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Since the planet is generally cooling off since the height of the current interglacial period, sea level should be falling currently.
And observational evidence shows that sea level is currently falling.
Hypothesis proved true
>Stockholm sea level falling
Dutch sea level rising. Now what?
>what is isostatic rebound
a myth
the rebound of submerged areas would displace the water above them resulting in no net change in apparent sea level
I love it when I step out of the bath and all the water flies up and hovers around me
>a process exists that undermines your narrative
>therefore said process must be fake
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>And observational evidence shows that sea level is currently falling.
No, it does not. You're either ignorant, a liar, or stupid.
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thats a fake graph, theres no photographic evidence of sea level rising anywhere, but theres plenty of photographic evidence of sea level falling.
any propagandist can put any lines and words on a jpeg and claim its the truth, photographic evidence is much harder to fake
>photographic evidence
You must be trolling. People use reference points to keep records of tides.
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>thats a fake graph
there is no evidence of sea level rise anywhere on the planet because the sea level isn't rising
>b-b-but muh goyslop graph from government propaganda agencies and political activist groups
The rebound of sea floors that were formerly covered by miles thick glaciers should displace water and cause sea level to apparently rise.
The fact the sea level isn't observed to be rising anywhere on the planet proves that the oceans are receding.
It's the damn Dutch stealing all the sea water again! Those bastards just can't be happy unless their cities are underwater and surrounded by water like an inverted fish bowl!
Whatever happened to HAARP? Did that conspiracy theory become obsolete?
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>The fact the sea level isn't observed to be rising anywhere on the planet
thats a fake graph, theres no photographic evidence of sea level rising anywhere, but theres plenty of photographic evidence of sea level falling.
any propagandist can put any lines and words on a jpeg and claim its the truth, photographic evidence is much harder to fake
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>theres no photographic evidence of sea level rising anywhere
that's not how it's done.
Off course you're not going to take a photo of the sea level and detect a 5 cm change. Any ripple on the surface is 5cm or more.
You need to measure it continuously, over many years, day after day, so that the trend emerges. Tide gauges, satellite altimetry, GPS gravimetry, Argo floats, etc, all used around the globe, all that comes into to play and is used for a measurement as accurate as possible.
I hope you have patience for a relatively short video on the matter:
a shorter one, but the presenter is a total dork:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hciQPtNhD8
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>9000 word "because reasons" explanation for why there is no evidence of sea level rising other than easily and altered data on easily faked graphs published by replication crisis soiyence propagandists who have been caught lying and altering data regularly for the past several decades
lol that you're gullible enough to fall for their pilpul
sea level isn't rising, there is no legitimate evidence that it is
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Sweden's sea level is not falling, it's land is rising due to Isostatic Rebound.
Left picture taken at high tide
Right picture taken at low tide.
I've been asking for a source for that for months now and never been given one.
The shill fears facts and evidence.
sea level isn't rising, there is no evidence that it is
>lol that you're gullible enough to fall for their pilpul
Geophysicist here. This is my actual field of research so you can piss off to some place else, shill.
How much do they pay you exactly, or are you really that stupid.? I wonder.

typical retard. are you blind? look at the rocks and bricks. its the same. look at the fucking water line left over.
Are you fat enough to cause your bathtub to have isostatic rebound?
You'd have to weight about a 100 million kilos, but still somehow be normal sized to cause isostatic rebound.
I'm fucking huwhite! How dare you!
high tide and low tide are jewish gayops
fits the bill:
what if your bath was a hammock made of rubber sheeting? if that were the case then the water level would rise as you got out. the earth's crust is flexible, thats why isostatic rebound happens to begin with.
Thats a better analogy for post glacial rebound than the retardation in >>16247138
Thats how science is meant to work.
The problem with the global warming idiots is that they don't care about observational evidence
>The problem with the global warming idiots is that they don't care about observational evidence
their observation is that they observe social media and television while ignoring all input from the real world
Holy projection, Batman!
Low IQ global warming hysterics are too dumb to understand how and why isostatic rebound happens, they just leap to the idiotic conclusion that dry land rises while sea floors are magically immune to the effect.
I'm always amazed when retards like the two of you think you have some secret knowledge that nobody else in the world has ever considered, especially since it's always already a factor in whatever model you're complaining about.
>dry land rises while sea floors are magically immune to the effect
see level couldn't be receding the way it's observed to be receding if that were the case.
>You must be trolling. People use reference points to keep records of tides.
You cannot measure an tidal global average with reference points. It is always a model prone to manipulation every way. Myself build the level meterings and i am pretty aware that publishing the long term data was stopped because there is no local change. Little contrary to propaganda aka the current thing.

Ancient to now pictures are pretty good to see level changes. Not the midwit way of staring at the level but looking for erosion and outwashes.
I am made of black holes
I know theres a lot of overweight female negroes out there, but none of them weight that much
you're the one that is ignorant of how post glacial rebound works
Seethe harder. You're not mommy's special boy.
>global sea level is falling according to these cherrypicked pictures of specific places
>Myself build the level meterings
>global sea level is rising according to nothing, but i'm totally sure its rising anyway even though i have zero data of any type to suggest that.
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Belief in global warming is generally powered by confirmation biases of people who have narcissistic power fantasies in which they become the all powerful savior of planet earth and finally get the unrealistic level of admiration and respect that they desire and irrationally feel entitled to, but are incapable of achieving in the real lives.
This video does a good job of illustrating what those people look like in IRL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnZnnkJxoC8
>long term temperature trends show a cooling pattern
>long term sea level trends show sea level is sinking
makes sense



I predict you will make up excuses for why you shouldn't have to read any of these.
those aren't reliable sources of unbiased, scientific information, the government only publishes propaganda that support's it's powerhunger.
if nasa truly thinks sea level is rising, why are they expanding their sea level launch facility in florida?
they'd be moving to a higher elevation launch site if they really thought sea level was rising, so expanding the florida launch site proves that nasa knows that what it's publishing about sea level rise is false.
Take your meds.
>its hot during summer.
shocking turn of events, maybe try being less of an out of shape slob and warm weather won't make you so uncomfortable.
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>theres no photographic evidence
Q: Take a photo of the shoreline at 6am, then take a photo of the same shoreline at noon. What do you see?
A: You see that the sea level isn't the same, and slowly come to the conclusion that you're retarded.
>reeee football players are fat!!!
>they're dumb too!!! reeeeee!!!
meanwhile football players fuck stacy and have children while nerds are all genetic dead ends.
how do soience nerds dovetail their belief in evolution and their belief that they're superior to athletic chads? both can't be true
They have a cringey collection of dishonest pathetic copes and excuses devoted to just that topic.
You're not pissed off with me are you? I don't even know why I'm here I don't even know I yam
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If sea level were rising there would be millions of "before global warming and after" pictures all over the internet showing formerly dry locations that were consumed by the rising seas. The internet is swarming with global warming activists, why can't any of them produce any such images?

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