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My friend believes in everything Todd Howard says about gravity not being real. I laughed in his face for being so ignorant and stupid about a basic fact like the existence of gravity.

My friend then got defensive and crossed his arms. “Okay then smartass, what is gravity then?”

I replied that it was simply the bending of spacetime. He said what is space time and how does it bend? I said that heavy things bend space. He asked how does gravity bend space if space is nothing. How do you bend nothing?

Then what about time? How can you touch something that doesn’t physically exist? Time isn’t something like the wind or a rock. How is a heavy thing going to touch a thing as vague as time or empty nothingness bending?

He kept asking me these questions and I realized that I have no real understanding past googling things for hours. So what exactly is “bending” time and space? What is being “bent” if it’s just empty nothingness and how does time have a physical dimsension?
If you are a midwit (from picrel probably even below midwit) without a proper physics background then why tf are you trying to discuss physics with others.
gravity is a fundamental force in the universe. not complicated.
is he asking
>why do these forces/laws of physics exist??
>lets gatekeep knowledge so that everyone can remain ignorant forever.

Stuck up people like you belong on in an unmarked grave
God isn’t real. Santa Claus isn’t real either buddy. Sorry to burst your bubble
The graviton probably exists which is the force-carrier for gravity. It's just that it is impossible to detect because you can't build a detector big enough with enough neutrino shielding without causing a black hole to form.
Next time ask him for a bedsheet and some round objects.
You are at the local maximum on the Dunning-Kruger curve aka the mount of stupid lmao
Wait, couldn't you indirectly detect gravitons with an array of neutrino detectors instead?
I don't know, but the last thing you should do is listen to a fuzzy-haired crackpot plagiarist and I am not just talking about blacks at Harvard.
>insults calling others stupid
>ironically is too stupid to logically answer even a single scientific question

The kettle calling the pot black. If anything, you’re 100x times more retarded than OP.
Your friend is just addicted to fringe theories and being in an exclusive "in" group. You probably won't change his mind since doesn't want to leave the cool kids' club.

No one can definitively say "xyz" causes gravity right now, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that it exists. To use an example from biology, imagine it's the year 1920. Your friend completely rejects the idea of generational inheritance and embraces some retarded schizo garbage. You give him examples. We've got a good rough idea because of Mendel's pea plants, but then he asks you to explain the mechanism on a molecular level. You can't, because no one has concrete proof of DNA being the answer at this point in time. This is before Griffith's pnemococcus shit, and well before Watson & Cricks or epigenetics to boot.

Just because the molecular/quantum/whatever mechanism isn't solved doesn't erase its effects from existence.
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Anon I don’t know how many times we have gone over this bullshit but instead of insulting you let’s give you academic reference to help you understand

First read this summary of newtons laws of motion


Now let’s learn celestial navigation


Now let’s learn about time and the frequency of time


And last of all how time was discovered with earths motion called sidereal time


In summary time is not real thing. Time is a measurement of earths rotation in front of the sun.

Space time. Is the point of space you are on earth relative to time (the exact position of earths rotation in front of the sun) space does not fucking bend!!’ Stay away from Jew science

No, read it again, he wasn't calling himself smart or pretending like he knew the answers to everything, he was just pointing out why OP's arguments collapsed in on themselves when a minimum amount of critical pressure was applied.
Gravity is the local movement potential
>He kept asking me these questions and I realized that I have no real understanding past googling things for hours.
Anon, you're not really going to find answers to those questions because no one knows the answer to those questions. It's just an observed phenomenon. For now, it just is.

Space and time are entangled in the one thing called space-time.

>He asked how does gravity bend space if space is nothing. How do you bend nothing?
We don't know, but we know the mathematical relation between the amount of mass, and the amount of distortion. We also know the mathematical relationship between the relative velocity between two observers and the distortion that occurs between them.

>but why
We don't know. The universe still has many mysteries, and smart-asses, who point out that if we still don't know some things as a reason not to believe what has been discovered so far, are ignorant, because all along the history of mankind, there was always some phenomena we didn't comprehend fully, until one day we did, and we moved onto to the next logically emergent question.

That's it, that's where we are now. That's the answer for your friend. take it or leave it, but don't spend too much time with that stubborn conversation.
Space is not nothing. It's a higher dimensional surface that directs the motion of the particles moving through it.
Ok, but the lowest possible dimensional container for space itself is still just nothing and while space may separate particles from each other, but nothing is what separates a particle from itself.

Gravity is the belief that a large object (once it gets large enough) can get other objects to stick to it if they're close enough or "orbit" around it if they're neither close enough or far enough. Yeah it makes no sense.
>So what exactly is “bending” time and space?
It’s not really bending (though it is a convenient model), a change in the index of refraction is a more appropriate description. Any matter-wave with a longitudinal component will change the refractive index of the ‘aether’ as it strains it. This both influences its own propagation (inertial mass) and propagation of other waves (gravitational mass).
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Based. Trust in His voice.
Lmao. Meant to say Terrance howard
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Try my fantasies instead, anon. They're more realistic.
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>Todd, what is gravity?:

>It just works :)
You misunderstood. The knowledge isn't gatekept. It's freely available to everyone, including you. You however lack the specialization to understand said knowledge, hence why when you try to communicate it you lose an argument to a fucking idiot. So it's not that you should keep your mouth shut because the knowledge is gatekept, rather it's because you're too dumb to understand the topic and would end up miscommunicating it to others. How hard is it to say "I don't really know because I don't understand the topic"?
for many that is the hardest thing in the world
What is being bent is the geometry of spacetime itself. Curved lines become straight and vice versa. It's not nothingness which is being bent, it's geometry and shows how geometry is influenced by mass and energy.
can you show me a geometry?
Look at your screen. The light from the screen follows a straight line from your screen to your eyes. That's geometry
but space itself isn't a thing. you cant bend nothing
>but space itself isn't a thing
Why do you think so?
How is an oscillating coaxial circuit straight?
That's not what I said
why should i not think so?
Because science has shown that spacetime is actually a thing and explains how it changes. In general, many of the a priori intuitions held by humans have shown to be false or misleading, so you should instead base your intuitions on what the most advanced sciences have shown.
i agree actually
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>God isn’t real.
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>You however lack the specialization to understand said knowledge
>How do you bend nothing?
Space isn't nothing though, it's space containing vacuum energy.
low iq response
seethe and cope tranny
SpaceTIME is a manifold. Manifolds have geometry. A manifold of any geometry (as long as it's differentiable) can be locally flat or locally curved. Gravity is the observed phenomenon that in regions of curved spacetime objects do not obey the basic Newtonian laws of motion. They start moving spontaneously with no force acting on them, and their trajectories curve with no force deflecting them. Newton "solved" this by just calling gravity a "force" but we now know that's not true.

Bending of space-time was a myth we had to believe because otherwise Michelson interferometer showing that the earth isn't moving through the aether, would have to be explained by saying earth is at absolute rest wrt the aether in the middle of the entire universe. It is sort of like how patterns (anisotropies) in the Cosmic Background Radiation align with ecliptic plane of the earth. It would make the earth occupy a special place in the universe, and that is anathema in science, because being special the earth would become something like a zoo or an experiment of a higher being.

By believing in the Einstein's Relativity we can now assume there is no aether, and that it is the fundamental dimensions of mass, length and time changing to make the Michelson interferometer compensate exactly to make it look as though Earth is not moving through the aether.

I can prove this with citations from Einsteins own writings. But I will post about it another time on 4chan.
Gravity = incoherent dielectric acceleration.
You wouldn't be able to distinguish the difference between a neutrino and a graviton which sort of fails the definition of what it means to detect something.
Gravity is a product of diffused elements. Elements and gravity go hand in hand. The fires of the Sun can go out just as quickly as they are a massive entity, and the world can fall apart just as firmly as it is held together, minus transactive and permissive energies involved with elements and gravity.
How did Newton miss this?
Like you - faggot.
The Earth being special is not exactly anathema to science. The heliocentric theory was technically a scientific theory. It's just that the idea of naturalness has been the status quo for science for a long time, but this may change in the future, similar to the idea that waves always need a medium to propagate.
Einstein missed it too. And with a perfectly clear explanation of gravy???
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant question
very nice, thank you
fundamental forces in general seem weird to me. Like, it works always, constantly, without a power source. How?

And if things are constantly working, the idea of entropy seems laughable. if anything, over a long enough timeline, the constant forces should result in organization based upon those constant forces.
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>without a power source
the power source is "energy". For whatever reason we don't know, it has to flow, and it flows according to those laws, and don't know why either. But we'll keep trying to figure it out.
>fell for midwit scientism
Alright OP, let me give you the insider scoop.
The entirety of science, is about making models to predict what's going to happen next; it's never about finding the real truth behind reality. That's philosophy, and they are still working on it.
Gravity is a model. Space and time is a model. They are all made up, it's true. HOWEVER. The patterns of reality they describe is thus far, very predictable and very real. And so, we keep on using them, because again thus far, there have been no better models at predictions.
So no, science don't know exactly what IS gravity. What we do know however, from non-stop experimentation, is exactly how this phenomenon that we classify as "gravity" react when we poke it from all possible angles.
And this isn't just limited to gravity, but to literally every facet of reality. Questions concerning what things ultimately are is metaphysical in nature and in the province of /x/ and rather than /sci/.
So when it comes to individuals such as Terrence Howard, the real questions is, the alternative models he's championing, can they make better predictions than the current models? Because if not, even if on the off chance they are somehow describing the actual truth of reality, it's still useless scientifically in their current states.
Everything must have a total sum velocity through space-time of c, the speed of light. c is the "speed of light", but is more fundamental than that, it's the render speed of the universe. Objects warp space-time, meaning time moves slower as you approach an object and the degree of that slowing is related to the mass of the object. It's an incredibly weak effect, so only seen on large scales. If you're moving through time slower, you need to gain velocity through one of the other dimensions to continue moving through space-time with a sum velocity of c through all 4 dimensions. Therefore, you accelerate in the direction of the object distorting space time in order to make up for the velocity lost through time. That's gravity. As for "what is space-time" and these other questions, that's more philosophical. We can't really know, because we are stuck "inside" it, and have a limited perspective.
Wow. This board sucks when it comes to actual science questions, huh? /pol/ shit thrives here, especially racist /pol/ shit, but somebody asks a straightforward, answerable question about gravity and suddenly it's aether this and Barkon that. Wtf.
OP let people believe what they want

if your friend wants to think you are stupid for believing in gravity bring him to a cliff and ask him to step off

now the pressure is on him when you ask why he doesnt want to
stick around, we need more actual scientists.
OP got destroyed by first reply tho, what is the issue?
Oh I'm no scientist. I just know more than the flat earth/aether/Einstein was a Jew crowd.
You have no idea how entropy works. Look up the entropic force. Entropy can create order depending on the conditions of the closed system.
>Entropy can create order

lol, you win the award for most fucking retarded post on /sci/. Look up the definition of entropy next time.
OP didn’t get destroyed you faggot. First reply just dodges the question entirely
Look at me! I can parrot google definitions!

Look up the entropic force and learn something. Entropy does not always lead to disorder. It can act as an emergent force that organizes things, for instance a rubber band. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropic_force
the post itself is a low quality bait. Or IDK, copypasted from reddit. Even you might be the one who opened the thread just to flame the nonexistent argument.
That's not true at all. The question of what *is* gravity or what physics actually describes is a philosophical one, for which you don't need much of a background on the technicalities.
There's much experimental proof for Einstein's theories of relativity.
Your reply = incoherent word salad
but unless graviton fluxes are extremely small in number, as in even smaller than that of neutrinos, wouldn't you be able to immediately tell you were detecting gravitons by comparison with average neutrinos detected in the same lengths of time

modern science shouldn't have a problem with this either because muh statistics rule particle physics these days...
They do not really interact with matter. Keep in mind only recently gravity waves have been detected by LIGO and that took two black holes colliding. The requirements for detecting a graviton are many orders of magnitude larger than this. Check out Freeman Dyson's paper: Is The Graviton Detectable?

Just to give you an idea, here's Freeman Dyson's idea for a graviton detector
>If we imagine the whole mass of the earth to be used as a graviton detector, with the
cross-section (20) per electron and the flux (23), the counting-rate is 2.4 × 10−17 per second.
If the experiment continues for the life-time of the sun, which is 5 billion years, the expected
total number of gravitons detected will be 4. The experiment barely succeeds, but in principle
it can detect gravitons.
Geberal relatovoty does not wxplain gravity, merely does the gamma-tranny thing it did to classical mechanics.

The very arcana of gravity is Le Sage's particles.
Gravity is falling aether https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=121362
You been deboonked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBRBB6D8SdY
Motion in general relativity is explained by two equations; the field equation, which tells you how space (the Einstein tensor and consequently the metric tensor) bends in response to mass and energy (described by the Stress-Energy tensor), and the geodesic equation, which tells you which lines of motion are "straight" in curved space.
Then how can you prove that it exists if there's no scientific way to measure it or detect it?
Gravity waves have been detected and all of the best theories say that this energy should be quantized or the energy must come in countable fundamental units like the photon for light.
Is waves a noun or adverb?
I thought entropy always leads to perfect order? If you leave a system with energy in it for long enough, it will always reach equilibrium.
Waves is a noun here, Gravity is the adjective (but it should be gravitational instead)
Priests were right.
Go back to 3rd grade English class.
>the power source is "energy"
we don't know what energy is either. we just like to act like we do by employing various tautologies.
Not knowing doesn't make something fake.
Gravity is the collective attractive force between the atoms of two or more masses. It can be measured as waves due to the fluctuation of the electron concentration in the bulk.
insanely big body attract insanely tiny body
Criss Cross Applesauce
bedsheet is a material with qualities. what is space that is getting bent?
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Man, /sci/ truly is full of scientifically illiterate retards. Not a single person in this entire thread could answer literally any of OPs questions. I’m blown away by the low IQ idiots allowed to post on this board.
Calculus problems should become the captchas.
would be funny when you see the same posts,
captchas are harder than even you can solve, kiddo
>My friend believes...
stopped reading at believes
>In summary time is not real thing
That's why the time coordinate has an imaginary factor in typical spacetime metrics. The imaginary nature of time is built into relativity theory
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>Oh I’m so smart because I called Everyone here a moron yet I never even answered the question.

Kys fag
yes you are a complatelly morron allought some of you suggested that gravity cannot be distingueshed from accelerating up, you never ever showed whys or how.
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you never did the mathamatical prof why i did
with out meassuments
e=mc2also works nothing left to say
OP got destroyed by first response though?
Space isn't nothing. If there were nothing there there would be no space
I'm not smart enough to solve Einstein's equations, but since people who did solve them got some reliable and accurate predictions I'm relatively confident that they describe reality accurately.
Again, you and your friend are retarded. Time isn't nothing either, nor is space.
Time is bent along with space because the two are directly linked, it's not space and time, it's spacetime. Why? I don't know sometimes the universe is a funny place.

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