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if a quantum computer could calculate exactly where a ball will go, why could it not calculate what would happen from the big bang, to the end of the universe. ?
It can, it's just that universes have interested parties who like to exploit the original data.

How stupid are you? This is basic stuff..

Only joke, you have to have 300 IQ to understand things like this.
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Anon quantum computing will never exist. It’s a scam.

Cope and Seeth
In high school AP physics class one of my labs was to set up a ramp for a marble on the lab table and place a coffee can at least 6 feet away on the floor. I would have to do the math by hand to construct the ramp in such a manner the marble would roll down the contraption and shoot off the lab table and land in the coffee can perfectly. We all got one chance, the teacher had the marble in his pocket. When your contraption was complete you called the teacher over and he dropped the marble himself and we all waited to see if it landed in the coffee can. It was a pass or fail, one shot. My lab group swished the marble in the can, got an A.

You don't need a quantum computer to plot the path of a ball. It's simple math based on Newtonian mechanics. I literally did it at 16 with paper and a TI-83. Also not to put a too fine a point on it but comparing my HS lab experiment to plotting all the mater in all the universe(known & unknown) through out all space & time is the most retarded thing I've read all week. Congrats.
>Anon quantum computing will never exist. It’s a scam.
>Cope and Seeth
This too
causality is a debunked myth
I want QC to work but the actual QC projects all look and act like Theranos.
How does a quantum computer fit into computing theory? What type of computer are they?
>why could it not calculate what would happen from the big bang, to the end of the universe. ?
because that quantum computer is the entire universe. The only way to simulate everything, down to the very last fundamental particle and all the paths and all he interactions they took and will ever take, is the universe itself.

Anything else is but an approximation, data must be discarded, and so they're called simulations.
>What type of computer are they?
Random number generators.
>why could it not calculate what would happen from the big bang, to the end of the universe. ?
Why cant I model the behavior of 10^80 atom with just few thousands or millions atoms?
Not really
You can reliably store a mathematical maximum of 2 bits in 1 qubit and the universe contains approximately 1E80 total particles. Even if every particle in the universe were used as part of the quantum computer, that would only be able to store about 2E80 bits of data. Even with a theoretical decillion to one lossless data compression algorithm, the position vectors alone would require more data than could be stored.
If quantum bollocks were to stop on a dime it’s still quantum bollocks
Because simulating an entire universe accurately and without using significant approximations would take more information than is contained within the entire observable universe.
First learn the capabilities and limitations of quantum computers, you dumbasses.
Fucking retard.
>if a quantum computer could calculate exactly where a ball will go
Quantum computing can solve the ligma problem?
>Fucking retard.
He's right though, you reddit pseud.
>Fucking retard.
I guess you're the only person on earth who has got evidence for the causality idea. Go ahead and present it to the world and claim your nobel (while somehow explaining away the myriad of counterproofs).
Nigga it's the most fucking retarded idea ever made. There'd be absolutely no point for anything in the universe to exist if it was a thing.
A quantum computer can be simulated by a Turing machine, so every problem that can be solved by a quantum computer can be solved by a regular computer. Quantum computers can be modeled by a 'Quantum Turing machine.'
Is there some O changes for different kinds of problems depending on the machine type?
It heavily depends on the algorithm. In the best possible scenario a quantum computer can run in O(n) time what requires O(2^n) time in a classical computer. However current practical quantum algorithms run in O(n) what requires O(n*n) in classical computers.

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