because this is rather expensive on such a small scale. If you want the project to get airborne, you need to set up a company, get people in on the project and funding.
Why should anyone who invents something useful on their own bother to share it with the rest of the world?
>because they get rich from patents an sheeeeiiiiittttttt
Nope, the Wright brothers didn't, they were forced to go to endless court hearings and never ended up making a penny on their invention. In 1912 Wilbur Wright was overheard lamenting the fact that they'd invented the airplane while exiting a courtroom, he died later that year.
They were college educated, for starters.
If you can prove that the opposing party was 100% deliberate in their fraud against you could you not counter-sue them for literally every penny they own?
>backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
yes because science is hard now. Back then, you could be the world's most succesful biologist by just walking out your front door and crudely dissecting insects or plants you found.
I am sure that is what big pharma tells little pharma when they offer a pittance for their IP portfolio.
you can't because you have to prove damages and also because the judge is a political appointee and the people who stole your intellectual property felt emboldened to do so because they were politically connected and knew that the judge in any court case would be on their side.
if thats the case how come the wrights never made any money off their invention?
You'll never know because you'll never read The Bible
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Unironically how the hell did a car salesman manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?
Imagine they were Russians living near nowhereland and did exactly the same.

Muuh, it's a glider,
Muuh their wind tunnel was primitive
Muhh "someone" invented the motor long before them
Muuh they never flown, using the ground effect doesn't count
Muuuh even Liliental was higher wider better without a motor
Muuh, propellers were invented long ago
Muuh, Ancient chines paper planes had flaps before Christian calendar

UShitholers are world class in robbing, stealing inventionandb usurp inventions not in doing them

Btw, Bleriot made first plane worth the name.. Has had all the modern parts.
Quintessential "idea guy" here. Yes I'm aware that's regarded as a slur and not something to be proud about.

I have a series of ideas, each building upon the other, that could redefine the way people think about robotics completely. But how is a poor uneducated pleb suppose to make use of this? I don't think I could afford to go through the patent process even one time, let alone the multiple times necessary for each successive idea. How the heck am I suppose to profit off my ideas if not through patents?

Also there's ethical concerns about contributing to the advancement of what someone will inevitably repurpose into a weapon. I don't want that on my conscious. I'm convinced that by sitting on this idea and keeping it secret, it will ensure nobody will come up with the same idea. I mean it's based on old tech that's not obscure or anything. If after 100 years or whatever, if nobody else has thought of this I'm pretty sure it'll safely remain undiscovered for many more years if I simply remain silent.
>if I simply remain silent
And yet here I am posting about it like a dumb ass. Plz don't ask for details.
Build something to the first sellable product as quick as you can.
This was my first thought as well and would be very easy to do, but how does this secure an IP? Right now the only thing I've got going for me is nobody has a clue. However once the cat's out of the bag so to speak the only thing protecting me will be the law, which truthfully I don't trust to do it's job. Also this doesn't address my ethical concerns.

>as quick as you can.
I've sat on this for 10+ years so I'm in no rush. It's given me time to refine and expand upon my ideas.
Be an engineer and start making drawing with rulers and proposals, putting cardboards together, learn to use just enough math to tackle variables in design.
you're a moron and you have zero skills. your lack of skills and knowledge is what powers your dunning kurgerism and your idiot delusions of grandiosity
>I'm a genius inventor with a world changing idea
>try actually making something in real life
>hm that would be very simple but no
Why does /sci/ attract these delusional schizos
That's why I love this board so much
Spacex better off ban
Write it down.
Seal in envelope.
Mail it to yourself, registered mail or whatever.
Don’t open it.

Now you have sealed proof you thought of it first. Present it as evidence when you sue someone for stealing your idea.
>nironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?

>two bicycle shop owners
If you're educated, I'm sure you understand that everything you learn and accomplish could have been done without ever stepping foot into academia. You only need to self study, and the scope of printed works at the time was far smaller.

>major government or academic scientist
Major government accomplishments are really the work of a few great men, and a multitude of people around them that provide support. For the academic scientist bit, I already addressed it in my first point. A formally conferred degree does not grant you magic powers.

>is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?

Mostly, and only due to the financial barrier to entry. Low hanging fruit all picked and such.
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>A formally conferred degree does not grant you magic powers.
it only makes you stupider
By all accounts, based on this thread, the person inventing something rarely benefits from it.
I might be fine with this if it would help humanity, but realistically robots are going to be used to replace humans in the work force to the benefit of only a small select few individuals or be used as weapons of war and violence.
Maybe it's just the pessimist or Luddite in me but I simply can't see where the good in this endeavor is.
They gave out loans to anything bipedal back in zero intrest rates
Just wait it out
That technology will never lead to a space age.
They benefit if they invent something they need to want to use and keep the secret to themselves and take it with them to their grave.
t. beneficiary
>I don't think I could afford to go through the patent process even one time
Patents are surprisingly affordable if you're willing to DIY it. Less than $2 grand. You can check the USPTO fee schedule.

>t. patent holder
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This is the same line of question authors get asked all the time by hylics and NPCs:
>where do you get your ideas for books?
As if there is a “10,001 story ideas reference” and authors go up to the attic and flip through the pages.
If you don’t understand “creation of something novel’ without an explanation you won’t understand with one.
You can deduce the existence of quarks a priori dumbass
Lol no, material wealth is of little concern to those who enjoy the gift of non-material wealth like thoughts. Ideas are just recombine and resequence thing you already know, and schizo does for free when they zone out when bored with the material. However only well versed(trained) schizo can select ideas that really concerns the real world by doing experiments. And the best of them, powerful yet easily accessible ideas spread by self fueling and duplication like memes and wild fire, not something one can control or name after. Mid ideas needs a lot of training and written down instructions.
Secrets are frankly embarrasing. And to play along and live off of secrets is just doubly embarassing. And to dilute and wipe the masses of their existing memeories for a profit has to be done on matters most embarrassing of them all on just how little contribution they are actually making. Only a pyscho would consider doing this an honorable profession.
you don't even have a back yard
I read it caver to cover, but they didn't let me set up the nativity scene anymore when I killed two birds in a spell to sacrifice to Yahweh like the virgin Mary did.
Overall, unhelpful.
>Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?
Because they stoled the idea from a brazilian but because of "sopa de macaco uma delicia" the global press didn't paid attention.
it's not about the money it's about the glory and fame of being the genius, it's having your name next to people like Einstein
Those inventors and explorers were the product of white societies. Doesn't matter how talented and clever they are, they would ammount to nothing if they lived in africa or india. In fact, the achievements of most non white scientists (except for east asians) are the result of all whites forming functional societies that encourages discovery and exploration.
So fuck off. Without whites there wouldn't be a single black scientists at all.
Every book on patents and the protection of your ideas states that this doesn't work and can backfire. You can check all the court cases when this was done and judges never take those envelopes into account.
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whites elevated every civilization in the entire world by bringing everyone vast knowledge, technology and a culture that creates progress and what did whites receive in return?
genocidal hatred. jealousy and backstabbing.
just goes to show how useless altruism is when nonwhites are concerned.
They were smart because they never went to school. Instead of spending their youths memorizing propaganda out of schoolbooks they spent it engaging with reality and developing useful hands on skills.
When Satan tricked Adam and Eve into eating the apple, God should've given up all his powers and let Satan rule the world. He deserved it, right?
Something tells me you wouldnt have the confidence to say this to a black guy, or a jew.
All these things are good anon. The entire "white man's burden" was just a Jewish trick to pacify the planet when white man should have been learning from darkie.
i am surprised that the first powered flight vehicle was invented so late, even if it failed mid-air, i think a competent machinist in the modern day could probably build and fly the powerplant and the airplane frame and fly it for a couple meters under its own power.
The surprise is that unpowered GLIDERS were invented so late. No one in the renaissance ever made a paper plane?
First gliders were made in the 1890s.
>No one in the renaissance ever made a paper plane?
they didn't even know that air existed back then. it wasn't until the late 1600s that the atmosphere was discovered.
also its somewhat wrong to consider the renaissance as some sort of great leap forward, it was a rediscovery of and newfound appreciation for ancient philosophies
The Wright Brothers were able to create their incredible success also via rejection of contemporary information and reliance on well aged philosophies. Nearly all of their education was from The Bible.
Loads of software and apps still get developed in "backyards". it's just that mechanical tech specifically is now dead. As for your first question, I too find it surprising for there were a lot of big names working on the theory of flight before them yet they all failed to achieve it practically.
Unironically kys edgy faggot
Leonardo DaVinci inventedone, he just lacked a proper engine.
that weird spiral thing isnt a flying machine, engine or not. He could not even come up with a paper plane.
>it's just that mechanical tech specifically is now dead
A lot of the things people would want to invent and build on their own have been made illegal. Thats one of the way government and globohomo inc. collude to prevent competition from encroaching on business monopolies
>they didn't even know that air existed back then. it wasn't until the late 1600s that the atmosphere was discovered.
There is no way for sailing ship to exist before someone discovered air.

>The Wright Brothers were able to create their incredible success also via rejection of contemporary information and reliance on well aged philosophies.

>There is no way for sailing ship to exist before someone discovered air.
you're clearly wrong about that.
selective breeding was done for thousands of years before DNA was discovered
>There is no way for sailing ship to exist before someone discovered air.
Really makes you wonder if cannon fire and catapulted projectiles followed parabolic paths before Newton invented gravity
>selective breeding was done for thousands of years before DNA was discovered
Your analogy doesn't make any sense.
An experienced breeder can look at 2 dogs from different breeds and tell which is which in a couple seconds. The same breeder can collect samples from one, but label it after the other on purpose. Without a reliable database for comparison, no geneticist would be able to tell and again, he must rely on someone experienced.

>Really makes you wonder if cannon fire and catapulted projectiles followed parabolic paths before Newton invented gravity
gravity is such a funny joke.

>newton discovered mass attraction
>cavendish proved mass attraction
>einstein discovered it is actually space push
>the best proof for einsteinian space push is a newtonian mass attraction based experiment
>space push is a natural law
>Natural law based experiment is very dificult to get to work
the analogy makes sense, you just don't want to understand it
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Race isn't just skin color
I agree it's cringe to take any credit at all. But it's only right to feel pride in it just as one would if their immediate family had done it. And race is an extended family, a genetic cluster.
>bunch of scientists postulate for a decade whether something is possible
>bunch of engineers get drunk in a weekend and want to test if something is possible
Many such cases
>Remains undiscovered until 1890
Because they wanted to fly and the "scientists" only wanted their paycheck for writing bullshit.
If Langley had actually invented anything there would have been no more excuse for his massive annual budget
No, it doesn't

The idea that generations of sailors died from natural causes without realizing what men are up against during a storm is absurd.
>that weird spiral thing isnt a flying machine
OK, so what is it then?
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This looks like a helicopter to absolutely no one
You don't have to announce what you do not think it is; it is sufficient if you enlighten us as to what it is.
All it takes is the right person with the right skills, and knowledge then the rest is effort and time. Without knowing anything about aerodynamics try to design a plane in kerbal space program. See how long it takes you to just get a shitty thing going, it will not fly.
Is this your stupid moment where you say stupid things even though you're already retarded?
he is not wrong though you goy cattle
nice revisionism and victim mentality you subhuman third world shitholer faggot.
your brazilian shitskin cope does not work when you talk to people who know how planes actually work.
third worlders are third worlders because of their inherent mental deficiencies, so you should be expecting them to behave foolishly and stupidly.

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